Resident Evil 4-EVER
Resident evil 3 story line &walkthrough


The Games
Resident Evil Zero
Resident Evil 1/directors cut
Resident Evil 1 Gamecube
Resident Evil 1.5
Resident evil 2
Resident Evil 3: nemesis
Resident Evil Survivor page
Resident Evil Code Veronica
Resident Evil Gaiden
Resident Evil Online
The Resident Evil Novels
The Resident Evil Movie

Resident Evil 3 is not really a knew game, but a side story. But it still rocks. you play as Jill valentine (who is in the original resident evil). Pretty fun.

 here is the walk through
<!--StartFragment--><< FMV >>
The zombies are infecting the Racoon City citizen. Then, There are many
soldiers and swat are coming from the central city to kill all the zombies.
But, the zombies is too many. So all of the soldiers are die.

Farewell to my life.
Farewell to my home.
This is my last chance for survival....
This is my, last escape....

First, Jill crashes into an alley after a big explosion. Now, there is only
one way you can go, that is left. Then, kill the zombie in front of you or
dodge it BY PRESSING R1 + X in a right time (this zombie is hard to see).
Now, climb over the crate then go down and you will see event.

<< Event >>
Jill will be surrounded by the zombies. There are from the left and right.
Now, there is only one way to go. Jill will escape into an alley.
After Jill is entering the warehouse, Jill will try to convince a fat man
(don't know his name) to help her escape from Racoon City. But, that fat man
has just lost everything including his daughter. So he decide to stay in the
container. Then, you will take control of Jill.

| Items to get : First Aid Spray, Handgun Bullets |
| Enemies to fight : None                         |

First, go to the bottom left corner (don't ascend the stairs) to take the
First Aid Spray. Then, press the green dot at upper left corner to get a
handgun bullets. Now go to upstairs and enter the save room.

| Items to get : Warehouse Key, 2x Gun Powder A, Ink Ribbon |
| Enemies to fight : None                                   |

There, take the Warehouse Key (you can see it by yourself, or the right of
the entrance). Then, take the Gun powder A at upper right corner in this
room, then combine it with Reloading Tool to make Handgun Bullets and take
the Ink Ribbon beside the typewriter. Remember, don't save your game now.
Arrange your items wisely. Now go back to downstairs, and use the Warehouse
Key to unlock the door (at the bottom corner of this Warehouse) to the
alley and don't forget to discard it.

| Items to get : None     |
| Enemies to fight : None |

Here, go right (down) until you see the next door. Enter it to another area.

| Items to get : None                                              |
| Enemies to fight : ± 5 zombies (if you don't enter another alley)|

Now, enter the door in front of you (rather left). Anyway, you can enter
through another door, but you must fight about five zombies. Is that scared
you ? hee hee.

| Items to get : Shotgun, Lighter Oil, 2x herbs |
| Enemies to fight : ± 5-7 zombies              |

First, go on down till you find a white door at your right. When you try to
enter that door, a guy (wonder who is he) will run as fast as he can with
many zombies on his tail. Now, take care those zombies. Then, enter where
you see a guy was running from. There, go right and get the Lighter Oil from
the table. Now, check the dead guy near the Lighter Oil to take your
Shotgun. After that, go back up. Now, go right or follow where that guy was
running to. There are two herbs on the ground on your way to the next area.
Then, enter another door.

| Items to get : Uptown map, 2x Green Herbs |
| Enemies to fight : ± 5 zombies            |

From the starting point, go left. Evade the zombie, then evade one more
zombie. Now, the door on your right is a bar, and the door beside it is a
boutique. You can go to the bar through another way, but you can't go to the
boutique for now. So, go on down till you see a scream. Go up the box, take
the Uptown map. When you take the Uptown map, there is a blue light. That is
your destination. Now go on up, take two green herbs. Now go back down and
evade those two zombies left and enter the door on your right.

NB : After you get the boutique key, you can go here for changing Jill's

| Items to get : Ink Ribbon      |
| Enemies to fight : ± 2 zombies |

Go on down till you see a staris and gun shots. Then go down the staris and
kill those two zombies. Then, take the Ink ribbon near the stairs. After
that go follow where that guy was running to and enter the door on the left.

| Items to get : Clock Tower Postcard, Handgun Bullets, lighter |
| Enemies to fight : 1 zombies                                  |

You will see event that the guy is being attack by the zombie. Now, after
you take control of Jill, kill the zombie. If you don't kill the zombie,
Brad will kill the zombie by himself. So, it can save some ammo, but it
waste your time. Then, you will see event again.

<< Event >>
Brad is wounded after kill this zombie. Then, Brad say that there is no
escape anymore, but Jill don't believe it.

(Thanks to for telling me what will happen if you don't
kill the zombie )

Now, take the Clock Tower Postcard near the entrance door. Then go left to
take the handgun bullets. Now go to where Brad goes. Before enter that door,
take the shiny item, lighter. Now combine the lighter oil and the lighter.
It will become lighter with the oil. Becareful, don't be stupid follow Brad,
because this area where you get the Uptown map. So, back to the entrance of
the bar and exit through that door again.

Now, ascend the stairs, and go right. Here, you will find two way, one to
South and one to Northeast. Choose the Norhteast and enter the door.

| Items to get : 2x Red Herbs, Photo A |
| Enemies to fight : A lot of zombies  |

Go right and wait for the zombies is getting out from their place all, then
PRESS R2 + Square after they are near the barrel to kill them all in one
shot. Now go to where the zombies come out, and take two Red Herbs, and
photo A at the corpse. Now combine the Red Herbs with the Green Herbs. Now
go back a little, you will see a door which is soaked with oil. Use your
lighter here, and enter the door.

| Items to get : None        |
| Enemies to fight : 2x Dogs |

Now follow the path and you will see a dog is come out from the fire. Ignore
the dog, and you will see a dog again. Ignore it and enter the door on the

| Items to get : Gun Powder A, Gun Powder B |
| Enemies to fight : None                   |

Take the Gun Powder A and Gun Powder B in the shelf. Then combine it with
Reloading Tool one by one. Now, take your Ink Ribbon and save your game
here. Then exit this room and enter the door at the North.

| Items to get : None     |
| Enemies to fight : None |

Go on down, then left and follow the path and enter the door to the RPD
Office. Watch another FMV.

<< FMV >>
Brad will enter this door too and tell Jill to... BRAKK !!!!! WUAH !!!!
NEMESIS !!!! Brad tells Jill to run, but Brad don't have another way to run
from the Nemesis, and ask Jill to help him. But, Jill don't help him because
she surprises with Nemesis. Then Nemesis kills him and his next target is

Now, you will have two options :
1. Fight with the monster
2. Enter the Police Station

{ A. Fight with the monster }

I have a trick to evade Nemesis. Don't choose anything till the
cursor turn into red, then choose it. Jill will roll to right. Now, go to
the Brad's corpse, check it to take Card Case, then check the Card Case
to take S.T.A.R.S Card with Brad picture on it. After that, enter the RPD.

IMPORTANT NOTE : If you kill the Nemesis in Hard Mode, you will get
                 EAGLE Parts A.


{ B. Enter the police Station }

<< Event >>
Jill will run into the police station.

You won't get Brad's S.T.A.R.S card if you choose this option. But, don't
worry, you will find Jill's S.T.A.R.S card later in the game.


| Items to get : 3x Green Herbs, Handgun Bullets, Police Station Map |
| Enemies to fight : None                                            |

Take the Green Herbs near the entrance. Then, go to upper right corner of
this room to take the Handgun Bullets and Police Station map. Then, use the
S.T.A.R.S card to the computer to look today password. The password is not
paralel, so check it when you play this game. There are four possible
numerical passwords are: 0131, 0513, 4011, and 4312. Now, enter the left

NB : If you don't get Brad's card, don't restart your game, because you can
     get Jill's card later in the game.

| Items to get : Marvin's Report, Shotgun Shell |
| Enemies to fight : ± 4-5 zombies              |

First, kill all the zombies, then enter another parts of this room. There,
you will see Marvin's corpse. Check it to take Marvin's Report, and don't
forget to take the Shotgun Shell. Now enter another room through the white

| Items to get : Blue Gem (Sapphire), and Emblem Key (S.T.A.R.S key)|
| Enemies to fight : None                                           |

Take the Sapphire when you check the red dot. Then, you will see there is
a locker that is lock with a simple lock. Remember this place. Now, go to
the back of these lockers and enter the password you look just now at the
computer and take the S.T.A.R.S key. Now enter another room.

NOTE : That simple lock is Gun Powder B

| Items to get : None                     |
| Enemies to fight : ± 4 zombies          |

Kill the zombies or evade it all, ignore the first door,and enter the second
door to save room.

| Items to get : Gun Powder A, Ink Ribbon, David's memo |
| Enemies to fight : None                               |

Take Gun Powder A in the big locker, and take the Ink Ribbon beside the
typewriter and David's memo on the table (hard to see). Then save your game
and exit. Then enter the door that I told you to ignore it before.

| Items to get : None        |
| Enemies to fight : 2x Dogs |

Go on and kill those two dogs and enter the door on the left (the first door
you see).

| Items to get : S.T.A.R.S Card with Jill's picture on it and Ink Ribbon |
| Enemies to fight : None                                                |

Take the Jill's S.T.A.R.S card on the table (shiny item), and take the Ink
Ribbon if you wish on the table near the entrance [{There is Shotgun Shells
sometimes, so check the fire place, at the back in this room}]. Exit through
the same door and then ascend the stairs.

