Resident Evil 4-EVER
Re1-General storyline,and Walkthrough


The Games
Resident Evil Zero
Resident Evil 1/directors cut
Resident Evil 1 Gamecube
Resident Evil 1.5
Resident evil 2
Resident Evil 3: nemesis
Resident Evil Survivor page
Resident Evil Code Veronica
Resident Evil Gaiden
Resident Evil Online
The Resident Evil Novels
The Resident Evil Movie

STORYLINE:Raccon City: a quite secluded city that would not have been much more than a village if it would not have been for Umbrella Inc. the chemical corporatinon who has one of its many offices in the outskirts of Racoon City.In Racoon City, recent cannibalistic murders have occured.The S.T.A.R.S. (special tactics and rescue squad) are sent in to investigate these horendous crimes in the Raccon forest...this is where the game begins.

p.s. I didn't write it, because...well look how long it is , and i want to get this website done asap, so when its published i might start to make my own, but for know i think its pretty good myself
Heres the walkthrough.

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" U L T I M A T E G U I D E B O O K "
Contact President Evil at:
Unpublished Work Copyright 1998 President Evil(Dan Birlew)

No portion of this walkthrough may be reprinted for commercial use, nor
may it be used as the material of a website without the written
or e-mail permission of the author. You may contact the author at for any authorizations, comments,
or corrections.

PLEASE NOTE: Individuals may print out or distribute this material
freely. No money may be made by the sale of this document, or I will sue
the living hell out of you. Don't even challenge me on this.

This walkthrough is public domain and may be used by websites only in
it's complete and original form, unaltered in any way. But the author
would sincerely appreciate e-mail notification if you intend to post it
at a site. This document may not be sold or used for profit.


1.1 T A B L E of C O N T E N T S

1.1 Table of Contents
1.2 Updates
1.3 Introduction: How This Guide Is Set Up
1.4 Combat Tactics: Overview
1.5 Game Start: Difficulty Settings
1.6 Characters
2.1 Ladies First: Jill's Walkthrough
2.2 Mission 1: Mansion I
2.3 Mission 2: Guardhouse
2.4 Mission 3: Mansion II
2.5 Mission 4: Underground
2.6 Mission 5: Umbrella Lab
3.1 Tough Guy: Chris' Walkthrough
3.2 Mission 1: Mansion I
3.3 Mission 2: Guardhouse
3.4 Mission 3: Mansion II
3.5 Mission 4: Underground
3.6 Mission 5: Umbrella Lab
4.1 Advanced Game: Jill
5.1 Advanced Game: Chris
6.1 Frequently Asked Questions
7.1 Secrets
8.1 Gameshark Codes
9.1 Monster List
10.1 Item List
11.1 Files of RESIDENT EVIL
12.1 Credits

1.2 Updates
July 1998 - First draft of Resident Evil Ultimate Guidebook created
on Microsoft Word with complete formatting and screenshots
August 1998-First draft made rare by deletion of the original file.
April 1999- New .txt version created with Microsoft WordPad.
Sept. 2000- New contact info added, About the Author section
striken. Warning to all FAQ authors - any access you
give to your readers to contact you is probably too much.
Take it from a guy who learned the hard way!!!

1.3 Introduction: How This Guide Is Set Up
saying that five times quickly with a mouthful of zombie guts! This
guide aims to be the absolute most complete guidebook to the videogame
RESIDENT EVIL by Capcom Entertainment. It CONTAINS SPOILERS, and should
be used only to aid the player if stuck, an item has obviously been
missed, or if the player is too scared to continue without some know-
ledge of what lies around that next corner!! As this guide aims to be
the most complete source of info on RESIDENT EVIL, if you see anything
missing or have any corrections to make feel free to e-mail the author
in a friendly manner. And now into the game!

1.4 Combat Tactics: Overview
Here's a few tips and hints on how to use the weapons and kill the
monsters. For more information on which weapon works best on which
monster, refer to Section 9.1, "Monster List".

This is probably the most important tactic that you learn. It makes
enemy disposal quicker and less dangerous. When you press the R1 button,
your character will automatically point their weapon at the closest
target. Then press L1 to quickly switch your aim to the next-closest
target. Do this EVERY time you fight more than one enemy, and do it
FAST. When you're about to go around a corner that you can't see around
because of the camera angle, move to a strategic position across from
that area and press R1. If your character turns to auto-aim on some-
thing, then you know that the undead are hiding back there.

**********WAITING TIME**********
When you hit cereberuses, they will fall to the ground immediately. You
must wait until they get back up, crouch, and growl at you. When the
cereberus is off screen, listen for it to growl before firing again. You
should probably hit L1 between each shot to strengthen your aim.

When you hit zombies and they fall to the floor, move back as they fall
forward so that you are standing about 2 steps away from the zombie. Aim
down and shoot them again for good measure. If you do this with the
shotgun, they will die on the floor every time. If the zombie is still
alive even after that and starts to get up, you must wait until they are
completely up and moving toward you in order to register another hit.

You will know when any enemy is dead when a pool of blood spreads around

********ONE SHOT SHOTGUN KILLS*********
Equip the shotgun and wait for a zombie to come toward you. In the
meantime, press R1 and Up so that you have the shotgun pointed upward.
When the zombie's arms are almost ready to grab you, fire. If you learn
this technique correctly, you should blow the zombie's head off with a
geyser of blood and skull fragments.

For hunters and cereberuses, you have to be a little more quick. When
they leap at you, quickly press R1 + Up and X to fire. You'll blast them
right out of the air! For close encounters with hunters in hallways
though, you'll definitely need the Magnum.

