Resident Evil 4-EVER
Resident Evil Gaiden


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Resident Evil Gaiden
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Hey re fans, here is a walthrough. i don't think there are any known codes yet, but if i find any i'll be sure to tell you. The characters are Barry
 (you know him)  Leon (you know him) and Lucia, and no one knows much about her, ill keep informed.
If the author of this walk through happens to read it, and wants me to take it off i will, i'll write my own when i get time. i did not alter it, and it did not say i couldn't use it i got it at this adrress...

RRRRRRRR EEEEEEEE SSSSSSSS II DDDDDD EEEEEEEEE NNNNN NN TTTTTTTT RR R EE SS II DD DD EE NN N NN TTTTTTTT RR R EE SS II DD DD EE NN N NN TT RR R EE SS II DD D EE NN N NN TT RR R EEEEEEEE SSSSSSSS II DD D EEEEEEEEE NN N NN TT RRRRR EEEEEEEE SSSSSSSS II DD D EEEEEEEEE NN N NN TT RR R EE SS II DD D EE NN N NN TT RR R EE SS II DD DD EE NN N NN TT RR R EE SS II DD DD EE NN N NN TT RR R EEEEEEEE SSSSSSSS II DDDDDD EEEEEEEEE NN NNNNN TT EEEEEEEE VV VV II LL EE VV VV II LL EE VV VV II LL EE VV VV II LL EEEEEEEE VV VV II LL EEEEEEEE VV VV II LL EE VV VV II LL EE VV VV II LL EE VV VV II LLLLLLLL EEEEEEEE VVVV II LLLLLLLL GGGGGGG AAAAA II DDDDDD EEEEEEEEE NNNNN NN GG AA AA II DD DD EE NN N NN GG AA AA II DD DD EE NN N NN GG AA AA II DD D EE NN N NN GG AA AA II DD D EEEEEEEEE NN N NN GG GGG AA AA II DD D EEEEEEEEE NN N NN GG G AAAAAAAAA II DD D EE NN N NN GG G AAAAAAAAAAA II DD D EE NN N NN GG G AA AA II DD DD EE NN N NN GGGGGGG AA AA II DD DD EE NN N NN GGGGGGG AA AA II DDDDDD EEEEEEEE NN NNNNNVer.1,3 Resident Evil Gaiden FAQ written by Stefanos Sotiriadis(known as Nakian) for Contents -------- I.Story II.Characters III.Weapons/Items IV.Walkthrough/Maps V.Other VI.Legal Resident Evil Gaiden-General ---------------------------- Resident Evil Gaiden is an Action Adventure Game developed by M4 and not by Capcom for the Game Boy Color. "Huh?Why is that game like that?" Who knows,after Capcom scrapped the work of the HotGen Studios which ported the first part of the "BIG" Playstation to our "LITTLE" Game Boy Color(i think this very good work),maybe they saw what Infogarmes made a good job with Alone in the Dark 4 and thought about a new game... Anyway AITD was good but the action part was a bit too strange for gamers who were used to the RE/AITD games.And that's the point where REG doesn't fail.And that's why this game rocks!! Updates ------- Ver.0,3 22.12.2001 Start writing the FAQ. Ver.0,4 24.12.2001 Finished the Charackters and Weapons Sections.Starting playing the game and writing the walkthrough.Started the Walkthrough part.Sending the FAQ to GameFAQs(think someone will need it..;) Ver.0,9 27.12.2001 Finished the Walkthrough.Next will be Items and Files. Ver.1,1 30.12.2001 Finished the weapons(thanks again to Andrew Arrowsmith).He also told me that there is another Heavy Armor but hey...4 are bettr than 3 arent they?Anyway I'm busy at the moment so I'll need time to finish the Items and Files Section. Happy New Year!! Ver.1,3 31.12.2001 Finished the Maps. I.Story of Resident Evil Gaiden ------------------------------- ------------------------------- "Who wants to know about the story?!?Let me shoot zombies!!!" No,that's not the way it goes.Although the Story isn't that interesting i'll telly you: It's about a ship which is cruising across a sea.And YOU now have to make a visit there to see if there's a new B.O.W(Biological Organic Weapon).Well that's the characters.. II. The Characters in Resident Evil Gaiden ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ Barry Burton ------------ He's that guy from Resident Evil(PC,PS,SAT) who helped Jill in her way through the game.In this part of the series he's the Agent who has to enter the ship,find Leon,destroy the B.O.W. and get the %$§) out!!! Leon S. Kennedy --------------- This is another guy,but his one was one of the main cast in Resident Evil 2(PC,PS,TIG,N64,DC, GCN).After escaping he joined some kind of anti-Umbrella organisation(selling hamburgers was his only alternative).Anyway now