NB : If you don't get Brad's card, it's time to open the computer.

| Items to get : None            |
| Enemies to fight : ± 4 zombies |

Ascend the stairs again, and evade the zombies and kill those zombies left
or evade it if you can and enter another room.

| Items to get : 2x Red Herbs |
| Enemies to fight : None     |

Go on the path, enter the S.T.A.R.S office and discard the S.T.A.R.S key.

| Items to get : Lockpick, F. Aid Spray, Magnum or G. Launcher,   |
|                Handgun Bullets, FAX FROM KENDO GUN SHOP         |
| Enemies to fight : None                                         |

Take the lockpick (shiny item), F. Aid Spray (upper right corner of this
room), Magnum in the cupboard, Handgun bullets (for this, go to upper left
corner, and take the item at the right table, and this handgun is hard to
find), Fax From Kendo Gun Shop near the Fax machine. When you try to exit
this room, you will hear a massage. That massage tells you to exit this
town immediatelly. Exit this room and go right to take two Red Herbs, then
exit this room to go back downstairs.

Downstairs, you will meet Nemesis again. But this time, he has a bazzoka
gun. Ignore him and exit this RPD office. Once you are out of this RPD, he
(Nemesis won't go out to follow you).

IMPORTANT NOTE : - You will take EAGLE parts B if you kill the Nemesis
                 - Once you take both EAGLE parts A and B, combine them to
                   take EAGLE 6.0

When you are out, go on down till you see a fire, use your lockpick at the

| Items to get : Handgun Bullets, Mercenary's Diary |
| Enemies to fight : None                           |

Go follow the path, check the corpse for Handun Bullets and Mercenary's
Diary. After that, go to another room.

| Items to get : 3x Green Herbs, 2x Blue Herbs |
| Enemies to fight : None                      |

Go right to take those herbs. Don't go right, because it is useless for now.
So enter another room.

| Items to get : Gun Powder B |
| Enemies to fight : 3 dogs   |

You will hear a rifle sound. Now, kill those two dogs you see, then go on
up. You will see another dog. Kill it. After that, take the Gun Powder B at
the corpse. Now enter another room to the right.

| Items to get : Power Cable |
| Enemies to fight : 2x dogs |

Kill those to dogs after you go on up a little. Next, take Power Cable at
the car. Next, enter another room (save room).

| Items to get : Handgun Bullets, Ink Ribbon |
| Enemies to fight : None                    |

Take the Handgun bullets on the table near the entrance and the Ink Ribbon
beside the typewriter. Choose your items wisely, and don't forget to take
Shotgun. Enter another room.

| Items to get : None        |
| Enemies to fight : 3x dogs |

Ignore those dogs if you can. Otherwise, kill those dogs.
Then, enter another room.

| Items to get : Downtown Map, Gun Powder A |
| Enemies to fight : 2x Red Creatures       |

Take the Downtown map near the entrance, then go on down. You will see a
red creature. Kill it with Shotgun. Then check the corpse for Gun Powder A.
Go South, enter another room.

| Items to get : 2x Green herbs |
| Enemies to fight : None       |

There are two ways. Choose left or North, enter another room. If you want to take
those two green herbs, go right or South.

| Items to get : None            |
| Enemies to fight : ± 6 zombies |

Kill those zombies with Shotgun. Then go left, enter the right room. This is a
Save room.

| Items to get : Rusted Crank, Shotgun Shells |
| Enemies to fight : None                     |

Don't save your game. Take the lockpick in the box, Rusted Crank (shiny
item), Shotgun Shells in the corner of this room. Don't forget to put the
Rusted Crank in the box. You won't need it now. Exit this save room.
Now, I have two choices for you. Where do you want to meet Carlos?
1. Restaurant
2. Newspaper Office

{ 1. Restaurant }

Go back to the intersection or go down, then go up and
enter the right door to restaurant.

| Items to get : Fire Hook, City Guide |
| Enemies to fight : None              |

Now go to upper right corner and use the lockpick to take the Fire Hook.
Now, go follow the path and then use the Fire Hook at the opening on the
floor. Then, you will see event.

<< Event >>
Jill opens the opening and then hear a sound. A guy will come out. His name
is Carlos. He is a good soldier. Then, after a little chatting, they will
hear a door sound, and Nemesis's roar. Uh-oh. It is not good. There are two
options and you must choose an option. The options are :
1. Hide in the kitchen
2. Run into the basement

{ 1.A. Hide in the kitchen }

<< Event >>
Jill and Carlos are hide behind a small table and Jill is throwing the
stand lamp to the Nemesis and it is explode. Then you will take control of
Jill again.

Go to the Nemesis body to take the 'F. Aid Box + 3 F. Aid Spray'. Then,
Go to the entrance, and take the City Guide in front of the entrance door,
not the starting point. Don't go to the basement, because it is nothing
Exit this room through the alley behind the restaurant and you will see
event again.

NB : If you need two green herbs now, exit the restaurant through the
     entrance, event (the event is same) then go down and take the two green
     herbs and go to the save room.


{ 1.B. Run into the basement }

<< Event >>
Jill and Carlos are go down. Unfortunately, the pipe is breake.

Ok, the only way up is from the hole. There is only one hole here. So,
take a notice at my explaination.

First, go up until you see a bigger area. Here, go to bottom left. There,
check it. It is at another side of the freezer. If your place is correct,
Jill and Carlos will climb up to the alley behind the restaurant and see
the event.


<< Event >>
Jill will ask Carlos a question, but Carlos cut Jill's talk and talking
about him self. Then, Jill is talking about Umbrella that was doing this,
but Carlos don't know about anything, because he came here to rescue another
resident, and he tells Jill to follow him if she thrust him. Then, Carlos is
leave Jill and you will take control of Jill again.

Now, go to the Newspaper Office by go to the intersection, then go right.
Continue up.

| Items to get : Handgun bullets |
| Enemies to fight : None        |

Go on left. After two screens, take the Handgun bullets at the corpse.
Go to the North. Follow the path to the Newspaper office.

| Items to get : Photo B, Ink Ribbon, F. Aid Spray |
| Enemies to fight : None                          |

First, take the Ink Ribbon at the right and the F. Aid Spray on the table.
Then, push the ladder to the left, push the red light, descend the ladder.
Now, take the Photo B, on the machine. Then, push the green switch.
Ascend the stairs, enter the green door.

| Items to get : Reporter's memo, Photo C, 2x Gun Powder A, |
|                Green Gem (Emerald)                        |
| Enemies to fight : ± 3 zombies                            |

Go on down, kill the zombie. Enter the right room, kill the zombie again and
take Emerald (shiny item) and two Gun Powder A (near the Emerald) on the
table. Now, go right, kill the zombie on the floor. Take the Photo C on the
right table and the Reporter's memo at the upper right corner at this room.
Exit this Newspaper Office and use the Emerald at the same place with
Sapphire. Then, the Racoon City Hall gate is open. Enter it.


{ 2. Newspaper Office }

Go left, enter the door.

| Items to get : Handgun Bullets |
| Enemies to fight : None        |

Here, go down a little, then go left. Check the dead body for Hand gun
ammo. Then, choose the North path. After some screen, enter the
Newspaper Office.

| Items to get : Photo B, Ink Ribbon, F. Aid Spray |
| Enemies to fight : None                          |

Take the Ink Ribbon at your right and F. Aid Spray on the table. Push the
ladder to left until end, then ascend it and turn on the power. Descend the
ladder, take the Photo B, near it (bottom left corner). After that, push the
green switch you see. Now, ascend the stairs twice, enter the room through
the only one door.

| Items to get : None     |
| Enemies to fight : None |

Here, you will meet Carlos. Go to another side of this room and you will
meet Carlos. Just after event, Nemesis is coming. You will have 2 options :
1. Hide in the office
2. Jump out of the window

{ 2.A. Hide in the office }

<< Event >>
Jill and Carlos will hide behind the Office's wall and suddenly an explosion
occur and make Nemesis collapse.

Now, You can take the item from him and go out quickly before Nemesis wake
up again. You will see event in front of the Newspaper Office.


{ 2.B. Jump out of the window }

<< Event >>
Jill and Carlos will jump out of the window. So, Nemesis doesn't find them.

Here, take those two red herbs and go out.


<< Event >>
Jill will ask Carlos a question, but Carlos cut Jill's talk and talking
about him self. Then, Jill is talking about Umbrella that was doing this,
but Carlos don't know about anything, because he came here to rescue another
resident, and he tells Jill to follow him if she thrust him. Then, Carlos is
leave Jill and you will take control of Jill again.

Now, go to the restaurant.

| Items to get : Fire Hook, City Guide, Gun Powders |
| Enemies to fight : ± 6-7 zombies                  |

Here, take the Fire Hook. Then, kill the zombies. Now, open the manhole.

| Items to get : Green Gem (Emerald)   |
| Enemies to fight : about 3-4 zombies |

First, kill those zombies. Now, go up until you see a bigger area.
Take the Emerald at the upper left corner of this room.


Now, go to the save room. Put your Lockpick, take the Ink Ribbon, Power
Cable, Sapphire and Rusted Crank. Now save your game. Exit this room and go
go North and enter another area.

Go on left, put your Sapphire at the place (beside the big door), and
Emerald. Now, you can enter the big door area.

| Items to get : Book of Wisdom (later) |
| Enemies to fight : None               |

Go on left till you see intersection. Choose right and then enter the door.

| Items to get : None     |
| Enemies to fight : None |

Now, go on left and right until you see a garage. Use the Rusted Crank here.
Then, go back to the last area.