When a zombie, crow, or chimera has a hold of you in any of their
various ways, tap X, R1 and L1 repeatedly to get them to release you.
The longer they hold you, the more damage they do.

**********RUN EVERYWHERE!!***********
Though it may be a pain, keep your right thumb firmly planted on that
running button at all times. You'll find that enemies miss when they
leap at you unexpectedly, and you can usually outrun anything on your
way to the exit.

In fact, it's better if you don't. You'll need to conserve ammo,
especially until you get used to playing the game and learn how many
shots each enemy takes. It's important to remeber where you left active
enemies so that they don't surprize you whenever you're backtracking
(and no matter what approach you use, you WILL backtrack, I guarantee

********IF YOU SPRING A TRAP, DON'T PANIC!!********
Some rooms will fill with poison gas, the ceiling will begin lowering
down on top of you or you will be chased out of the corridor by a
rolling boulder. If you are messing with a trap mechanism in a room and
it doesn't work out to your advantage, run for the exit door. When you
reenter the room, the trap and the puzzle that may accompany it will be
reset and you can try again. Of course, getting squashed by a rolling
boulder or ceiling means YOU DIED...

**********DON'T TRY TO CARRY EVERYTHING*********
One of the big challenges of the game is to try to manage your six or
eight inventory slots. You can only carry this many items at a time, so
try to limit yourself to carrying one weapon and the ammo for it, plus
any keys you've come across and some health-ups, either Herbs or 1st Aid
Sprays. Stop by the scattered Item Boxes often and drop off things you
aren't sure you're going to need. For the most part, this walkthrough
has been designed to keep your inventory as open as possible, but
there's no guarantees. Make sure you always have at least 1-2 open
spaces to pick up new items.

1.5 Game Start: Difficulty Settings
RESIDENT EVIL: DIRECTOR'S CUT: When the Game Start screen comes up,
there are three difficulties listed:

STANDARD - The regular Resident Evil game.
TRAINING - Fewer enemies that are slightly easier. All ammunition
and Ink Ribbons found are double in quantity.
ADVANCED - This game is specific to the Director's Cut edition. The
items have all been rearranged, Jill and Chris have
different starting costumes, and the enemies are
sometimes harder. There is a trick you can do at the
Game Start screen that will make adjusting to the
Advanced game easier. Refer to Section 7.1, "Secrets" to
see what I mean.

1.6 Characters
You will play RESIDENT EVIL as either of these two characters:

An intelligent soldier that has rescued many S.T.A.R.S. members from
danger in the past, Jill has been reassigned to Raccoon City just like
Chris. She is excellent with special mechanical devices such as lock-
SPECIALTIES: Picking locks, piano playing, chemistry, modeling.
Jill is perfectly suited to this mission. What a woman! She goes almost
wherever she wants, picking every lock in sight. She walks into a bar
and starts playing the piano, any song, without a rehearsal. And she can
wear a crop top like a pro, without a push-up bra! Be still, my beating

After being kicked out of the Air Force, Chris became a drifter until he
met Barry Burton. Barry recruited him for the newly formed S.T.A.R.S.
Now Chris has been reassigned to a smaller unit at Raccoon City
SPECIALTIES; Daredevil pilot, juggling artist, lady killer.
Playing as Chris is quite a bit more of a challenge than playing as
Jill. He requires a great deal more capability in item management and
forethought. He's as skilled as a log, and needs women to do everything
for him. You'll see what I mean.

Albert Wesker -
Wesker has risen quickly inside the S.T.A.R.S. organization and
currently leads the Alpha Team. Viewed by many as a "cool guy," from his
snappy haircut to his perpetual shades, Wesker was recruited by a
headhunter for his sharp insight and eventually founded the S.T.A.R.S.
unit in Raccoon City.

Barry Burton -
Chris Redfield's old friend and partner. Former SWAT member, Barry
maintains and supplies weapons for all S.T.A.R.S. members. He has over
16 years of experience, and has led many successful projects.

Rebecca Chambers -
The youngest member of the group, Rebecca has been recruited for her
knowledge of field medicine and First Aid. She is nervous around other
members, both because of her age and lack of experience.


2.1 L A D I E S F I R S T : J I L L 'S W A L K T H R O U G H

What you'll find in THIS guidebook that isn't in OTHER guidebooks is a
more perspective and in-depth guide for playing the game. Haven't you
ever played a game with the help of a walkthrough, and you come across a
monster that wasn't listed in the guide and it kicks your butt pronto?
Perhaps you've tried using a walkthrough, but the name of the area in
the guide gave you no real indication where to go next, or even if you
were looking in the right place? This guide aims to do that, by using
descriptive and unique names created by the author for all the rooms and
by utilizing a format that should be easy to reference and quick to
read. If you're going to stop playing and read part of the guide to see
where you are, remember to hit the Start button to go to your Item
screen so something doesn't shamble up on you while you're not

The walkthrough is contained in two parts, one for each of the playable
characters in the game. There are significant differences in the order
of events and the number and variety of weapons and items, so this
warrants the creation of an individual walkthrough for each character.
Each part of the Walkthrough is divided by the different levels of the
game, or "Missions". At the end of each level is usually a boss monster
of some kind, so you've been warned!

Every time you encounter a puzzle, the solution to the puzzle will be
described in a special box. So if you want to try the puzzle on your own
first, you won't want to read what's in the box. Also there are traps
throughout the game, and these are also separated in special boxes.
Sometimes a puzzle can trigger a trap, so the puzzle solution will
appear in a box, and then the trap warning will be in a separate box
below. Also, boss encounters will be described in boxes as they occur in
the walkthrough, and these will include stats on the boss and tactics to
defeat them. So if you're a tough guy, fight em without my suggestions!!