he's on that ship called Starlight and the base has lost contact to him. Lucia (don't know the second part) ---------------------------------- She a helpless girl on that ship.She grew up at an orphanage and is send to europe now and that's why she's on that ship. Other ----- There's/There are some other persons in the game who aren't that important(they have a two seconds and then dead role you know)so i will tell you about them in the walkthrough. III.The Weapons and Items in Resident Evil Gaiden ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Weapons ------- ------- Yeah,yeah the weapons,hmm...the action is kind of strange compared to the other Resident Evil games but most of the weapons are the same as in the other parts so you will have your fun in the game. Knife ----- Found:From the Start in your inventory Ammo: --- One of your basic weapons.This weapon has nearly no range but you can kill with it zombies at the start of the game..i mean..KILL ZOMBIES ONLY WITH THE KNIFE,YOU WILL NEED YOUR AMMO FOR LATER!!!! Handgun ------- Found:From the Start in your inventory Ammo:9mm Rounds Another basic weapon.It's easy to handle and you can find plenty of ammo for it.Killn zombies and some bosses at the start with it. Shotgun ------- Found:2F Corridor A,West Elevators on the wall Ammo:Shotgun Shells Yeah,you remember the Benelli and the Remington from the other parts.This one is the same,it can cause great damage when youre near your enemies but when you nearly can't se them drop it and start throwing stones. Assault Rifle ------------- Found:2nd Class Cabin on the 3F at the top of the 2nd Class,it's in the cupboard Ammo:Assault Rifle Clip This weapons would kick Nemesis' %$& in that game...Anyway a great weapon with great range and makes a great damage but it's a bit difficult to handle with.USE IT ONLY ON BOSSES!!!! Grenade Launcher ---------------- Found:In the Refrigator on the 1F.Open it with the Fuse.It's on some brown boxes in the middle of the room. Ammo:Grenade Rounds Another great weapon.Similar to the Assault Rifle it's a bit difficult to handle.Anyway this weapon is a good choice for every battle. Gas Launcher ------------ Found:On the 4F in the Operation Room,at the right part of the room(the computers) Ammo:Gas Bullets A very good weapon.It kills every enemy in your battle with one shot so use it WISELY!! Rocket Launcher --------------- Found:Special Storage 1F,bheind a zombie Ammo:Rocket Missiles This is the best choice of weapon for every battle.It has a great range and causes very great damage.But it's very difficult to handle with. Items ----- ----- Coming soon!! Files ----- ----- Armor ----- ----- Finally we get one of the best ideas for the RE Games...Armors!!They used to be in Resident Evil 1,5 but...never mind.Anyway they can keep away some damaga from you so use them!!! There are 3 different: Kevlar ------ Light one Titanium -------- Medium one Diamet ------ Strong one Andrew Arrowsmith told me that you can find 4 Heavy Armors so equip everyone of characters with them. Herbs ----- ----- No,no First Aid Sprays in this game.There are many of them in this game mixed up: Green Herbs ----------- Heals a bit Yellow Herbs ------------ Heals a bit........more Red Herbs --------- Heals all your injuries Blue Herbs ---------- Only cures you from poiseness Purple Herbs ------------ They rock!!They heal your injuries and cure you if you're poisened!!!USE THEM WISELY!!! IV. Walkthrough of the world in Resident Evil Gaiden ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- Before i start telling psalm here some information and tips about the gameplay in Resident Evil Gaiden.The should be mentioned above: 1.DON'T SHOOT IF IT'S NOT NECESSARY!!!USE YOUR KNIFE ON ENEMIES WHO ARE WEAK AND SAFE YOUR AMMO FOR EMERGENCY CASES. 2.IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND SOMETHING CHECK YOUR FILES ON YOUR PDA.YOU MIGHT FIND SOME CLUES IN THERE. 