Resident Evil 4-EVER
Resident evil 3 characters, enemies, and weapons


The Games
Resident Evil Zero
Resident Evil 1/directors cut
Resident Evil 1 Gamecube
Resident Evil 1.5
Resident evil 2
Resident Evil 3: nemesis
Resident Evil Survivor page
Resident Evil Code Veronica
Resident Evil Gaiden
Resident Evil Online
The Resident Evil Novels
The Resident Evil Movie

First the characters


Jill Valentine (left): The main character in the game. She is also in the first Resident Evil. She is trying to get of raccon city once and for all.
Carlos Oliveira(next to jill): A member of the U.B.C.S., he helps jill through out the game. You play as him also.
Nicholia(middle): A russian member of the U.B.C.S., not what he seems to be. Very secretive, and does not belief women are able to fend for themselves.
Mikail (next to nicholia): He is also a member of U.B.C.S., he helps jill in the game.
Nemesis (the monster in the right): umbrella's ultimate killing machine. It is a variation of the tyrant. It was trained to hunt and kill the S.T.A.R.S., So they would not tell on Umbrella, it is very persistant, and relentless, and will not rest untill all the S.T.A.R.S. are dead.

Then the enemies


Zombie: The basic enemy. I would suggest using the handgun. Use the knife if you are low on ammo (or you could just run since there easily evasive). Use the shotgun if they are in large groups. Also look for explosing barrels to take out large groups.


Cerebrus/zombie dog: If there is only one, use the hand gun, but most of the time they are in large groups, so use the shotgun, or if your good at it run, and use evasive manuvuers.


Giant spiders: Usually you can just run, but if they have you cornered the magnum and the shotgun (or maybe the occasional grenade) will exterminate them.


Sliding worm (Baby grave diggers): I would just run, one hand gun shell kills them, but for every one you kill another will drop dow from the ceiling, or manhole, or where ever. so... just run


Grave digger: used as a boss fight.  I use a strategy called "grenade-evade" First you fire a grenade at it then you do a quick 180 degree turn the run a few steps, then repeat until he is dead.


Hunter: This is a variation of the hunter, it looks sort of like a frog because umbrella gave it frog DNA, it is easily taken care of by the magnum, or shotgun.


Hunter: This variation of the hunter is basically the same type as the one in the mansion, however I find it much more lethal, use the shotgun if you have to, but I wouldn't take chances I would use the magnum.


Drain demon: I find the most effective weapon against these to be the assault rifle, if you have it set to full auto, and attack it, it starts to spasm and shake, and dies before it gets to get to use. however if there  is more than one, i would use the shotgun, magnum, or run, if you fast enough.


Brain Sucker: basically the same as the drain demon, except a lot faster, use the shotgun, or magnum on this one. Or if your fast enough, run.

And last, but certainly not least, the weapons:


The combat knife: I wouldn't use unless it was my only choice, it is enefective, and basically useless, if i was out of ammo, i'd just run instead of using this, however, if you have infinite health (game shark) it is fun to kill big bosses with it.


the custom 9mm.: the basic weapon. Use it wisely. it is most effective against zombies, and single cerebruses.


The sigpro: It is the handgun of the mercenaries. nothing special.


The Eagle 6.0: my personal favorite. It has a much higher fire rate then the normal handgun, and is extremely accurate. You can only get this by getting the eagle parts from defeating nemesis (on hard mode only)


The assault rifle: is extremely effective against drain demons. You start out with it in easy mode, or you can earn it in operation mad jackal.


The shotgun: avery powerful weapon, on almost everything, all I have to say is conserve ammo, and use it wisely


The western custom: a souped up shotgun. escpecially powerful at close range. make it from parts you get from defeating nemesis (hard mode only)


The grenade laucher: not meant to be taken lightly. use it only when you have to (which is usually in boss fights)


The magnum: a timeless classic. every one loves this weapon. it makes zobies heads pop, and is a one shot kill for every thing except nemesis, and bosses


The mine thrower: lots of fun. you can do two things with it. shot it at the ground (and it will go off when something steps on it) or shoot it at en enemy(it will go off in a few seconds)


The gatlin gun: doesn't really meet up with the hype. it takes too long to "power up" and you have to power up every tim you change positions.  i don't like it.


The rocket launcher: every one knows how to use this, but if you have limited ammo, aim carefully.