NB : Sometimes there are about three dogs

Go to the intersection. For now, choose left, then enter the other area.

| Items to get : None            |
| Enemies to fight : ± 4 zombies |

Kill the zombies on the ground. Go on right, kill the zombies that eat a
guy, then kill the zombie that is standing and becareful about this zombie.
It is not moving. So, follow the path through the left side of this area.
After you see a door or a car, press R1 + down then kill it. Now, enter that

NB : If you want to get Gun Powder B, enter the door, and then go back to
     the area where you fight 4 zombies. Go on down, and you will see a
     zombie. Kill it and check the green car for Gun Powder B.

| Items to get : 2 green herbs |
| Enemies to fight : None      |

From the starting point, make your way to enter another area through another
door. Take two green herbs you see on your way to another door. Then enter
the door.

| Items to get : Shotgun Shells   |
| Enemies to fight : Many zombies |

Here, take the Shotgun Shells at the corpse near the starting door. After
that, wait until the zombies come near the barrel, then shoot the barrel to
kill them. Now go on left and then ascend and descend the crates. Now,
continue right and shoot the barrel now, because it is near the barrel now.
Now continue right, and enter the door to enter Trolley.

| Items to get : Mechanic's Memo |
| Enemies to fight : None        |

Use the Power Cable at the right place. Take the Mechanic's Memo on the
machine. After that go down and you will see event.

<< Event >>
Jill meet a guy from the rescue team. Jill tells that she mets carlos and
tells him that she is a S.T.A.RS member. Then, she hears a voice, and ask
if there is someone wounded back there. Then, you will take control of
Jill again.

Go on up and see the event.

<< Event >>
"This looks bad" says Jill. Then the guy is groaning, then Jill said to him
to calm down and Jill tells him if he is save here and everything is gonna
be okay. Then, you will take control of Jill.

Go on up and enter another parts of this Trolley. You will see event there.

<< Event >>
Jill will meet Carlos here. Then Carlos asked Jill that Jill will trust him
and the guy, said that they cannot trust Jill. After that, Carlos said that
the survivors is Him, Nicholai, Mikhail and Jill, but Mikhail is hurt bad
back there. Then Nicholai trust Jill, after that Nicholai tells them the
strategy. The strategy is go to the Clock Tower and ring the bell to make
the helicopter is coming. But, they cannot go there on foot. So, Nicholai
tells them to use the trolley to go to the Clock Tower. Then, they are agree
and Carlos tells Jill to put an item on her. Now, you will take control of
Jill again.

Now, check your inventory. Your inventory become many or it is +2 slots.
Now, take the shiny item (Wrench), then open the lock and go back to where
you used the Rusted Crank just now. In other words, go back to the
intersection, choose right.

There, use the Wrench at the Rusted Crank. Then, enter the room.

IMPORTANT NOTE : There are two scenes in the gas station.

[( 1. Carlos )]

| Items to get : 3x Gun Powder A, F. Aid Spray, Machine Oil |
| Enemies to fight : None                                   |

Go take the three Gun Powder A on the table. Now go on a little and you will
see event.

<< Event >>
Carlos is coming and they hear the zombies roar. Now, you will take control
of Jill.

Go on down, and see event.

<< Event >>
Carlos is calling Jill, because he sees many zombies are coming. They are
knowing where Carlos and Jill are. So, Carlos is go out. Then, you will take
control of Jill again.

Take the F. Aid Spray or the shiny thing. Then, check the cupboard beside
the one you take the F. Aid Spray. Then, you will play the mini game or

## Puzzle ##
There, you will see :
___   ___   ___   ___
|   | |   | |   | |   |
|___| |___| |___| |___|

  A     B     C     D

Each turn, you will see if a word is flashing in red light. It means, you
must push a button to make the button flash is right on the flashing word.
It is a simple puzzle. Just push any button and the flash is right on the
flashing word sometimes. Just try it and may god bless you. Tee hee hee.
I won't do that. Thrust me. Here are those buttons sequences :

Button A = Press A and B
Button B = Press A and B and C
Button C = Press B and C and D
Button D = Press C and D

Then, you will take Machine Oil. Now, when you try to go out of this room,
the oil at another parts of this room will be blowing up. Now, exit this
room and see the event.

<< Event >>
Carlos is... No, Carlos doesn't move a little. Jill think if he is die.
Then, Carlos is moving. He said that he is fine. Now, you will take control
of Jill again.

Take the two red herbs in front of the door. When you try to go back, you
will see FMV.

NB : if the red herbs aren't here, you can get it at another place.

<< FMV >>
Jill hear a broken glass and she knows if it will gonna be explode. She is
running as fast as she can and you can see the explotion movie.

<< Event >>
Carlos ears like broke because of the explotion. Then, he will go away.


[( 2. Nicholai )]

| Items to get : 3x Gun Powder A, F. Aid Spray, Machine Oil |
| Enemies to fight : None                                   |

Go take the three Gun Powder A on the table. Now go on a little and you will
see event.

<< Event >>
Nicholai is coming. Then, Nicholai is going to the machine room. Now, you
will take control of Jill.

Take the F. Aid Spray or the shiny thing. Then, check the cupboard beside
the one you take the F. Aid Spray. Then, you will play the mini game or
puzzle if you check the glass.

## Puzzle ##
There, you will see :
___   ___   ___   ___
|   | |   | |   | |   |
|___| |___| |___| |___|

  A     B     C     D

Each turn, you will see if a word is flashing in red light. It means, you
must push a button to make the button flash is right on the flashing word.
It is a simple puzzle. Just push any button and the flash is right on the
flashing word sometimes. Just try it and may god bless you. Tee hee hee.
I won't do that. Thrust me. Here are those buttons sequences :

Button A = Press A and B
Button B = Press A and B and C
Button C = Press B and C and D
Button D = Press C and D

Then, you will take Machine Oil. Now, when you try to go out of this room,
the oil where Nicholai is, is blowing up !!! OH NO !!!! Nicholai is there !!
Now, exit this room.

Take the two red herbs in front of the door. When you try to go back, you
will see FMV.

NB : If the red herbs aren't here, you can get it at another place.

<< FMV >>
Jill hear a broken glass and she knows if it will gonna be explode. She is
running as fast as she can and you can see the explotion movie.

Um... Is Nicholai die ???


Now, go back to the intersection and choose down. When you try to accross
the lock door, many zombies are coming out. Take care of them. Enter the
room and then push the green button and take the Bronze Book (Book of
Wisdom). Now go back to the where you take two green herbs outside the
You will see Carlos is running with many zombies are in his
tail. Ignore them by going to follow Carlos.

NB : Sometimes, you don't see Carlos is running.

Go on right, put the Book of Wisdom there and take the Bronze Compass
(Future Compass). Go back to where you take the Book of Wisdom and then put
the Future Compass there and take the Battery. Exit this area and go to the
save room. There, save your game. Put the useless items. Don't forget to
take the battery and wrench.
Exit to the alley behind the restaurant. Then, go South to intersection.
Now, take the North door.

Go down, enter the door on the left.

Go on up, when you see the intersection choose up. Then, ignore the Red
Creature and use the battery at the lift. Then use the lift.

| Items to get : Handgun bullets     |
| Enemies to fight : Many of zombies |

Go on down till your view change. Take take the handgun bullets on the
North. Then, wait till the zombies near the barrel, then shoot it. Go on
left, kill the zombie left. Now, go on and enter the right door.
Here, enter the right door.

NB : Sometimes the enemies are : Monster Spider.

| Items to get : 2x red herbs |
| Enemies to fight : None     |

Take those red herbs, enter the only one door.

NB : If you don't have the red herbs, it means that you have take the
     red herbs or there are red herbs in front of the gas station.

| Items to get : Fuse, Grenade Launcher or Magnum, 3x Gun Powder B |
| Enemies to fight : None                                          |

Now, go on down, then down again. Take three Gun Powder B and active the
switch to manual. Then, check the upper left corner of this room. You will
have another minigame. To open the shutter, you must make the same volt.
This time, it is not random. So, I can give you the answer.
The answers are :

1. Red Blue Blue Blue === >> to open the shutter for Fuse
2. Blue Red Blue Red  === >> to open the shutter for G. Launcher or
   Magnum (if you get G. Launcher at RPD, you will get Magnum here)

Now, take the G. Launcher, then exit this room and you will see many zombies
are waiting for you. Now, you have two options. Choose one of them :

1. Head to the emergency exit
2. Increase electricity output

{ A. Head to the emergency exit }

<< Event >>
Jill  will break  the emergency door  and  unlocked  another door leading to
the outside.

Sometimes, you can meet Nemesis here. If you have unlimited ammo or many
ammo, you can kill the Nemesis to get M837 parts A.


{ B. Increase electricity output }

<< Event >>
Jill will increase the electricity output. That will kill all the zombies


Now, if there is one shutter you haven't open, open it right now. Then, go
bacm to the lift and use it.

Descend the stairs, go to the intersection, go right.

There are ± 5-6 zombies here. Dodge or kill them. Enter the next room.

Save your game here if you want. Go enter the next room.

There is nothing here. Go to the next area.

Go South and you will be surprise. Hurry go to the next door.

| Items to get : Fire Hose |
| Enemies to fight : None  |

Here, go South until you see a white hose. Use your Wrench here to take the
Fire Hose. Don't forget to discard the wrench. Now, go down a little, enter
the right door.

There, go down, use the Fire Hose at the red light or hydrant. Then, Jill
will take out the fire. Follow that way to another alley.

| Items to get : 2x blue herbs |
| Enemies to fight : None      |

Follow the path until you see a door. Take two blue herbs on your way if you
want. Then equip your shotgun now, because you will fight another green

NB : Sometimes the enemies are : about 5-6 white worms.

| Items to get : Crank                  |
| Enemies to fight : 2x Green Creatures |

Take the crank (shiny item). Then, press R1 + square to kill the green
creature. Then, equip your handgun. Wait here until you see a green
creature. Shoot the bomb on the wall. If it doesn't die, equip your shotgun
and kill it. Then, enter another room.

NB1 : You will see different event here.
NB2 : You can use the crank at the shutter at an alley behind the bar.