3.GIVE ARMOR AND HERBS ONLY TO CHARACTERS WHO FIGHT.CHARACTERS WHO DON'T FIGHT CAN'T BE ATTACKED OR EVEN BE INJURED. Walkthrough ----------- ----------- you shoul be prepared enough to get started then.Turn on your GBC or GBA,select a Language,New Game and that's it.Watch the intro where Barry enters the ship and get yourself ready.I'll always make a break at a save point. Start-2F Side Deck ------------------ This where you start.You should head for the west.On your way you should find in the boxes some Handgun Ammo and some yellow herbs.There should also be a file to collect.After that enter the big door.If you want fight the zombies some give Yellow herbs or Handgun Bullets. Turn left and enter the door on the left.You should get a message.Take the file and make your way through to the elevators on the west.On your way you should look at walls for Green Herbs and a Fuse.Zobies there carry Ammo for the Handgun and the Shotgun.Watch out for zombies who are in the shadowed parts of the rooms.By the way:when you hit an enemy while she attacks you it won't make any damage!! In the next room the zombie will drop some herbs.In the bathrooms you will find:2x Handgun Bullets,2xShotgun Bullets and 2xZombies(!) but only one has some Handgun Bullets. Anyway bck to the corridor.When go ahead you should face the zombie.He has the elevator key ,on the wall you'll find some Handgun Bullets(again!!)and the SHOTGUN(hooray!!).Go further you'll find some Shotgun Shells at the corpse of that dead worker.Go into your inventory and use the elevator key in front of the elevator.-SAVE POINT- Searching Lucia-3F West Elevators ------------------------------- Be careful when you go out.There are some zombies waiting.Defeat the zombies.One will drop some Handgun bullets.Go up the stairs at the right part of the room.Now you're on the 4F.The zombies are getting stronger now.Make up your mind for yourself if you want to use the Hnadgun on them or the knife(some of them are weaponed now or attack you with acid).Anyway go to the top(zombie!).You'll get a Tip from Barry.On your way you'll find a zombie from you can't run away.Defeat him he'll drop the key you'll need for the control room.Follow the way to the next room.There's a rope in the box.You'll need it later.Then go down.You can open one of the doors with you obtained Security Card.There's also a bathroom where you'll find some Greande Rounds(!!) and Blue Herbs(zombie!).Anyway use the Security Card in front of the locked door and enter.Go to the monitors and see the Cutscene where Barry talks to Lucia. Go back out.-SAVE POINT- Saving Lucia-4F Security Room ----------------------------- When you go out,Barry will tell you that he had heared a scream from the East.Now head to the east part of the deck.Use the route on the top.You'll have to face the two female zombies (what else??)there to find the Bar key(to open the door where Lucia is)and Handgun Bullets. Now got to the door equip yourself with the Handgun and use some herbs.Avoid all the zombies in this room for now and enter the next one.Go straight forward in the next room and enter again the next one.After the Cutscene prepare yourself for the first bossfight... This one is easy.Try to shoot his face about 10-15 times with your Handgun and he'll fall. After the Cutscene you can save.-SAVE POINT- Search for Leon-4F Elevator passage ----------------------------------- In the room where you fought the boss you can find at the top some Handgun Bullets and some Herbs.Go to the right to find two rooms.Enter the one above.Face the zombies to find a key for elevators at the centre of the ship.TAKE IT!!Enter the other room.Kill the female zombie at the wall on the top you can find some Grenade Rounds.Now go back to the Elevator passage. You should get a message that Leon might be at the First Class.Use one of the elevators with you key obtained at that room before.When you're down kill the female zombie to get the Second Class key(I couldn't even afford the third one;).When you try to enter the room you'll notice that it's locked.Lucia will suggest to try the Second Class.Now you got the key and you have nothing better to do so make your way to the Second Class.Go to the west and use your Second Class Key on the locked door.Welcome in the Second Class!!First go down.Check all the rooms.In some of them you'll find Shotgun Shells,Herbs and Handgun Bullets.At the top,on the wall there's even a clip for the Assault Rifle.In the little rooms you need to find a lockpick, plastic explosives and a light armor.Use it on Barry.Head to the rooms on the left.Check all the 3 rooms that are not locked up.At the door on the top use the Lockpick to open it.Take the Assault Rifle and a key.Wth this key go down and open the other locked door.Search the cupboard for a key for the First Class.When you go out you'll see a dialogue between Lucia and Barry.Go out.