2.2 Mission 1: Mansion I
Ink Ribbons(2)
Handgun Clips(5)
Wooden Emblem
1st Level Map
Green Herbs(2)
Star Crest

MAIN HALL - The opening cinema takes Jill and Barry to the Dining Hall,
looking for clues on the orders of the S.T.A.R.S.' commander, Albert
Wesker. Come back to this room later for the INK RIBBONS beside the
TYPEWRITER. The Typewriters found throughout the game are your save
points, and will be highlighted in all-caps in this guidebook to help
you find them. To save, go to any Typewriter with an Ink Ribbon in your
inventory and press X. You should be able to follow the steps from
there. If at any time you should be inquisitive enough to try to go out
the front door, a cutscene will show you nearly getting your face bit
off by a cereberus. Try this more than once and there's a strong chance
the cereberus will leap into the Main Hall and attack you. You have to
find another exit from the Mansion.

DINING HALL - Follow Barry down to the pool of blood by the WOODEN
EMBLEM. You can take this item now if you wish, but it may be wiser
to save your inventory slots since this item won't be neccessary until
much much later. After the scene with Barry, go thru the door on the
North wall.

SITTING AREA(1ST ZOMBIE) - A zombie is feasting on a former S.T.A.R.S.
member, Kenneth. After you shoot it dead (4-6 shots with Jill's Hand-
gun), examine Kenneth 3 times for 2 HANDGUN CLIPS.

Return to the Dining Hall. Another zombie will follow you, but Barry
will take care of this one. Go back to the Main Hall to look for
Wesker with Barry. Wesker is gone. When Barry tells you to search,
run quickly through the back alcove that runs under the stairs and
then meet him in front of the double blue doors. Barry will give Jill
the LOCKPICK. When he goes off on his own, go through the
blue double doors to the east.

BLUE ROOM - Push the ladder up to the back of the central statue, and
then stand behind it and press X to ascend for the 1ST LEVEL MAP. Push
the display case aside and head into the red-wallpapered area. Shoot the
zombie on the floor before proceeding, don't take any chances. There's
INK RIBBONS on the shelf.

L - SHAPED CORRIDOR - Unlike Chris, Jill can use the Lockpick to access
this corridor without a key. As you run through each section, 2
cereberus will crash through the windows. Behind the second empty
display case is a CLIP. Be sure to push the case to the right of the
screen (forward at an angle). Go through the next door.

EAST GREEN CORRIDOR - There's a GREEN HERB on the floor to the right of
Jill. The door to the left needs a key you don't have yet.

BATHROOM - One bathroom for the entire mansion? Hmph! There is nothing


FAMILY ROOM - Take the SHOTGUN on the wall. When you go back to the
Connecting Chamber the ceiling will begin to descend, threatening to
crush you!!!
* TRAP!!! - This is the first real trap of the game, but is easily *
*avoidable for Jill. Go to the west door and point the shotgun at *
*the knob. Empty the shotgun at it and then try it. It won't open, *
*but a cutscene will ensue where Barry kicks the door in and rescues*
*Jill. Don't worry, you don't have to kiss him in return!!! *
HINT - This trap is best avoided if you find the Broken Shotgun else-
where in the mansion and use it to replace the Shotgun on the wall
before going back into the Connecting Chamber. But you may run out of
bullets before then!!!

ZOMBIE CORRIDOR - There's 2 uglies in here, one in the 2nd camera angle
that you can't see yet. Proceed cautiously! Unlock the door immediately
to the right upon entering. But first, if you have enough Shotgun ammo
you may be able to enter the third door down the hall on the left.

PAINTING GALLERY - If you used the Broken Shotgun in the Family Room to
get the Shotgun, then you can charge straight in here with it fully
loaded. Otherwise wait until you've reloaded it with some shells.
There's a little tactical trick that will get you through this crow-
infested room with a minimum of damage and ammo usage, if you can follow
my verbiage. When you enter this room, be pushing the up and run
buttons. When the camera angle changes let Jill take two more steps then
raise the shotgun point it up at the three crows above you and fire. You
should kill all 3 crows in one blast. Then run around the corner and
stop just on the other side of the dividing wall. The crows in this
section should fly at you in a straight line. When you press R1, you
should auto-aim at them. Wait until at least two crows are flying at you
and then fire. You should kill them both. Now the last crow is at your
disposal, just don't let him get behind you!
*PUZZLE??? - Go to any portrait and press X to examine it. There are *
*switches beneath each portrait to push except for the first portrait*
*in the room. This giant landscape has a message indicating that you *
*proceed from youngest to oldest. This puzzle is easy enough! So push*
*the switches under the portraits in this order: *
* Newborn Baby *
* Infant *
* Lively Boy *
* Young Man *
* Tired Middle-Aged Man *
* Bold Old Man *
*Then go to the portrait on the western wall entitled "The End of *
*Life" and press the switch. The frame will drop to the floor, *
*revealing the first CREST!!! *
Take the STAR CREST and return to the Zombie Hall.

OUTER CORRIDOR - Wondering what that Crest is for? Slip down the small
dark passage across from the Painting Gallery to the riveted metal door.
This next walled-in corridor leads to the Garden Shed. Between you and
the shed is a cereberus that needs your bullets. By the door to the shed
you will see a copper plate with several indentations that match the
shape of the Crest you just found.
*PUZZLE??? - Really, this is just a door with some weird keys, but it*
*falls under the catagory nonetheless. You have one Crest that will *
*fit in this door, so obviously there are 3 others somewhere in the *
*Mansion. The door will not open unless you have all four crests in *
*the door or a gameshark code. If you examine the plate, you will *
*read a short poem: *
* "When the Sun sets in the west and the Moon rises in *
* the east, stars will begin to appear in the sky and *
* wind will blow towards the ground. Then the gate of *
* new life will open." *
*These are the names of the 4 Crests needed to get the hell out of *
*here. *
Place the Crest in the plate, then run back inside to the door in the
Zombie Corridor you unlocked but did not enter earlier.