[( 1. Nicholai )]

| Items to get : F. Aid Spray, Business Fax, Manager's Report |
| Enemies to fight : None                                     |

<< Event >>

Jill will hear "wait!!" voice. Then, Jill run to the source of the voice.
Jill will see Nicholai. He shoots a guy. He said that he was going to turn
into a zombie. Then, you will take control of Jill again.

Now, take the F. Aid Spray and Business Fax on the cupboard on your left.
Now check the shiny item on the table, beside the computer to take the
Manager's Report. Then, check that place one more time. You will see a
password to access the lock door. The password is the big words. There are
two passwords. There are :
1. Aquacure
2. Safsprin
3. Adravil

Then, use the computer beside it and enter the passord. Then, the door is
unlock. Enter that room.

| Items to get : Oil Additive             |
| Enemies to fight : Many zombies (later) |

Go down, take the Gun Powders and the Oil Additive. The Oil Additive at the
upper corner of this room. After that, combine the Oil Additive with the
Machine Oil. It will make you Mixed Oil.
Then, when you try to go out of this room, you will see another FMV.


[( 2. Carlos )]

<< Event >>
Jill will meet Carlos here and after a little talking about something,
Carlos goes out.

Now, take the F. Aid Spray and Business Fax on the cupboard on your left.
Now check the shiny item on the table, beside the computer to take the
Manager's Report. Then, check that place one more time. You will see a
password to access the lock door. The password is the big words. There are
two passwords. There are :
1. Aquacure
2. Safsprin
3. Adravil

Then, use the computer beside it and enter the passord. Then, the door is
unlock. Enter that room.

| Items to get : Oil Additive             |
| Enemies to fight : Many zombies (later) |

Go down, take the Gun Powders and the Oil Additive. The Oil Additive at the
upper corner of this room. After that, combine the Oil Additive with the
Machine Oil. It will make you Mixed Oil.
Then, when you try to go out of this room, you will see another FMV.


<< FMV >>
There are one zombie... three zombies... five zombies... They are breaking
the window and enter the room. Now, the room is full of the zombies. You
can see event after see the FMV.

<< Event >>
Jill will hear a scream voice. Then, the zombies are coming into Jill's
room. Then they are coming at Jill. After that, you will take control of
Jill again.

Now, wait until they are close to the 'bomb'. Actually, this isn't a bomb,
but you can use it like a bomb. After they are close to the red wheel, shoot
the zombies and it will automatically shoot the wheel too. Then, if the
music doesn't stop, that means that there is another zombies left. Kill it.
Now, exit this room.

There are about six zombies in this room. But, if you exit this room by
going through the left side, you only kill ± 3-4 zombies. First, ignore the
2 zombies on the right. Just go left. Then, kill those two or three zombies.
Now, when you try to go to the door, there is one zombies again. Kill it if
you want to. Now, go to the trolley. But, don't forget to save your game
now if you want.
On the way to the trolley, you will see event at the parking lot.

<< Event >>
The ground is shaking. This is Earthquake !!!! Jill is hanging at the edge.
Then, there are two things are falling down to Jill. You will have two
options. There are :

1. Climb up
2. Jump off

{ A. Climb Up }

<< Event >>
Jill will climb up and evade the boxes. Those boxes will fall into the pits.


{ B. Jump Off }

<< Event >>
Jill will jump down and evade the boxes.

Just walks west and climb the ladder. You will arrive in the bus crash area.
The enemies here are those white worms.


Now, go to the parking lot save room. Then, exit through another door.

Then, there is a zombie come out from a car. Kill it and check the car for
Grenade Rounds. Then, go to the nearest save room to the trolley.

There, take the fuse and save your game if you want. But, I suggest you not
to save your game here. After go to two areas or go through two doors, you
will meet Nemesis. Go ignore that Nemesis and enter the left door.

IMPORTANT NOTE : If you kill this Nemesis, you will get M37 Parts B. Combine
                 it with M37 Parts A, you will get Western Custom. This gun
                 is similar to shotgun, but this gun is much better. The
                 reload is very fast.

Here, you will see another event.

<< Event >>
The ground is shaking. This is Earthquake !!!! Jill is falling to the
underground. Then, Jill will see another strange creature !! Then, You will
take control of Jill again.

Just go to the right, check the thing on the wall. Now, go down, then go to
the left and check the thing again. Then, check the green light for the
ladder. Then, go up that ladder.

Then, enter the trolley and use the fuse and mixed oil. Then, see event.

<< Event >>
Carlos is coming and tells Jill if this cable car is ready to go and Jill
tells Carlos if Nicholai won't join them. Then, Carlos will give Jill Flame
Rounds (you won't get it sometimes). Then, you will take control of Jill.

Go to the next cable car. Event.

<< Event >>
Carlos is running and tells Jill if it is looking good. Then, the cable car
is moving. Then, there is something moving this cable car. Then, they hear
Mikhail scream.

Go to where Mikhail is. You will see Nemesis. Just press X at the door again
to win this Nemesis. Anyway, Mikhail will die and there is no way out for
saving Mikhail, because I've tried to kill Nemesis, but the story wasn't
change. Then, see FMV.

<< FMV >>
Mikhail is shooting the Nemesis with his rifle. Unfortunately, the ammo is
empty. Then, Nemesis is going to kill him, but Mikhail use his Grenade to
kill himself and Nemesis. BLAMM !!!! Nemesis is going out of this cable car.

Then, Carlos is trying to stop this cable car, but the break is broken. So,
you have two choices.
1. Jump out of the Window
2. Use the Emergency Break

If you choose to jump out, later on the clock tower Carlos  will give you
a Freeze Rounds, but you must fight Nemesis with bazooka.
If you choose  to use the emergency brake, you won't receive the Freeze
Rounds but you will fight Nemesis without bazooka. You decide whatever you

{ A. Jump out of the window }

See another FMV.

<< FMV >>
The cable car doesn't stop. It goes straight and it's finally stop by
breaking the wall to ght Clock Tower.

| Items to get : Clock T. Key (Winder Key) |
| Enemies to fight : None                  |

Walk Souuth and you will see a painting. When you approach it, it will fall.
Then take the Clock T. Key. Now open the North door. This is a Save room.

| Items to get : None     |
| Enemies to fight : None |

I suggest you not to save your game here. Now open the north door.

| Items to get : Art Picture Postcard, Ink Ribbon, Freeze Rounds  |
| Enemies to fight : None                                         |

You will meet arlos here, and he will give you the Freeze Rounds.
Then, go on down, take the Art Picture Postcard and the Ink Ribbon at the
same place with Art Picture Postcard. Then, open the west door.

There is a stair to 2F, but don't go there now. Open the West door.

Here, open the south door.

Then, open  the south door. This is a Save room.

Don't forget to take the Bezel Key on the shelf.

Now you can go to the second floor.

Here, just follow the path and open the door. Becaureful of the Spiders.

Press the switch to pull the ladder. Climb up to the third floor. This
is a Save room.

| Items to get : 2x Gun Powder A, Silver Gear, Chronos Chain, Ink Ribbon |
| Enemies to fight : None                                                |

Now, take those Gun Powder A and the Silver Gear (shiny item). Then, go down
and you will see a music box. There are six switches and three possible
solution. There are :

    I            II        III

A : Down         Up        Down
B : Up           Down      Down      NB : Play option only available at F
C : Down         Up        Down           switch.
D : Down         Up        Up
E : Up           Down      Up
F : Down         Up        Down

Then, play it. You will get Chronos Chain. Now, combine it with Winder Key
and you will get Chronos Key. Take the Ink Ribbon beside the typewriter.
Now, go back to the green door where you meet Carlos. Use it at the green
door and then discard it.

At downstair, before you are open the door, Nemesis is coming and you must
choose what will you do. The options are :
1. Use the light
2. Use the cord

{ A.1. Use the light }

<< Event >>
Jill will turn on the light. After it flashes the Nemesis, Jill push the
Nemesis fall to the ground.


{ A. 2 Use the cord }

<< Event >>
Jill will break the cord, then put it in the water. Then, it makes Nemesis


Now, check the Nemesis body. You will get 'F. Aid Box + 3 F. Aid Spray'.
Now, check the green thing on the wall. Use the Bezel Key and discard it.
Then, continue your path to the room where you meet Carlos.

| Items to get : Grenade Rounds                                   |
| Enemies to fight : It can be 2x red creatures or 3x big spiders |

Go on down, you will see a corpse. Check it and take the Grenade Rounds.
Then, ignore all of the enemies if you are fine or kill them with your
magnum or shotgun. Then, enter another room.

| Items to get : Merc's Pocketbook, Crystal Ball, Obsidian Ball, Amber |
|                ball, M. T. Rounds, Gold Gear                         |
| Enemies to fight : None                                              |

First, take the Merc's Pocketbook at the corpse and take all three balls
(shiny items) and the M. T. Rounds on the table behind the wall. Remember
this place now. Then, you must put all the three balls at each place or in
the tray. There are three pictures. There are (from the left) :
Past Godness, Present Godness, Future Godness.
Follow this instruction to solve it :

Crystal Ball : Future Godness
Obsidian Ball : Past Godness
Amber Ball : Present Godness

If you can't solve this puzzle with this instruction, this is a random
puzzle. I think this is the table of these picture or clock :

|               |            |              |             |
|  BALL NAME    | Left Clock | Middle Clock | Right Clock |
|               |            |              |             |
| Amber Ball    |     -3     |      +3      |     +6      |
| Obsidian Ball |     -2     |      +2      |     +4      |
| Crystal Ball  |     -1     |      +1      |     +2      |
|               |            |              |             |

Then, take the Gold Gear. Now, combine it with silver gear and you will get
Chronos Gear. Now, go to the room where you get the silver gear or to the
third floor.

Now use the Chronos Gear on the machine near the inventory chest. Save your
game now. Then, go down.