-SAVE POINT- Way to the First Class-3F Second Class Cabins --------------------------------------------- Make your way back to the First Class(go straight right).Cutscene.Lucia gets attacked by the B.O.W.(ahhh!!).Again you have to face the B.O.W. and again you'll make it fall with 10-15 bullets.After another scene Lucia will be kidnapped by the B.O.W. and Barry looks like a fool(...again when you think back to Resident Evil 1;).Anyway,use now the key at the door to gain acces to the First Class.Check all the room you shoul find Handgun Bullets and Herbs in some.In the last room there should be a big hole that you should examine.If you had collect the rope you will meet Leon.Otherwise you have to search for the rope.Go back to Deck on the 4F it's the box near the door.By the way:the zombie in here is a real pain!!!Anyway after the Cutscene go down.-SAVE POINT- Search for Lucia-4F Multi Purpose --------------------------------- Leave the room.Go up(or down to get some fresh air).You can find some Shotgun Shells in the toilets above.No go to the left and check the two rooms there.The one at the top holds Purple Herbs and Grenade Rounds for you.And in the Piano Bar you can find a key for the ships library.Now all the rooms will be filled with zombies again.BE SURE TO FINISH THEM OF BEFORE YOU GO.Enter the Security Room in 4F again(where Barry first saw Lucia) and watch another Cutscene(where Barry and Leon argue).After that leave the room.-SAVE POINT- Way to Lucia and the B.O.W.-4F Security Room -------------------------------------------- Leave the room.By the way:You always should check your map if you don't know where to go to. The room that should be your target is always red.And there's always a target...And our actual target is the Second Floor.Use an elevator to go down to 3F.Go left and go down the stairs. In the hall you go right.Then you go through the corridor,then down to get some fresh air again;).Head to east of the ship.-SAVE POINT-...that means... B.O.W. Fight-2F Side Deck ------------------------- Be careful there are some zombies now.There should also be some Handgun bullets in the box at the wall.Go to the next room.Leon and Barry will fight the B.O.W.Cutscene.The B.O.W. gets up and goes after your party.When you gain control.RUN!Leave the room and go ahead.Lucia will mention the Refrigator.Well lets go then.Go to the Main Hall then left.Make your way to the stairs and go down.Search in a female corpse to find the key for the kitchen.Enter the kitchen with the key.Take the yellow herbs from the dead cook,kill the fenale zombie and go down to open the refrigator with the fuse.Enter and get the Grebnade Launcher from the boxes.There should be the crew key at the back.Take it and go back up the stairs you came from. Go forward into the next room.Use your library key at the first door.You should find a file, some Handgun Bullets and a zombie who drops a clip for your Assault Rifle.but the most important thing you find is the key for the 3F Lounge.Leave the room and go ahead to the elevators.Use one to go to the 3F.Use the Lounge Key on the locked door.Visit the rooms in there,in one of them you'll find the F50 Cabin Key.Use the stairs to go to 4F Deck.Go east to the other elevators.Use one to go down back to east part of the 3F.Enter the first class.Open the locked door with you key.There are a lot of good things in here.Rockets,Gas,Herbs and armor.Go back out and head west to the stairs. Go them down.Enter the door on the right side.ZOMBIE!!Make him drop dead.Go