EAST STAIRWELL - There's one zombie hanging around the bottom of the
stairs, and behind him there's a GREEN HERB. The little door goes to...

MANSION STOREROOM - In here is your first ITEM BOX, so make some room
for new items in your inventory. There are 2 CLIPS in the ITEM BOX, and
believe me you'll need them! You may want to store the shotgun for
awhile, cause you won't find a whole lot of ammo for it right away.
There's also a TYPEWRITER, and on the floor to the right of the ITEM BOX
is the CHEMICAL. Be sure to take this with you when you leave the room.
Go back out and head up the stairs.

Botany Book
Acid Rounds(1)
Blue Gem

UPPER BACK CORRIDOR - 3 zombies are spread out up here, two of which
will need your attention. One is by the door to the Red Corridor and
another is by the Stag Room door in the middle of the hall. Stay close
to the stairs and you should be able to get them both before they make
it to you. Don't worry about the last guy down at the end, you won't
really need to go to that area until Mission 3, and by then he won't
be there anymore. See, I just saved you some ammo! The first door to
the right of the stairs which goes to the 2nd Floor Study is locked
from this side, so go to the south door to the Red Corridor.

RED CORRIDOR - 2 zombies are spread out along this hall. One is by the
door to the Upper Back Corridor and the other is by the door to the
Upper Main Hall, so don't get sandwiched. Head first to the door to the

2ND FLOOR STUDY - The BOTANY BOOK is on the table, and this will give
you plenty of useful info on how to combine and use the Herbs. For a
complete transcript of this and all Files found within the game, refer
to Section 11.1, "Files of RESIDENT EVIL". Make sure you unlock the
other door out of this room. Then go back down the Red Corridor and out
to the Upper Main Hall.

UPPER MAIN HALL - Barry has a hearty greeting for you and a little
present. After a short conversation, he will give you ACID ROUNDS. Now
it's time to go get the weapon that will fire these.

BALCONY PASSAGE - The door in the south of the east wall has a short
passage that heads north to another door. There's blood smeared and
splattered all over this door, and your character will bend down to
examine it.

BALCONY - S.T.A.R.S. Bravo team member Forrest Speyer is dead in the
corner! Gross!!! Pick up the BAZOOKA on the floor, turn and run back out
of here before 4 crows fly in and peck you. The Bazooka comes loaded
with 6 Explosive Rounds, so make sure you use them all before your
encounter with the first boss. Continue exploring upstairs.

UPPER DINING HALL - There are 2 zombies hanging out up here. It's best
to shoot the first one that you see from a distance with your Bazooka,
then head south and west so that you're behind a statue holding the BLUE
GEM. The 2nd zombie will be moving toward you. Here's a little trick:
equip your knife and get ready. The zombie will walk up to the statue,
and it won't go around it. You're safe behind the statue! Start sticking
the zombie with your knife and Jill will reach right around the statue
to stab him! Repeat until he's dead, and you've just saved yourself some
ammo. Now push the statue to the center of the space in the rail, and
then position yourself behind it and push it over. You'll hear it crash
and break below. Don't worry about going down to get it now, you'll have
plenty of time later.

2ND FLOOR LANDING - Watch out running around those corners! Run out to
the rail beside the stairwell and the camera will switch to show you
this area from a great tactical vantage point. Press R1 and you'll
auto-aim at the zombie standing just below you. Remember to shoot him
when he's down or he'll gnaw on your ankle! There should be another
zombie across the stairs that you can shoot from a distance pretty
easy. While you're bagging and tagging him, the third will mosey on up
from the bottom of the screen and can easily be picked off as he comes.
Whew! That got hairy for a minute there. The two doors are locked, one
needing a pass number of some sort.(????) Keep that in mind for later
and head down the stairs.

Ink Ribbons(1)
Armor Keys
Green Herbs(4)
Red Herbs(2)
Broken Shotgun
Handgun Clip(2)
Shotgun Shells(2)
Keeper's Diary
Wind Crest
Music Notes
Gold Emblem
Shield Key

LOWER BACK CORRIDOR - 3 more terribly fun zombies await you. You can
duck them for the time being if you can dodge your way into the
Medical Room.

MEDICAL ROOM - Here's another little pitstop with an ITEM BOX,
TYPEWRITER, and INK RIBBONS on the bed. Remeber that there's serums
sitting on the shelf in here, they may come in handy later...

WEST GREEN CORRIDOR - 2 zombies greet you upon entering, and another
lives in its own little world by the Tiger Room. You'll need the shotgun
for the first two, because they are usually fast zombies and the spacing
here is tight. At the end of the eastern passage is the Terrarium.

TERRARIUM - If you go near the fountain in the center, the vines will
suddenly seize you and choke you, or they will smack you real good. So
first, go to the back of the room where the water pump is. You may have
to examine it first to get confirmation that the lid is off, but this is
definitely where you use the Chemical you found earlier. The water will
turn red, and then so will the vines. When they've stopped flailing and
making that awful noise, you can run behind the plant and get the ARMOR
KEY off the blue shield. Notice the area behind that with the Beethoven
statue? You'll get to that in a minute. Next to the shield are 2 RED &
4 GREEN HERBS. Feel free to take some back to the Item Box in the
Medical Room, and on the way stop by that door you couldn't open before
in the Lower Back Corridor.