Enter the door, FMV.

<< FMV >>
The helicopter is coming. Jill think it is save now and it's finally over.
But... Nemesis is shooting it with its bazooka !!! And the helicopter is
blow up. And, it's dangerous for Jill.

<< Event >>
Nemesis is jumping from the roof and try to hit Jill, and Jill dodge it. But
Nemesis is infecting Jill with virus. Then, Carlos is jump from the fire and
try to kill Nemesis. But, Nemesis is too strong. It's shooting Carlos but
it isn't shoot Carlos. It shoots the wall behind Carlos. Then, Carlos shoot
the bazooka and it's blow up. After that Carlos is unconcious. I think
Nemesis is die, but it is wake up again and you must kill it.

Now, you must fight Nemesis with bazooka.

I don't have any idea. But, I give you the trick :
1. Run around the small garden if it is needed
2. Just use your F. Aid Spray or Mixed herb (Red herb and Green herb) as
   little as you can, but if you don't know if you are danger. So, use it as
   much as you can

Then, after you defeat it, you will see Event.


{ B. Use the Emergency Break }

You will see another FMV.

<< FMV >>
The cable car doesn't stop. It goes straight and it's finally stop by
breaking the wall to the Clock Tower.

| Items to get : 2x Blue Herbs, 3x Green Herbs |
| Enemies to fight : Many Crows                |

First, go down to see the Clock Tower. Now, go right and take three green
herbs and two blue herbs. Then, go on down to enter another room.

| Items to get : None                     |
| Enemies to fight : Many zombies (later) |

Go down, enter the room. This room is save room.

| Items to get : Clock Tower Key (Winder Key), 2x Gun Powder A, 2x Gun |
|                Powder B                                              |
| Enemies to fight : Many zombies (later)                              |

First, go down, take all items and don't forget to take Winder Key (shiny
item). Then, equip your shotgun and don't save your game now.

Then, you will see if there are many zombies are breaking the glass and
attack you. Kill those zombies and use the Winder Key at the door.

| Items to get : Grenade Rounds |
| Enemies to fight : None       |

Here, go down and you will have some conversation with Carlos.

<< Event >>
Jill don't believe if Carlos is still alive. Then, Carlos is seems giving up
on it. He says that they can't get out of town. Then, Jill slaps him and
tell him not to give up so soon. Then, Carlos said that he only can't handle
it. After that, Carlos is running out of this room and you take control of

Now, take the Grenade Rounds on the fireplace, then, enter another room
through the double doors. You will enter Clock Tower hall.

| Items to get : F. Aid Spray, Clock Tower map, M. Thrower E, Operation |
|                Instruction                                            |
| Enemies to fight : None                                               |

First, take the M. Thrower E beside the table with the Operation
Instruction. Now, take the F. Aid Spray and the Clock Tower map on the
table. Then, enter the room on the right.

| Items to get : Art Picture Postcard, Ink Ribbon                 |
| Enemies to fight : it can be many small spiders or many zombies |

If you face many small spiders, it isn't dangerous, but it is annoying you.
Then, go on down, take the Art Picture Postcard and the Ink Ribbon at the
same place with Art Picture Postcard. Then, enter another room by going
through the brown door not the green door. This time is save room.

| Items to get : None     |
| Enemies to fight : None |

Just place the Ink Ribbon and another useless items and enter another room.

| Items to get : Clock T. Key (Bezel Key)                   |
| Enemies to fight : ± 4 zombies (if you want to kill them) |

Go on down and there is earthquake again. Then, take the Bezel key or the
shiny item. Then, if you want to kill those zombies, just go on till the
fire and go back. If you don't want to fight, just exit this room to the

There, just go to the 2nd floor.

| Items to get : None                  |
| Enemies to fight : ± 4-6 big spiders |

Equip your handgun. Go on left until you see a red thing (bomb). Shoot it.
Then, enter another room.

| Items to get : 2x Red Herbs |
| Enemies to fight : Nemesis  |

If you want to fight Nemesis, after you take those two Red Herbs at the
upper right corner, just enter that room again and the Nemesis will come.
There are two options :
1. Use the light
2. Use the cord

{ B.1. Use the light }

<< Event >>
Jill will turn on the light. After it flashes the Nemesis, Jill push the
Nemesis fall to the ground.


{ B. 2 Use the cord }

<< Event >>
Jill will break the cord, then put it in the water. Then, it makes Nemesis


Now, check the Nemesis body. You will get 'F. Aid Box + 3 F. Aid Spray'.
Now, check the green thing on the wall. Use the Bezel Key and discard it.
Then, ascend the ladder.

| Items to get : 2x Gun Powder A, Silver Gear, Chronos Chain, Ink Ribbon |
| Enemies to fight : None                                                |

Now, take those Gun Powder A and the Silver Gear (shiny item). Then, go down
and you will see a music box. There are six switches and three possible
solution. There are :

    I            II        III

A : Down         Up        Down
B : Up           Down      Down      NB : Play option only available at F
C : Down         Up        Down           switch.
D : Down         Up        Up
E : Up           Down      Up
F : Down         Up        Down

Then, play it. You will get Chronos Chain. Now, combine it with Winder Key
and you will get Chronos Key. Take the Ink Ribbon beside the typewriter.
Now, go back to the green door where you can
fight many small spiders or many zombies. Use it at the green door and then
discard it. Becareful to the Nemesis you've fought it before. Just run as
fast as you can and he can't follow you.

| Items to get : Grenade Rounds                                   |
| Enemies to fight : It can be 2x red creatures or 3x big spiders |

Go on down, you will see a corpse. Check it and take the Grenade Rounds.
Then, ignore all of the enemies if you are fine or kill them with your
magnum or shotgun. Then, enter another room.

| Items to get : Merc's Pocketbook, Crystal Ball, Obsidian Ball, Amber |
|                ball, M. T. Rounds, Gold Gear                         |
| Enemies to fight : None                                              |

First, take the Merc's Pocketbook at the corpse and take all three balls
(shiny items) and the M. T. Rounds on the table behind the wall. Remember
this place now. Then, you must put all the three balls at each place or in
the tray. There are three pictures. There are (from the left) :
Past Godness, Present Godness, Future Godness.
Follow this instruction to solve it :

Crystal Ball : Future Godness
Obsidian Ball : Past Godness
Amber Ball : Present Godness

If you can't solve this puzzle with this instruction, this is a random
puzzle. I think this is the table of these picture or clock :

|               |            |              |             |
|  BALL NAME    | Left Clock | Middle Clock | Right Clock |
|               |            |              |             |
| Amber Ball    |     -3     |      +3      |     +6      |
| Obsidian Ball |     -2     |      +2      |     +4      |
| Crystal Ball  |     -1     |      +1      |     +2      |
|               |            |              |             |

Then, take the Gold Gear. Now, combine it with silver gear and you will get
Chronos Gear. Now, go to the room where you get the silver gear or to the
third floor.

Now use the Chronos Gear on the machine near the inventory chest. Save your
game now. Then, go down.

Enter the door, FMV.

<< FMV >>
The helicopter is coming. Jill think it is save now and it's finally over.
But... Nemesis is shooting it with its bazooka !!! And the helicopter is
blow up. And, it's dangerous for Jill.

<< Event >>
Nemesis is jumping from the roof and try to hit Jill, and Jill dodge it. But
Nemesis is infecting Jill with virus. Then, Carlos is jump from the fire and
try to kill Nemesis. But, Nemesis is too strong. It's shooting Carlos but
it isn't shoot Carlos. It shoots the wall behind Carlos. Then, Carlos shoot
the bazooka and it's blow up. After that Carlos is unconcious. I think
Nemesis is die, but it is wake up again and you must kill it.

I don't have any idea. But, I give you the trick :
1. Use your Magnum until it's ammo gone
2. Run around the small garden if it is needed
3. If your Magnum is empty, try to equip the Grenade Launcher with Flame
   Rounds or another
4. Just use your F. Aid Spray or Mixed herb (Red herb and Green herb) as
   little as you can, but if you don't know if you are danger. So, use it as
   much as you can

Then, after you defeat it, you will see Event.


<< Event >>
Nemesis is burning itself. Then, Jill is collapse. After Carlos awake, he
brings Jill to the nearest save room. Then, Carlos said that he will take
care of Jill. Now, you are taking control of Carlos.

Don't save your game here.
Just go to the place where you are take the Gold Gear or placing three balls
or where I told you to remember that place just now. Then, push the big vase
and enter another room.

IMPORTANT NOTE : There are many zombies every room. So, be very careful now.

| Items to get : None              |
| Enemies to fight : ± 5-6 zombies |

You are out of this Clock Tower. Go up and you will see intersection. Go
down and wait the zombies then shoot the barrel with handgun. Now, go on
North until you see a hospital and then enter it.

| Items to get : 2x red herbs                                       |
| Enemies to fight : 2x another small red creatures with black spot |

Go on down and see another event.

<< Event >>
Carlos hears a zombies sound. Then, the zombie's head is out of its place,
because the creature kill it.

Then, kill those two creatures and go on north, then take those two red
herbs. Now, enter the room on the right.

| Items to get : F. Aid Spray, Ink Ribbon |
| Enemies to fight : None                 |

Go right, take the F. Aid Spray in the shelf and the Ink Ribbon beside the
typewriter. Now, Enter another room.

| Items to get : Blue herb, Director's Diary, H. Gun Bullets, Hospital map,|
|                Tape Recorder                                             |
| Enemies to fight : None                                                  |

First, take the blue herb, and the Director's diary beside the corpse on the
floor. Now, check the open cupboard for H.G Bullets and the hospital map on
the wall (this map is hard to find) and Tape Recorder in front of it
(shiny item). Go back to another room and put the blue herb then go back and
check the thing beside the elevator and use the tape recorder. Then enter
the elevator. Choose to go to 4F.