ahead and up to the toilets to get the mediacal key.Use next to the library on 2F.Now go down and exit to the side deck.Go left to the next door and open it with the crew key.Go forward.Cutscene.After that you can control only Leon and Lucia because Barry has left in order to do something against the explosion that suddenly occured.Use one of the elevators and go down.Kill some zombies to get herbs and shotgun shells.The corpse of the dead worker has a blowtorch.Go to the next room.Go up and then forward.You'll see green liquid.Go to the door and use the blowtorch.In the next room kill the zombie and search there for a keycard.On some of the boxes you should find the iron pipe.Go till the top of the room to find the Rocket Launcher(hooray!!!).Go back to the elevators and use them go back up to the 2F.Use the pipe on the door.kill the zombies to get some herbs.The corpse also holds something for you.Examine the cupboard you'll find a Fire Extinguisher.Use the elevators again to go to 3F.Use the Keycard on the door.When you go in you will find out that you need another card.You find the Control pass.Go out.Use the explosive semtex on the opposite door to open it.The safe another keycard.The room also includes a heavy armor.Use the elevators to go down to 1F.Use the Control Pass in the second room to open the last locked door.Kill the zombie to get the key card,go further and get the data disk from the corpse.Get back to the elevators and go up to the 4F.Use the Keycard on one of them to open them.Go out then right upstairs.Go forward to the corpse to get a key.Back to the elevators and down to 2F.Go out to the side deck.Enter the main hall and make your way through to the library on the west part of the ship.Use the Medical key to open the door next to the library. You'll find herbs and Heavy Armor at the corpse.Go out and follow the corridor.Open the one door that is locked.Search inside for some Rocket Missiles.After go down the stairs.The Engine Room has many gifts for you.Search for corpse with a Assault Rifle Clip and at the Engine parts you'll find handgun Bullets on the West Side and Shotgun Shells on the East Side.There's also another room with a corpse in it where you can find some Grenade Rounds.Now go back up the stairs and use one elevator to up to 3F.Enter the Lounge.Go to the west part of the room.There should be a zombie which drops a Pass after defeating him.This is what you need!!!Make your way back to the elevators in the east part of the ship.Try to operate the computer now.Leon wills say that they can't operate the sprinkler from there.They have to go to the Control Data Room.Now use the elevators and go down to 1F.-SAVE POINT- Activating the Sprinkler-3F Computer Room ----------------------------------------- After using the elevators to go down head to the next room.Examine the fire and Leon will automatically use the Fire Extinguisher to put it out.Enter the room and use the Computer on the right.Leon will again automatically use the Data Disk.Now you have to go to the Security Room.-SAVE POINT- On the way to the Security Room 1F-Data Control ----------------------------------------------- Go out and back to the elevators.Us them and go to 2F.Make your up to the 4F Deck and enter the Security Room.There's a zombie inside so take care.Examine the Security Control.You'll see a Cutscene where Barry seems to talk to someone else.He sounds a bit strange so Leon worries about him.They saw him in the Piano Bar.Lucia knows that the Piano Bar is in 2F.Now there you go...-SAVE POINT- Way to the Bar-4F Security Room ------------------------------- Go out and to the east to use one elevator to go down to 3F.Head to the right now and take the stairs down to the Main Hall.Then enter the door on the right side.Now enter the Piano Bar. A Cutscene will show how Leon faces Barry,Barry forces him to give him Lucia.Barry and Lucia enter a mysterious Submarine.Guards open fire to Leon who wants to aproach the Submarine.He shoots while he can't beleive it.Another explosion rattles the ship.The HQ tells you that it might be the Engine Room.We were there before so you know where that is.After the Cutscene.