Resident Evil 4-EVER
Resident Evil 1 characters and enemies


The Games
Resident Evil Zero
Resident Evil 1/directors cut
Resident Evil 1 Gamecube
Resident Evil 1.5
Resident evil 2
Resident Evil 3: nemesis
Resident Evil Survivor page
Resident Evil Code Veronica
Resident Evil Gaiden
Resident Evil Online
The Resident Evil Novels
The Resident Evil Movie

First are the characters


An intelligent soldier that has rescued many S.T.A.R.S. mambers from danger in the past,Jill has been reassigned to Raccoon City.She is an expert with special mechanical devices such as lockpicks.


After being kicked out of the Air Force. Chris became a drifter until he met Barry Burton. Barry recruited him in the newly formed S.T.A.R.S. Now Chris has been reassigned to a smaller unit at Raccoon City headquarters.


The youngest member of the group, Rebecca has been recruited for her knowledge of field medicine and first aid. She is nervous around other members, both because of her age and lack of experience.


Wesker has risen quickly inside the S.T.A.R.S. organization and currently leads the alpha team. Viewed by many as a "cool guy" from his snappy haircut to his perpetual shades, Wesker was recruited by a head hunter for his sharp insight. He founded the S.T.A.R.S. unit in Raccoon City.


Chris Redfield's old friend and partner. Former SWAT team member, Barry maintains and supplies weapons for all S.T.A.R.S. members. With overt 16 years experience he has lead many successful missions.


Brad is a computer expert and is an excellent source of information. Unfortunately his fear of dying and lack of enthusiasm for rushing into danger have earned him the nickname "Chickenheart".


Previous member of S.T.A.R.S.Bravo team, and already stationed in Raccoon city, Joseph was recently promoted to serve as vehicle specialist for alpha team.


a very important part of the S.T.A.R.S. serving as bravo's communication expert. The only link back to headquarters for teams in the field, Richard actually has to pull double duty as radioman for both unit since alpha team has no dedicated communications expert.


a quite but very talented field scouting officer, Kenneth formnerly worked as a chemist. He wonders why his chemical experience is necessary in Raccoon City but quickly discounts this since Wesker himself enlisted him in the S.T.A.R.S.


Forest is a great sniper in addition to his duties as Bravo's vehicle specialist. He is a consummate professional, and his work earns him great respect from the other members.


Bravo team's leader and wesker's second in command for the S.T.A.R.S. unit. Enrico feels threated by the arrival of the alpha team, thinking that Chris or Barry may end up replacing him as #1 to Wesker.

now the enemies


Zombie: The basic enemy. To kill use a handgun usualy,a combat knife if your low on ammo, and the shotgun if there in large groups,and you're low on health.


zombie dog/cerebrus: use a hand gun if there is only one, posibly two. To do this you have to shoot, wait asecond (usualy until they growl), then shoot again. If there is a VERY large group consider the shotgun.


Hunter: use the shotgun(2-3), or the magnum(1). Easy if you don't let him get near you.


giant spider: I would usually just run.But if you must kill him/her, use the shotgun or magnum... however if you bust the spiders body many baby spiders will come out and attack you. Just step on them, or run.


crows: they are almost impossible to hit with any thing but the shotgun, so use the shotgun. Or be really fast and accurate with the handgun.


Baby snakes: only one handgun bullet, but extremely slow... so i'd just run.
Giant snake: you run into him twice, equip the bazoka with whatever kinda round, and have at it. Acid works best, but you might wanna save them.

tyrant: just shot with the bazooka, the first time you meet him, the second time shoot at him until...brad throws you a rocket launcher.