NB : Be careful, because sometimes after the elevator door is open, there
are many zombies are waiting for you (± 4-5 zombies)

| Items to get : None                       |
| Enemies to fight : Many zombies sometimes |

Go South and enter the right door.

| Items to get : Sickroom Key, Photo D |
| Enemies to fight : None              |

You will see event.

<< Event >>
Carlos hear gun shooting. !!!! It's Nicholai. He is still alive. But, he
wants to kill Carlos, because he is just another supervisors. Then, the guy
that has been shooted by Nicholai wants to kill himself by throwing a
grenade. Carlos is save, but Nicholai is jump out of the window.

Now, go South, take the Sickroom Key (shiny item) and the Photo D beside it.
Now, exit this room and go to another way that you haven't go through it.
There are two rooms here. Enter the first room.

| Items to get : None                                                   |
| Enemies to fight : ± 4-5 another white creatures that similar to worm |

First, kill them with handgun if you can or with your rifle. Now, check the
dead body for a combination number.There are some possible combination
number. There are : 104

After that, take a notice where the drawer is. Here is the map :

|4                             3|   Legend :
|                               |    1, 2, 3, 4 = the place of
|                               |                 the drawer
|______________________         |    =====      = door
|                      |        |
|                      |        |
|______________________|        |
|                               |
|                               |
|                               |

Exit, and use the sickroom key beside the room and discard it.

| Items to get : Vaccine Base |
| Enemies to fight : None     |

First, go beside the bed that nearest to the wall. Then, push the drawer
beside the bed at the corner of this room. The place is random. It is
depend on where is the place in the room before this. If it is at number 1,
you must place it to number 1.

it one by one. This is the map :

|3              _____          4|   Legend :
|              |__^__|          |    1, 2, 3, 4 = the place of
|                               |                 the drawer
|         ______________________|    =====      = door
|        |                      |
|        |                      |
|        |______________________|
|                               |
|                               |
|                               |

Then, the painting will fall down and then take the vaccine base after enter
the combination you see at beside of this room.
Exit this room and becareful of the red black spot creature. There is this
creatures sometimes. Now go to the B3.

Go on and enter another room.

| Items to get : 2x green herbs                  |
| Enemies to fight : 2x red black spot creatures |

Kill them and then take the green herbs at the bottom right corner of this
room. Then, enter another room.

| Items to get : Medium Base, Med. Instr. Manual, Vaccine Medium |
| Enemies to fight : 2x another green creatures                  |

First, go down, take the medium base (shiny item) and the med. instr. manual
on the table. Now, check the blue light and choose yes. Now, put the medium
base. Now, to solve the puzzle, all you need to do is to get the two levels
equal. There are five switches ( I, II, III, A and B ) to activate.
Here is the sequences.

I   = Activate
II  = Remains
III = Activate
A   = Activate
B   = Remains

Take the Vaccine Medium. Then, when you try to exit this room, the creatures
will attack you. Exit this room as fast as you can or kill them. Now,
combine the Vaccine Medium with Vaccine Base to take the Vaccine
(Jill's medicine). Now, go back to where Jill is. Becareful to the red
black spot creature. When Carlos try to go out of this hospital, Carlos
notice that there is a time bomb in this hospital. Exit this hospital and
see another FMV.

<< FMV >>
Carlos is running from the hospital and then the hospital is explode. The
explotion of the hospital is very good. Then, you will take control of

Enter the clock tower again. Now, there are two enemies. They are :
1. White creatures
2. Three zombies

You will get one of them. Now, go to where Jill is. When you at the hall,
you will notice if Nemesis is coming. Ignore it. When you at the Jill's
room, just talk to her and she will fine. Then, Carlos says that the Nemesis
is waiting for Jill. After you take control of Jill, save your game or later
if you don't want to kill the Nemesis.
Don't forget to bring the Lockpick. Exit this room.

IMPORTANT NOTE : If you kill the Nemesis, you will get 'Unlimited Bullets'
NB : Unlimited bullets is : the thing that you must combine any weapon on it
     (only one gun) to be unlimited ammo.

After you walk a little, Nemesis is breaking through the door. Just run
until you are at the road again. Use the lockpick at the door. This is save

| Items to get : Park key (Main Gate key), 2x Grenade rounds |
| Enemies to fight : None                                    |

Now, take the first Grenade rounds at the cupboard and the second is on the
table beside the typewriter then take the Park key (shiny thing). It's
hanging on the key place, beside the shelf. Now, put all useless items
include the lockpick. After that, exit this room without save the game.

Then, go right and then use the Park key then discard it. Now, enter the

| Items to get : None                                                     |
| Enemies to fight : 2 Red black spot creatures or ± 5 white creatures or |
|                    ± 6-7 zombies                                      |

Now, as I listed above, you will get one of them enemy. First, kill them
(kill them if they are attacking you. If they don't, don't kill it. It will
waste your bullets). Then, look at your map. You see the right entrance ??
Yup. Descend the stairs at the right.

| Items to get : None                                          |
| Enemies to fight : 2 Red black spot creatures or ± 4 zombies |

Kill them. They are in front of you. If you don't see a zombie at the first
screen, it means you get 2 Red black spot enemies. So, if you get that, just
go on down and you will see them. Kill both of them, then enter another area
through the only one door.

| Items to get : Magnum Bullets (later), Written Order, Park Key (Graveyard|
|                Key)                                                      |
| Enemies to fight : ± 2-3 red black spot creatures                        |

First, press R1 and you will aiming at the first Red black spot. Kill it
with Magnum (it is only 1 bullet) or Shotgun (it is only ± 2-3 shells). Then
aim again and kill another one. After that, equip your handgun if you bring
it, then go on a little, press R2, then shoot it. The other creature is die
because of the explotion. Now, check the corpse for the Graveyard key and
the Written Order. Then, go back one area.

Go on, then ascend the stairs.

Now, look at your map and you will see a door at the left. Enter it.

| Items to get : 3x green herbs, 2x blue herbs |
| Enemies to fight : None                      |

Go right and take all herbs. Now, go back 1 screen, go down. Now, open the
lid for the fountain. Then, I'll explain it.

You will see like this :

|    ___________________________ |
|    \          ___     ___    / |                Legend :
|     \        /WG1\   /WG2\  /  |                         WG = White gear
|      \    ___\___/___\___/ /   |                         BG = Black gear
|       \  /BG1\  /BG2\     /    |
|  _____ \ \___/  \___/    /     |
| |start| \_______________/      |

Now, what you must to do is make them into this formation :

|    __________________________ |
|    \          ___     ___   / |                Legend :
|     \        /BG1\   /BG2\ /  |                         WG = White gear
|      \    ___\___/___\___//   |                         BG = Black gear
|       \  /WG1\   /WG2\   /    |
|  _____ \ \___/   \___/  /     |
| |start| \______________/      |

Now, I want to give them a name. The left white gear is WG1 and the right
white gear is WG2. The left black gear is BG1 and the right black gear is
BG2. Now, move the BG1. Then, WG1. Now, move BG2. Then, move the WG2. Then
move the BG2 and then BG1. Ok, I will explain it with picture one by one.

1. Move BG1
|    __________________________ |
|    \    ___  ___     ___    / |                Legend :
|     \  /BG1\/WG1\   /WG2\  /  |                         WG = White gear
|      \ \___/\___/___\___/ /   |                         BG = Black gear
|       \         /BG2\    /    |
|  _____ \        \___/   /     |
| |start| \______________/      |

2. Move WG1
|    __________________________ |
|    \    ___          ___    / |                Legend :
|     \  /BG1\        /WG2\  /  |                         WG = White gear
|      \ \___/_    ___\___/ /   |                         BG = Black gear
|       \  /WG1\  /BG2\    /    |
|  _____ \ \___/  \___/   /     |
| |start| \______________/      |

3. Move BG2
|    __________________________ |
|    \    ___   ___    ___    / |                Legend :
|     \  /BG1\ /BG2\  /WG2\  /  |                         WG = White gear
|      \ \___/_\___/  \___/ /   |                         BG = Black gear
|       \  /WG1\           /    |
|  _____ \ \___/          /     |
| |start| \______________/      |

4. Move WG2
|    __________________________ |
|    \    ___   ___           / |                Legend :
|     \  /BG1\ /BG2\         /  |                         WG = White gear
|      \ \___/_\___/___     /   |                         BG = Black gear
|       \  /WG1\   /WG2\   /    |
|  _____ \ \___/   \___/  /     |
| |start| \______________/      |

5. Move BG2
|    __________________________ |
|    \    ___           ___   / |                Legend :
|     \  /BG1\         /BG2\ /  |                         WG = White gear
|      \ \___/_     ___\___//   |                         BG = Black gear
|       \  /WG1\   /WG2\   /    |
|  _____ \ \___/   \___/  /     |
| |start| \______________/      |

6. Move BG1
|    __________________________ |
|    \          ___     ___   / |                Legend :
|     \        /BG1\   /BG2\ /  |                         WG = White gear
|      \    ___\___/___\___//   |                         BG = Black gear
|       \  /WG1\   /WG2\   /    |
|  _____ \ \___/   \___/  /     |
| |start| \______________/      |

Then, after you make them into this formation, press the start button at the
bottom left corner. Then, the water will be drained down. Now, go left, and
then, follow the path and decend the ladder.

| Items to get : None                 |
| Enemies to fight : ± 6-7 white worm |

Now, go down and you will see a way on the right. Go there. After a few
screen (about 2 screens), you will see a ladder. Ascend it.

| Items to get : 2x red herbs      |
| Enemies to fight : ± 4-7 zombies |

First, go up. Then, go left. Ignore the zombie that come out after you step
at their graveyard. Now, you are at the intersection. Go right. Ignore those
two zombies. Now, take those two red herbs. After take them all, kill those
two zombies. Now, go back to intersection. You will see a zombie at the
left. Kill it if you want or go down if you want to ignore it. Then, go
follow the path and you will see one or two zombies come out. Ignore them
and enter the graveyard house by using graveyard key.

| Items to get : 2 Gun powder A & B and Iron Pipe |
| Enemies to fight : None                         |

First, take the Iron pipe (shiny thing) and those four gun powders. Then, go
down and enter the other room. This is a save room.

| Items to get : F. Aid Spray |
| Enemies to fight : None     |

Take the F. Aid Spray beside the item box. Then, take the lighter in the box
and don't forget to put Iron Pipe at your item list. Now, exit this room
without saving.