-SAVE POINT- Way to the Engine Room-2F Upper Deck ------------------------------------ Now,because the ship is burning you can't take the regurlar route to the boiler room.So leave the Upper Deck and try to get to the Side Deck.Enter the next door(where the Piano Bar is)to get to the Main Hall.Go up the stairs and turn right and use one elevator to go up to the 4F Deck.Up there make your way through zombies to the west end with the stairs.Go them down and take there another elevator to get down to 2F.Then go to the Boiler Room.When you go upstairs you can save your stats.And that's what you should do now.-SAVE POINT- Boss Fight-1F Engine Room ------------------------- When you go ahead the B.O.W. will destroy the engine.Leon will shout at him and the B.O.W. will notice him....Bossfight!!It's easy again.Just shoot at him like a madman and he should fall. ----------CHEAT---------- I don't know if it's supposed to be but,if you lose the battle and try to find Handgun Bullets behind the stairs at one of the engine parts you should find some everytime you lose against him so lose until you make it full(x99). ----------CHEAT---------- After beating it you'll see what Barry and Lucia take care of.Lucia is the B.O.W. they were looking at and it will eat Lucia in 10 days.Barry forces the Captain to extract the parasite from Lucia's body.They do the operation succesfully.Then the parasite attacks the Captain and turns him into a zombie,a strong one.Bosfight.He's easy,just two times stronger as other zombies.After defeating him you gain control of Lucia and Barry in the Submarine.You can find Purple Herbs in thsi room.Leave it and kill all the zombies in the next one.You can Bullets for the Handgun and the Assault Rifle on the beds.Before you go up the stairs you can enter the Operation Room you can find Handgun Bullets,Purple and Yellow Herbs there. When you go up you should watch out for the B.O.W.Visit the rooms at the right side to find some Rocket Missiles.Then enter the door on the other side to enter the Bridge. Cutscene.-SAVE POINT- On the way back to the ship-Submarine Control Room -------------------------------------------------- Play a bit with the controls.After a dialogue(family and that kind of buisnesses)you will gain control onto the ship.Make the same way to the Engine Room as before with Leon.When you're there be careful.You'll find out that this is not Leon.You can try to dodge the B.O.W. (that's possible i made time...),otherwise you have to fight him and then to run away from him.Go down the stairs to find Leon.After the discussion(and another explosion..) they decide to escape.-SAVE POINT- Escaping the ship-2F Boiler Room -------------------------------- I don't have to tell you the way.The flames will tell you the right one.When you are at the East Elevators you have to battle the B.O.W. in her advanced form.Bossfight.You'll need about 10 Grenade Rounds so prepare for a tough one.After beating him enter the Upper Deck.When you enter it the final battle begins.It's a bit more difficult as before but you should make it with 15 Grenade Rounds or 10 Rocket Missiles.All them make it onto the Submarien and are happy.Leon contacts the HQ and the Credits roll. Congratulations!!!You've made through the latest Resident Evil Game on the Game Boy Color!! Maps ---- ---- Like in other RE games you have Maps in case you don't know where to go to.But in this game you should also take a look at the maps when you're stuck because it always will show you current target(coloured re).Anyway here are the maps,but befor you go on reading: */**=Doors ==Stairs #=Elevators Ship 4F ------- |-----| |-**11| -----------*-----------------| |----------------|--|--| |-------| | | -------/ ----------* | | |# |# | -----| | | | | 1 / | | -|------------| |------| | 8 |--------* | | ------/ | 2 * | | | | |# |# | * | | = | | | | | |-*-----|-----| | | | ------ |-------| 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 | |= | 13 | | ------ | | * * * | 10 |= | | | = | * | | | |---*---| |= | | | --------/| 3 | | | | | | | | | /| | -|------------| -------|-----| 9 |--------| | |-------/ ---------* | | |# |# | | | | | -----------*-----------------| |----------------|--|--| |-------| | | |-**12| |-----| 1.Seat Deck 2.Dressing Room 3.Security Room 4.Pool 5.Bar 6.Elevator Passage 7.Sun Deck 8.Suite Room P 9.suite Room S 10.Crew Acces Area 11.Side Deck P 12.Side Deck S 13.Operation Room Ship 3F ------- |----|--------------------------|---|---|-------------------|-------| ---------|--| |21 * 22 | 33 |# |# |38 |39 |40 |41 |----45 | | |# | |----| --------- | |=| --------| | | | |#|#| | | ---- |--| |20 * |2|2|2|2| | |=| |-*----*----*----*--|-----*-| | |14| | |=|----| |3|4|5|6| | |=| * 37 |44 | | --*- | -=|32 * -*-*-*-*- * --- *-*----*----*---*---|-----*-| | 16 *17 |----| | | | | | | | | --*- * -=|19 * -*-*-*-*-*----------------------| | | | | 43 | | |15| | |=|----| |2|2|2|3|3| | | |34 |42 |35 |36 | | | ---- |--| | | |7|8|9|0|1| |# |# | | | | | | | |# | |18 * | | | | | | -------------|----|----|----|-------| ---------|--| |----|--|---------- 14.Kitchen P 15.Kitchen S 16.Viewing Lounge 17.Corridor E 18.-32.2nd Class Cabins 33.Lobby Balcony 34.-42.1st Class Cabins 43.Captain's Room 44.Corridor D 45.Computer Room Ship 2F ------- |-- |-------------| |#| | 52 | |----|--------------|---|---| |=-------=| |----=------|----|-----|----|-------|--\ |-|| = | ------ | | | |= =| | = | |57|58| | 62 | \ | || -----| | | |48 |49 | | | | |56 |*-|*-| |-----| | \ | ||46| * | |47| | | | | | | | | |# |# | | \ | - --| | | --*-|--*| | | | |-*--|59 | |------** \ |--------|----| |---*-|*---* | | * 53 * ---- | --*-| 64 | |#| | | | | | | |--*-| | |61 | | / --- | 50 | 51| | | | |55 | * 60 | |63 | / | | | | | |-----**----|----|-*|-------|-*-|---| / | | | | | | 54 * / -----------|-| --------------------------------------|--/ 46.Boiler Room 47.Corridor A 48.Medical Office 49.Library 50.Bathroom 6 51.Bathroom 5 52.Restaurant Balcony 53.Lobby 54.Side Deck 55.Piano Bar 56.Shop 57.+58.Toilets 59.Corridor B 60.Multi Purpose 61.Corridor C 62.Crew Room 63.Radio Room 64.Upper Deck Ship 1F ------- ---=---|---|------|--=--=--| |----------|--------|------------| | = * 66| | = = | | | | |#||#| | |---| 67 * | | 70 * 71 | | | | | | | | |-*-| * 73|-----| | |---|--**--| 69 | | | | | | | 65 | 68 | | | |72 | | | | |---| | | |-------*--|---|--*-|------| |------| |------|--------| | 74 | |-------------------| 65.Engine Room 66.Power Control 67.Kitchen 68.Refrigator 69.Restaurant 70.Special Storage 71.Storage Bay 72.Data Control 73.Cargo Bay 74.cargo Area Submarine --------- |-------|----------|--------|----------|------| | | | = | | | | 75 * 76 * = 77 * 78 * 79 | | | | | | | |-------|----------|--------|----------|------| |----------|-=--|---------|------| | | = | | | | 80 * 81 * 82 * 83 | | | | | | |----------|----|---------|------| 75.Engine Room 76.Control Room 77.Bridge 78.Corridor 79.Torpedo Room 80.Operations Room 81.Stair Corridor 82.Crew's Quarters 83.Stickbay V.Other ------- ------- If you have questions for which you want answers to or noticed something wrong in my FAQ feel free to email me at If your questions are useful i'm going to post them here. Please don't buy the game and don't downlaod the ROM.Or download it and then buy it.This is not good for Capcom and their upcoming games you want to see. We also should thank: Capcom,deciding to bring us the horror to our good old Game boy Color M4,developing that great game Virgin,publishing it and HotGen Studios,which tried to bring us part one which i think would have been better anyway maybe the game will see the light on the Game Boy Advance...and maybe by the HotGen Studios again... Another goes to: Andrew Arrowsmith for telling me the Location of the Gas Launcher and some other items. VI.Legal -------- -------- I hate this part: C 2001 Capcom C.,Ltd.All Rights Reserved.Capcom R and Resident Evil TM are trademarks of Capcom Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved. Developed by M4 Ltd. M4 is a copyright of M4 Ltd. Published by Virgin Interactive Entertainment (Europe) Ltd. Virgin is a registered trademark of Virgin Enterprises Ltd. Beggars Club Heilbronx