ARTILLERY - Looks like you're too late, most of the stock's been
depleted. But on the shelves to the left are a CLIP and the BROKEN
SHOTGUN, which will keep you from experiencing the TRAP!!! in the
Connecting Chamber on the other side of the mansion. So if you haven't
already, you can now go get the shotgun. But if you have, then don't
pick up this item because it's now absolutely useless and a waste of
inventory space. Use the lockpick on the desk drawer to get some shotgun
SHELLS. Then head back to the West Green Corridor and this time, go

KEEPER'S ROOM - There's a CLIP on the bed, and the KEEPER'S DIARY on the
desk makes for creepy (if not somewhat goofy) reading.
*TRAP!!! - As soon as you touch the diary, a zombie will burst out *
*of the closet behind you. Of course it's best to have your shotgun.*
*Let it take one or two steps toward you, then raise the shotgun, *
*aim up, and blast it's head off. *
When you've taken care of this bad boy, check inside the closet for some

>From here, you'll want to head out through the door to the south that
leads back to your 1st Zombie Encounter, and out to the Dining Hall.
Collect the BLUE GEM from the debris of the statue (and if you haven't
already, the WOODEN EMBLEM). Head back up the West Green Corridor to the
small room with the tiger statue.

TIGER STATUE ROOM - Use the Blue Gem on the tiger, and it will swivel to
the right, giving you the WIND CREST. The message beneath the statue
hints at the existence of a Red Gem, so keep a sharp lookout.

PIANO BAR - At the other end of the hall from the 1st zombie encounter
are two doors. One you can't open and one you can, with the Lockpick. Go
around the grand piano to the northeastern portion of the room. There's
one bookcase right in front of another. Push the front bookcase aside,
and on the shelf you'll find the MUSIC NOTES.
*PUZZLE??? - Take the Music Notes back to the grand piano and use *
*them. Jill plays Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata on the piano. Is *
*there anything this woman can't do?!?!?!?! A secret panel opens, *
*leading to the little area you saw behind the Terrarium with the *
*Beethoven statue. Under the statue is a GOLD EMBLEM exactly like *
*the Wooden Emblem. If that isn't a clue, I don't know what is. Take*
*the Gold Emblem, and the secret panel will slide shut, sealing you *
*in. Hope you brought the Wood Emblem, cause the only way you can *
*get the Gold Emblem out of here is to place the Wood Emblem in the *
*niche. Then the door will open back up and you can leave with the *
*Gold Emblem. *
Now take the Gold Emblem back out to the Dining Hall. Place it in the
niche over the fireplace and the clock will chime several times, then
slide to the side revealing the SHIELD KEY.

Shotgun Shells(1)
Ink Ribbons(1)
Green Herbs(7)

This is an area you may want to save for future games when you have the
appropriate key. But for the purposes of walking you through the game,
this is the best time to tackle this area.

WAITING ROOM - Behind the bookcase dividing the room on the right are
SHELLS in the desk drawer just around the corner. Jill will use the
Lockpick to get them. Be careful going around that corner since there's
a zombie between you and the desk. Head up the corridor to the east.

PLAYROOM - A zombie crawls toward you, and can easily be put out of his
misery with 3 handgun bullets or one shotgun blast. There's INK RIBBONS
on the little stage, and 2 GREEN HERBS in front of the mirror. The
Closet door is locked and can't be opened by any of the keys you'll find
in your first game (frustrating, I know). Refer to Section 7.1,"Secrets"
to learn more about this area.

Also optional is whether or not you want to run out to the Patio, but
it's dangerous.

PATIO - Remember that door in the East Green Corridor in the east wall?
You can use the Armor Key in the lock now. But this leads outside, which
as you saw in the opening movie is where all the cereberuses hang out.
The one on the other side of the gate won't bother you right away. Run
up and around the corner, but try to stop as soon as the camera angle
changes because the second cereberus is leaping right at you. With some
skill you might be able to blow this puppy out of the air, but most
likely you will get hit so wait until it's between you and all the
plants. Remember to wait each time for it to get back up and growl
before you shoot it again. Then collect the 5 GREEN HERBS found in
plentitude here. There's nothing cooking in the oven. Sorry, I know
you're getting hungry, but snacktime is later. When you run back to the
door, the second dog will finally leap the fence, but if you run
straight for the door and press X at just the right time, you'll escape
without a scratch. My advice on this area is to avoid it. From the East
Green Corridor, turn your Armor Key in the lock (so you can easily
discard it later) and walk away. Unless you're really desperate to build
your herb collection, this area's just not worth the trouble.

Sun Crest
Researcher's Diary
Explosive Rounds(1)
Ink Ribbons(2)
Handgun Clips(3)
Red Herb(1)
Green Herbs(2)
Acid Rounds(1)
Shotgun Shells(1)
Moon Crest

KNIGHT'S HALL - That's right, it's time to head back upstairs and open
the rest of those rooms with that Armor Key. The Knight's Hall lies in
the Red Corridor, behind the blue double doors. In here you'll find the
room lined on each side with suits of armor. Don't bother searching
them, there's nothing there. Your real concern lies with the puzzle in
the middle of the floor.
*PUZZLE??? - There are two statues and two grates in this room, and *
*then in the center is a large red button. If you feel lucky go over*
*and push the button right away. Then read below about the TRAP!!! *
*you've just sprung. The way to solve this puzzle without springing *
*the trap is to push the two statues over the two grates. This *
*shouldn't take to long if you push the statue closest to each grate*
*over it. Make sure you've got that grate covered, or at least use *
*your best guess. Then push the red button in the center of the room*
*and the display case at the far end will slide open revealing the *
*TRAP!!! - If you push the red button before sliding the statues *
*over the grates, or if you fail to cover them just right, the room *
*with fill with poison gas. Run out before you attain a poison *
*status or die! Then you can go back in, and the puzzle will be *
*reset just like nothing ever happened. *

STAG ROOM - Go to the room halfway down the Upper Back Corridor. You
will know this room when you enter it because of the taxidermied stag's
head high on the wall. The east door leads to the Researcher's Room, and
the west leads to the Twin Bedroom.