Now, go on down until you see a fireplace. Use your lighter here and Jill
will burn the woods. After the woods burned, you can see a light behind it
then discard the lighter. Then, use your ironpipe to broke the wall. After
the wall broken, Jill will crawl to another room.

| Items to get : Supervisor's report, Ink Ribbon, Rear Gate Key, Fax from |
|                the HQ, Grenade Rounds                                   |
| Enemies to fight : None                                                 |

First, take the Supervisor's report on the table in front of you. Then, take
the Ink Ribbon in the hanged jacket. Then, go up and take the Rear Gate key
(shiny thing), Fax from the HQ, and the Grenade Rounds (in the cupboard).
Then, when you try to exit, the machine will be operate automatically. It
seems tell to all supervisor ro return immediately. Now, exit this room.
See event.

<< Event >>
Nicholai is talking to Jill. Jill ask Nicholai's help, but he refuse it.
After a little explaination, an earthquake has occur. Then, Nicholai is

Now, save your game and don't forget to take the Greande Launcher and the
Magnum, then save your game. After that, exit this house.

Walk a little and you will have a little earthquake. Walk again and see
another FMV.

<< FMV >>
The earthquake is going fast. A statue is falling. Then, the red worm
monster is appear. So, the source of the earthquake is this bastard worm.

Now, you will have to kill the Big strange worm. There are two strategies to
kill this worm. So, here are those strategies :

[ First strategy ]

1. You must run when the ground you are at is moving. Then, shoot it.
2. Run far at the first time it is appear
3. Don't run far at the second until the fifth time maybe, because it only
   appear about 1-2 seconds.
4. Use the magnum and the grenade launcher only. I suggest you to use
   magnum, because it only take about 16 shoots. I don't know if you use
   granade launcher.

[ Second strategy ]

1. Go to the water place (you will know this place by going South)
2. Keep shooting the worm here
3. After a few appears, something is falling from above and the water have
   a high voltage

I suggest you to follow the first strategy. It is more efficient.
After you defeat it, a way will be opened for you. Go there and you will
automatically descend the ladder.

There are two types of enemies here, but you only get one.
1. Spiders
2. White Worms

Now, ignore them all, and ascend the ladder.

Go to the main park.

There are two types of enemies here, but you only get one.
1. White worms
2. Many zombies

Ignore them, but kill the zombies if it is standing in front of you. Then,
descend the stairs.

Go on into the next area.

Here, go on until you see a door. Check it and use the rear gate key. Don't
enter it now. Get the Magnum bullets at the upper left corner of your
monitor (at another side of the trash can). Then, enter the next area.

| Items to get : None     |
| Enemies to fight : None |

Ascend the stairs, go on until the bridge. You will see that something is
come out. Oh no !!! It is Nemesis. You will have two options.

1. Push him off
2. Jump off

I will explain the 'Push him off' first. I will explain the second option
in the next version.

{ A. Push him off }

<< Event >>
Jill will dodge Nemesis' attack then push the Nemesis off. Then Jill enters
the dead factory.

| Items to get : None                         |
| Enemies to fight : 2x Red creatures (later) |

Go follow the path until you see the last door. Enter it. This is a save

| Items to get : Manager's diary, Ink Ribbon, F. Aid Spray, Facility Key |
| Enemies to fight : None                                                |

<< Event >>
Carlos is looking pale. Why ?? It is because he has been told by a
supervisor if after they will launch a missile to this city as soon as they
are ready, to destroy the city. Then, Carlos is going.

Then, take the Manager's diary beside the typewriter, Ink Ribbon, F. Aid
Spray beside the item box, Facility key (shiny thing). Don't save the game
now and enter another room (gas room).

| Items to get : 2x blue herbs |
| Enemies to fight : None      |

Take those blue herbs. Now, follow my instruction :

Go down, push the first switch, go on, push both switches, go back, push
the switch, go right, push both switches, go back where I told you to push
both switches. Now, switch the second one.

Then, push the computer. Now, go back to the main Dead factory.

Kill the first Red creature with shotgun or anything. Now, use the facility
key at the door on the left (before the last door).

| Items to get : Dead factory map, system disk, 3x green herbs |
| Enemies to fight : ± 5-7 zombies                             |

Take the map on the wall on the left. Go down, take the system disk (shiny
item). Go down, take those three herbs, then kill those zombies with
shotgun. Now, use the elevator at the next two screens.

Here, push the switch.

| Items to get : 2x shotgun shells                                      |
| Enemies to fight : 2 types. They are : ± 5-7 zombies, ± 3-5 red black |
|                    spot creatures                                     |

Kill the creatures or ignore those zombies. Go right and take the SG shells.
Then, descend the stairs, enter another sewer.
NB : Don't forget to destroy the barrel. It is very dangerous.

| Items to get : None                 |
| Enemies to fight : Many white worms |

Go down, follow the path to South, then, go to the left and enter the left
room. This is a save room.

| Items to get : Ink Ribbon,  Security manual, water sample |
| Enemies to fight : None                                   |

Go right, take the Ink Ribbon, go back and go down. Take the Water sample
at the right machine and the security manual near it (on the table). Then,
exit this room.

| Items to get : 3x gun poders A & B |
| Enemies to fight : None            |

Descend the stairs, take all items, then, use the water sample at the
machine. There are three possible sample, but I explain the most possible

Sample 1
|  |  |# |  |  |# |  |  |
|# |  |# |# |# |# |  |# |
|##|##|# |# |##|##|# |##|

Now, here are the moves :

A = move it to the right 1 time
B = move it to the right 3 times
C = move it to the left 3 times

Then, check press the check button.

Sample 2
|# |  |  |  |  |  |# |  |
|# |  |# |# |  |# |# |# |
|##|# |##|# |# |##|##|##|

Now, here are the moves :

A = move it to the left 1 time
B = move it to the left 2 times
C = move it to the right 2 times

Then, press the check button.

Sample 3
|  |  |# |  |# |  |  |  |
|# |  |##|# |##|# |  |# |
|# |# |##|# |##|# |# |##|

Now, here are the moves :

A = move it to the left 4 times
B = move it to the right 2 times
C = move it to the left 2 times

Then, check press the check button.

After you solve this puzzle, use the facility key at the right machine
(there are blue x - ray). Now, go back to where you take three green herbs.
NB : Save your game first and becareful of zombies or another creatures and
     don't forget to take your powerful weapon.

Here, go down from the lift and you will see a green dot enter it.

| Items to get : None     |
| Enemies to fight : None |

Go on down, event you will meet Nicholai.

<< Event >>
Nicholai is shooting Jill. Jill doesn't want to kill Nicholai, but he is
still keep shooting to Jill. He is a junk I think. After a few shooting,
Nemesis is coming from above and kill Nicholai. Than, Jill looks Nicholai's
dead body. Ugh... I am sick. Tee hee.... Then, you will take control of Jill

Now, use the system disk at the red dot. See event.

<< Event >>
Jill is enter an area. There, the automatic lock is working. I don't know
excectly what happen. Then, the light is turning on. !!!! Nemesis is coming.
Now, Nemesis is jumping and attack Jill once, but Jill dodge it. The second
attack is occur, but Jill dodge it again. Then, Jill is running. Nemesis
is running after Jill. Then, Nemesis is attacking Jill again. Jill dodge
this attack again. But, the attack is attacking a valve that make Nemesis
lose control. His arm is breaking. Now, you must kill this Nemesis.

Now, you have to defeat the Nemesis. You will know how to kill him if you
see the event carefully.

There aren't strategy to defeat him. I think just shoot him and the valve.

After it is die, a card key is falling from the corpse. Take it and use it
at the entrance. See another FMV.

<< FMV >>
The ground is open and the Nemesis with other corpse and garbage are falling
into a liquid.

Now, go back to the gas room.

Use the card key at the elevator, then use the elevator.

Take those two grenade bullets. Now, go on down, and use the facility key
and take the R. launcher. Exit the gas room and save here as your last save.
Then, go to the entrance of dead factory and use the card key at the
machine. Discard it.

Now, kill those three zombies and take those two green herbs, then enter
another room. See another event.

<< Event >>
Carlos is talking to someone. After some talking, you will take control of
Jill again.

Now, take the F. Aid Spray at the upper left corner of your monitor. Go
left, take the magnum bullets it's hard to see.

Now, open the manhole. See event.

<< Event >>
The automatic speak is talking. It told to all personel to evacuate
immediately, because the missile has been confirmed.

Now, there is a red dot at your scanner it is the missile. Now, descend the

Take the Incinerator manual on the wall. Now, prepare for the last battle.
Becareful, there are two zombies here. The first zombie is lying and the
second is standing and the others are die. Go on til the next door, take the
SG bullets beside it (in the cupboard). Then, exit this room.

Go on until the next room.