RESEARCHER'S ROOM - The RESEARCHER'S DIARY is on the desk, recounting an
accident in a hidden laboratory somewhere on the premises. Something
called the T-Virus is spreading everywhere, turning people into zombies.
*PUZZLE??? - Search the broken shellfish display case and you will *
*hit a switch that empties the water out of the aquarium across the *
*room. Go to the left of the aquarium, squeezing between it and the *
*cabinet, and push the aquarium to the right. Now go to the north *
*side of the cabinet and push it into the spot where the aquarium *
*was. There is a set of little doors behind the cabinet. Search here*
*and you'll find EXPLOSIVE ROUNDS. *
In the lab coat on the wall are INK RIBBONS.

TWIN BEDROOM - When Jill tries to enter this room, a zombie will enter
the Stag Room behind her, so watch out! On the bookshelf is the LIGHTER,
and a RED HERB in the southeast corner. If you go to the southwest
corner and search, you'll find a hidden CLIP. When Jill leaves this
room, there may be yet another zombie in the Stag Room. Ugh!

Now it's time for the final stage of the first mission in the Mansion,
and the first boss fight is coming up soon. Head back to the one door in
the Red Corridor that you haven't been in yet, the door in the south

RICHARD ENCOUNTER - If you run forward and take the first right into the
little alcove you'll find 2 GREEN HERBS. You may want to pocket these,
considering what's coming. Around the corner you'll find a man on the
floor, twitching. It is Richard Aiken from the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team.
He's got a huge bite mark across his chest, as if something huge tried
to swallow him. He says he's dying of poison and doesn't have any serum.
Remember where you saw the serum? Don't worry, cause as soon as you go
back out of the room into the Red Corridor, a map will come up showing
you the location of the Medical Room in the West wing of the 1st floor.
You cannot progress any further until you retrieve the serum and bring
it back. Try to remember the location of any enemies you left active.
When you get to the Medical Room, go over to the shelf and press X and
you'll receive the SERUM. Now run back and try to help your fellow man.
You'll find out that you're too late. Richard will die, warning you
about terrible demons that live in the house. He will also give you the
RADIO. Search him twice for a CLIP. Now you may go through the door at
the end of the hall.

ATTIC CORRIDOR - Take one step forward after entering, and a zombie will
come out from hiding around the corner. Up the steps is the Attic, but
you can go to the left first for some ammo.

PRIVATE DINING ROOM - There's INK RIBBONS on the end of the table close
to the door. Use the Lighter on the candleabra at the far end of the
table. Search the hutch to the left for a CLIP, and if you push the
cabinet aside, another hutch in the nook holds ACID ROUNDS. You won't be
able to collect these unless you light the candles first.

ATTIC - When you walk in have your Bazooka loaded with Acid Rounds and
ready. A gigantic snake will attack.
*SHOTS REQUIRED: 3-4 Acid Rounds, 4-5 Explosive Rounds or Shotgun *
* Shells *
*TACTICS: Yawn will slither out of her hole once you have walked to the*
*halfway point of the room. Yawn moves quickly, so don't let it *
*encircle you and cut you off. It will definitely snap at you several *
*times before you get 3-4 Acid Rounds in it, so you can count on being *
*poisoned. If she lowers your health meter enough she will swallow you *
*whole. The best strategy is to heal up often with herbs or 1st aid to *
*prevent being swallowed. Run around the wooden post in the center of *
*the room with Yawn right behind you. This way you can't get trapped. *
*When you get a little too far ahead of it or if it swivels and goes *
*around the other side of the post to attack you from the front, shoot *
*one round into it and then run around the post again. Repeat until *
*Yawn gives up and slithers away. *
In case you run out of shotgun ammo during the boss fight, there's a box
of SHELLS on some barrels against the west wall. Follow Yawn to its
hidey hole, and inside you will see the glittering final MOON CREST.

When Jill leaves the room, a cutscene will interrupt. The poison from
the giant snake renders Jill unconscious. But as the lights dim, someone

Jill wakes up in the Infirmary on the cot. Use this opportunity to save
and rearrange your inventory. You'll want to take your hangun, some
clips, and all the Crests that you haven't fitted into the Garden Shed

2.3 Mission 2: Guardhouse
Square Crank
Red Herbs(2)
Green Herbs(5)
Blue Herbs(4)
Garden Map

GARDEN SHED - Once you have fit all the Crests in the door, you will
hear it unlock. There is a step ladder to the right. Push it forward
some so that you can get behind it, then push it across the room to the
high shelf. Up here you'll find the SQUARE CRANK.

UPPER COURTYARD - Hear that growling? 3 Cereberus will attack you if you
go around the corner. So you may want to collect the 2 RED & 3 GREEN
HERBS to the left first. Run down into the next camera angle and to the
corner behind the flowerbed to the left and press R1 to draw on the
first dog. Then immediately press L1 to bead on the second dog, which is
charging at you from offscreen. Keep pressing L1 and firing as each dog
gets up and growls, and 6-8 Beretta shots or two Shotgun blasts later
they'll both be dead. Immediately you'll get a radio message from Brad
Vickers in the chopper. At the far end of the passage to the west lies
the GARDEN MAP and a lift which is unaccessible from up here. On your
way back, you may or may not want to pick up the 2 BLUE HERBS since they
cure poison status. Head through the gates at the north end.

POOL - Run to the far right side of the screen and you'll find a square
shaped hole on a little post. Use the Square Crank here and the dam will
raise, emptying the pool. Run back to the ladder and you'll descend to a
short walkway across the pool. When you climb up the other side, run
like hell to the left because poisonous snakes will start falling out of
the trees. As soon as you get on the red lift hit X and you'll descend.

LOWER COURTYARD - As soon as the lift stops at the bottom, run forward
until the camera angle changes, then stop and press R1. 2 cereberuses
will charge at you in a line. It's pretty easy to pick them off one
bullet at a time. You may blow them off the screen, but just keep hit-
ting L1 between each shot until the growling stops and you'll be fine.
At the top of the next camera angle, you can see the bottom of the lift.
If you examine it you'll figure out there's no power because the battery
is gone. Hmmm. If you run between the two pools, you'll run into a
waterfall cascading down from the pool above. There's something behind
the waterfall, but you can't do much about it now. Head out the other

you, but don't stop to smell the daisies or you're dog food. Instead run
immediately out into the open and hit R1. You'll auto-aim at a cereberus
that's charging at you. Keep shooting till it squeeks, then walk
carefully forward until the camera angle changes. Hear that panting?
Another charges around the corner toward you. Kill it from where you
stand, then run up to the middle of the next corner and hit R1+X right
away and tie that mother down. But it's best to just run past it. If
you know what you're doing, the doggie will leap at you and miss. Don't
worry about leaving this enemy active, it won't be here next time you
cruise this way.

Blue Herbs(2)
1st Aid Spray(1)
Explosive Rounds(1)
Shotgun Shells(2)
Red Book
C. Room Key
Handgun Clip(2)
Ink Ribbons(1)
Green Herbs(3)
Dormitory 002 Key
Plant 42 Report
Guardhouse Map

ENTRANCE - If you walk straight forward the camera angle will change and
you'll see 2 BLUE HERBS. But to the immediate left of the entry door is
a statue. You'll need to use this in order to avoid the trap two
corridors away.
*TRAP!!! - If you walk down the hall past the two doors, then turn *
*right before the double red doors and head down the next hall, a vine *
*will shoot up from a hole in the floorboards and strangle you. If your*
*health is low, it can sometimes kill you. To avoid this, go back to *
*the entry door to the Guardhouse. Get behind the gargoyle statue and *
*push it out to the center of the entrance area, then push it down the *
*center of the next hall, between the two opposite doors to the center *
*of the next hall that heads right. Then push it down this hall until *
*you have covered the hole in the floor. Don't worry, the vine won't *
*shoot out at you if you are safely behind the statue. You can now get *
*to the door to the next corridor. *
Having taken precautions against the trap, go back to the two doors on
opposite side of the hall and go into the door on the right of the

GUARDPOST - In this little bunkroom you'll find an ITEM BOX, TYPEWRITER,
a 1ST AID SPRAY and EXPLOSIVE ROUNDS on the top and bottom of the
bookcase. Save and dump items in the Item Box. Take with you only the
shotgun and shells, and the bazooka and acid rounds. With Jill's eight
inventory slots, managing the short amount of items in this mission will
be no problem.

DORMITORY 001 - Directly across from the Guardpost door, go into the
room with a plate marked "001" over it. Inside, ignore the first door to
the right for the moment. Walk down the hallway and get ready for the
two zombies near the nightstand. Once they're taken care of Lockpick the
desk for some SHELLS and take the RED BOOK on the bed, it will be
essential later.

001 BATHROOM - Now go back to that door I told you to ignore. Examine
the tub full of water and you'll be given the option to drain it. When
it's empty you'll find the C. ROOM KEY.

GAMEROOM - Don't those double red doors and the end of the entry
corridor just radiate evil? Well your instincts are right. Inside two
webspinners will drop on you. These are creepy giant spiders. If you use
the shotgun on them just once, they'll explode and dozens of tiny
spiders will spread out and make your life miserable. Instead, one acid
round will fry these suckers inside and out promptly, killing their
unborn in the womb. If you're unlucky and somehow the little suckers are
all over the place and nipping at your heels, you'll have to leave the
room and re-enter in order to make them go away. Don't make the mistake
I did in my first game of trying to kill all these little critters with
the handgun, you'll be sorry. Search the pool table in the upper
northwest corner and you'll find some weird stuff. If you search the
south end of the table, Jill will realize that the poolsticks and balls
represent some kind of makeshift clock. Remember the number that Jill
reads, "3,4,5", it is a code needed in a few minutes. (The code may be
different depending on what difficulty level you are playing.) If this
code is different, remember it for future games as well and this room
becomes utterly avoidable. On your way out, don't forget the INK RIBBONS
on the table or the CLIP on the barrel by the door. When you exit this
room go down the corridor where you covered the hole in the floor.

GUARDHOUSE CORRIDOR - Go north past two doors. The second door is marked
by the clearly legible number 002. In the alcove above this door. Is
another stone gargoyle statue. Push it back into the alcove to get the 3
GREEN HERBS back there. Then go back to the first door you passed.