Here, go up, left, up, down and activate the computer. After those three
lights come out, go to the entrance and then push the first machine from the
South to North. Then, the last enemy is coming out. Now, equip your
R. Launcher and kill it with this gun. It only need about 6 bullets. But, if
the R. Launcher out of ammo, use the magnum. Then, it won't be die here, but
it will spill bio and go back to the first place where it is falling down.
Now, go push those two left. Then, wait until the huge gun shoot two times.
Now, when you try to exit, the Creature is still alive. You will have two
options again. They are :

1. Exterminate the monster
2. Ignore it and evacuate

{ A.1. Exterminate the monster }

<< Event >>
Jill will take the magnum and shoot the monster for a few shoot until it


{ A.2. Ignore it and evacuate }

<< Event >>
Jill will ignore the monster and exit through the red door.

Here, operate the elevator.

Go down a little, and you will have ending's event, then you will see
ending's FMV.

Ok, your game have been finished now. Enjoy the ending and see your grade.


{ B. Jump off }

<< Event >>
Jill will dodge Nemesis's attack and jump off.

Now, climb the waterfall and follow the path until you see a ladder. Ascend

Now, go on South and you will see event.

<< Event >>
Jill is sorrounded by four zombies. Then, when it wants to eat Jill, Carlos
is coming and kill them all. Wheww..... Now, he tells Jill to find a way out
from this city, because they will launch a missile as soon as they are
ready to this city, to destroy the city. Then, Carlos is going.

Now, go up, then open the South door.

| Items to get : Ink Ribbon,  Security manual, water sample |
| Enemies to fight : None                                   |

Go right, take the Ink Ribbon, go back and go down. Take the Water sample
at the right machine and the security manual near it (on the table). Then,
exit this room.

| Items to get : 3x gun poders A & B |
| Enemies to fight : None            |

Descend the stairs, take all items, then, use the water sample at the
machine. There are three possible sample, but I explain the most possible

Sample 1
|  |  |# |  |  |# |  |  |
|# |  |# |# |# |# |  |# |
|##|##|# |# |##|##|# |##|

Now, here are the moves :

A = move it to the right 1 time
B = move it to the right 3 times
C = move it to the left 3 times

Then, check press the check button.

Sample 2
|# |  |  |  |  |  |# |  |
|# |  |# |# |  |# |# |# |
|##|# |##|# |# |##|##|##|

Now, here are the moves :

A = move it to the left 1 time
B = move it to the left 2 times
C = move it to the right 2 times

Then, press the check button.

Sample 3
|  |  |# |  |# |  |  |  |
|# |  |##|# |##|# |  |# |
|# |# |##|# |##|# |# |##|

Now, here are the moves :

A = move it to the left 4 times
B = move it to the right 2 times
C = move it to the left 2 times

Then, check press the check button.

Now, back to the sewer where you meet Carlos just now.

Go on left, then open the only one door left.

Now, use the elevator to the second floor. Becareful of the barrel and the

Take the System Disk, 3x green herbs and the map of the Dead Factory.
Then, open the door near the map. Becareful of the Zombies.

See event.

<< Event >>
Jill hears a door sound.

Now, open the North door. This is a save room.

Take the Manager's diary beside the typewriter, Ink Ribbon, F. Aid
Spray beside the item box, Facility key (shiny thing). Don't save the game
now and enter another room (gas room).

Take those blue herbs. Now, follow my instruction :

Go down, push the first switch, go on, push both switches, go back, push
the switch, go right, push both switches, go back where I told you to push
both switches. Now, switch the second one.

Then, push the computer.

Now, go back to the elevator 2F.

Now, open the East door.

Use the system disk on the device. See event.

<< Event >>
Jill is enter an area. There, the automatic lock is working. I don't know
excectly what happen. Then, the light is turning on. !!!! Nemesis is coming.
Now, Nemesis is jumping and attack Jill once, but Jill dodge it. The second
attack is occur, but Jill dodge it again. Then, Jill is running. Nemesis
is running after Jill. Then, Nemesis is attacking Jill again. Jill dodge
this attack again. But, the attack is attacking a valve that make Nemesis
lose control. His arm is breaking. Now, you must kill this Nemesis.

Now, you have to defeat the Nemesis. You will know how to kill him if you
see the event carefully.

There aren't strategy to defeat him. I think just shoot him and the valve.

After it is die, a card key is falling from the corpse. Take it and use it
at the entrance. See another FMV.

<< FMV >>
The ground is open and the Nemesis with other corpse and garbage are falling
into a liquid.

Now, go back to where you solve the water sample puzzle.

Now, go to the x-ray lazer (blue light beside the water sample machine) and
use the facility key. Now, go back to the gas room.

Use the card key at the elevator, then use the elevator.

Take those two grenade bullets. Now, go on down, and use the facility key
and take the R. launcher. Exit the gas room and save here as your last save.
Then, go to the entrance of dead factory and use the card key at the
machine. Discard it.

Now, open the shutter. Kill those three zombies. Take those two green herbs.
Open the North door.

Here, take the radar receiver. When you try to go out, a chopper will come.
See event.

<< Event >>
Nicholai is inside the chopper !!!

Then you will have two options:
They are :
1. Negotiate with Nicholai
2. Return Fire to the Chopper

{ B.1. Negotiate with Nicholai }

<< Event >>
Jill will try to negotiate with Nicholai. After some chit-chat, Nicholai
will fly away.


{ B.2. Return fire to the chopper }

<< Event >>
Jill will stand and you take control of Jill.

Nah... If you don't have R. Launcher, don't choose this option. Because,
you won't destroy Nicholai if you don't use Rocket Launcher. But, you can
use another weapon like Shotgun or Magnum or Grenade Launcher, etc. But,
it won't destroy the helicopter. It will fly away after some shoot. If you
choose this, just exit through the door and it will fly away.


Now, open the manhole. See event.

<< Event >>
The automatic speak is talking. It told to all personel to evacuate
immediately, because the missile has been confirmed.

Now, take the F. Aid Spray at the upper left corner of your monitor. Go
left, take the magnum bullets it's hard to see.

Now, there is a red dot at your scanner it is the missile. Now, descend the

Take the Incinerator manual on the wall. Now, prepare for the last battle.
Becareful, there are two zombies here. The first zombie is lying and the
second is standing and the others are die. Go on til the next door, take the
SG bullets beside it (in the cupboard). Then, exit this room.

Go on until the next room.

Here, go up, left, up, down and activate the computer. After those three
lights come out, go to the entrance and then push the first machine from the
South to North. Then, the last enemy is coming out. Now, equip your
R. Launcher and kill it with this gun. It only need about 6 bullets. But, if
the R. Launcher out of ammo, use the magnum. Then, it won't be die here, but
it will spill bio and go back to the first place where it is falling down.
Now, go push those two left. Then, wait until the huge gun shoot two times.
Now, when you try to exit, the Creature is still alive. You will have two
options again. They are :

1. Exterminate the monster
2. Ignore it and evacuate

{ A.1. Exterminate the monster }

<< Event >>
Jill will take the magnum and shoot the monster for a few shoot until it


{ A.2. Ignore it and evacuate }

<< Event >>
Jill will ignore the monster and exit through the red door.

Here, operate the elevator.

Go down a little, and you will have ending's event, then you will see
ending's FMV.

Ok, your game have been finished now. Enjoy the ending and see your grade.

           _____   _   _      ____       ____    _    _    _____
    ~~~~~~   |    | |_| |    |          |       |  \ | |  |     \  ~~~~~~
    ~~~~~~   |    |  _  |    |----      |----   |   \| |  |      > ~~~~~~
    ~~~~~~   |    |_| |_|    |____      |____   |_|\ __|  |_____/  ~~~~~~

T H E  M E R C E N A R I E S  W A L K T H R O U G H

{Thanks to Garry ( for the information}

NB : He will tell the walkthrough, and the amount of time you get for
     killing each monster, as well as a few other miscellaneous tips.

Information :

01. Carlos      Machine Gun (100% bullets installed)
                Eagle Handgun (15 bullets installed)
                Handgun's bullets (105)
                3x Mixed Herb (3 combined)

02. Mikhail     Rocket launcher(8)
                Shotgun Ammo(28)
                Magnum Ammo(24)
                1 mixed herb(including 1 blue)

03. Nicholai    Handgun(15)
                3 first aid spray
                1 blue herb

The object of The Mercenaries mini game is to get to the warehouse (where
you began the game with Jill) from the Trolley, in a 2 minutes. Along the
way, there will be various enemies to kill, and when you kill them, you will
gain more time. Also, there are survivors, that when rescued, will give you
extra time, and a prize. Here they are :

| No. |     Name   |             Place                  |
| 01. | Dario      | Gas station                        |
| 02. | Young girl | Newspaper office                   |
| 03. | Brad       | In the tunnel below the restaurant |
| 04. | Marvin     | Electrical substation              |
| 05. | Nikolai    | Sales office                       |
| 06. | Carlos     | Bar shop                           |

The location of the UBC Mercenaries depends on who you are.
For example : If you are Nikolai, then either Carlos or Mikail will be in
              the bar and Sales Office.

T I P S  A N D  T R I C K S

Here is the tips and tricks to whose don't want to finish the game without
the walkthrough.

1. Try to mix red and green herb and use it only in danger or red caution
2. Try to not combine gun powder A and B.
3. Combine gun powder A and B seperately to get special ammo for handgun and
   shotgun ammo.
4. Try to use 'Down + Square' for quick move 180 degrees.

Yup, these are my tips and tricks for now. I will update it if there is more
tips and tricks.


1. After you finished the game, you will get The Mercenaries game.
2. After finished the game and get rank S-E, you will get The Mercenaries
   game and the Boutique Key.
NB : There are five diffrent costumes. It's depending on your rank. When you
     enter the boutique, there are five doors. Here are the costumes from
     the right to the left :

     1. Jill's S.T.A.R.S uniform (Resident Evil 1)
     2. Police uniform
     3. Shopping outfit
     4. Biker outfit
     5. Regina's uniform from Dino Crisis