GREENHOUSE - This room requires some running skill. If you mess up,
you'll be chased by a horde of giant wasps. If this happens just run
back to the door and exit, and the room will be reset.
*TRAP!!! - The DORMITORY OO2 KEY is sitting under a gigantic wasp nest.*
*In order to get the key and get out, you're just going to have to be *
*quick. The recommendable method is to run straight for the key upon *
*entering the room, hit X as soon as you get to the little table the *
*key is sitting on, about face and high-tail it back to the door you *
*came in. When you reenter the room, the wasps who got angry and chased*
*you out will be back in their nest. It is recommended that you ALWAYS *
*RUN when you are crossing this room for any reason. You cannot kill *
*all the wasps, as they continually emanate from the nest in an *
*infinite quantity. *
The door to the right of the nest is marked 003. It's locked, so just
take note of it's location and move on. The double doors in the corridor
behind Dormitory 003 are blocked by something heavy. Can you hear a
strange rustling noise?

DORMITORY 002 - Since you've now got the key to this room, the next
obvious thing to do is come back here. The layout is just like that of
Dormitory 001, but there are two bookcases instead of one. Use the
lockpick on the desk for some more SHELLS, and skim through the PLANT 42
REPORT on the bed. You've just gotten a good description of the next
boss you'll face. The GUARDHOUSE MAP is the white document on the wall.
Go to the bookcases. Push the one to the left back against the wall, and
then go to the right of the righthand bookcase and push it across the
floor and in front of the left bookcase. Behind these you will find a
secret ladder that you may now descend.

NOTE ABOUT 002 BATHROOM - Avoid this room. There is nothing in here but
a zombie and a CLIP in the sink, so only come in here if you feel like
wasting ammo.

Green Herbs(2)
Hangun Clips(2)
Shotgun Shells(2)
Dormitory 003 Key

BASEMENT CORRIDOR - Run down the corridor past all the crates to see
what you have to do. There is an area full of water where there is no
way to cross.
*PUZZLE??? - You have to figure out how to push the crates to get *
*across. Get behind the first crate (the one closest to the gap)and *
*push it in. Then get behind the second crate and push it in too. Then *
*go back to the beginning of the corridor and push the last crate west,*
*so that it is in the space in front of the ladder. Then go to the *
*north side of the crate (so that your back is to the ladder) and push *
*it down against the south wall. But make sure you leave some room to *
*the right of it so that you can position yourself on the west side of *
*the crate and push it east. Push it all the way down the corridor *
*until it is flat against the eastern wall. Then you should have a *
*space to the north of the crate so that you can get behind it and push*
*it in the gap just like the other two. *
Once you've figured out how to get across, on the other side are 2 GREEN
HERBS next to a slope downward. The slope is covered in water, so wade
on in.

AQUARIUM - The Umbrella Corporation obviously doesn't have an on-site
plumber, and they've got some very leaky pipes. Make your way through
the murky waters to the south, and you will see the real cause of all
this. In the middle of the room are two back-to-back gigantic water
tanks. The one to the south has a huge hole in the glass. Something must
have gotten out...

On the north side of the chamber are three doors, two in the west wall
and one in the east. A gigantic shark named Neptune and her two
offspring are swimming around in the waters, and you should encounter
them by now. If you enter the Aquarium area and run straight for the
doors to the west, I know for sure that you will see a Neptune POV FMV.
You can duck into the door to the east (Soldier's Mess) for safety, but
your real goal is the southern of the two doors on the west wall (C.

SOLDIER'S MESS - You will probably have to duck in here at some point in
your life to avoid the Neptune. When you go back out there's only a
small chance that she and her babies will be right outside the door. In
this room is a large table. There is nothing in the bag on the wall,
although it is interesting to keep trying in future games.*_* The most
noticeable thing is of course the gigantic plant root that has thrust
down through the ceiling and is drawing water from the floor. Keep this
in mind for later also.

C.ROOM - Neptune and her children should be hot on your tail by the time
you make it to this door (if you make it), so hopefully you can get to
the door and press X quickly enough to get into this room without
molestation. This is the safety control room for the Aquarium. If you go
to the levers on the wall to the right of the door, you will figure out
which one lowers the water level. The water will be sucked out of the
room and the Aquarium beyond. The sharks will be flapping helplessly on
the cement when you go back out there. Don't waste any ammo on them
though, if you stick close to the wall by the exit you won't have any
problem getting around their snapping jaws. But first, before you leave
this room, notice the red light at waste level by the door. If you
search here you will find a button that unlocks something in the room to
the north.

MUNITIONS CLOSET - Jackpot. Two CLIPS are on the shelf immediately to
the left, and two boxes of SHELLS are at the back of the room. In this
second camera angle, you should see something twinkling over to the
right. This, finally, is the DORMITORY 003 KEY. Head back upstairs.

Empty Bottles(4)
"V-Jolt" Report
Flame Rounds(1)
Ink Ribbons(1)
Helmut Key

DORMITORY 003 - Upon entering immediately go into the bathroom,
preferably with your Bazooka equipped. There's a zombie who will be on
top of you pretty quick. He's been dutifully guarding some FLAME ROUNDS.
Back in the bedroom, lockpick the desk for INK RIBBONS if you need. On
the bookshelf against the north wall is a row of red books. One of the
books is white. This is the "V-JOLT" REPORT, a very important document.
Use the Red Book from Dormitory 001 to replace the Report and the
bookcase to the east will slide to the side, revealing a door.

You now have two options. Either equip yourself with the shotgun and
walk through the door if you're feeling tough, or go to the Chemical Lab
and prepare the V-Jolt now that you've got the instructions. The boss is
much easier to kill if you use the V-Jolt, trust me!

CHEMICAL LAB - Return to the Greenhouse area and go to the door in the
west wall with a security keypad beside it. Punch in the number Jill
read off the pooltable, and the door will unlock. Inside are shelves
lined with chemical compounds. Someone has written an equation on the
one wall, and on the other is somekind of key to the equation. If you
came in here before obtaining the "V-Jolt" Report, you will not be able
to identify the Umbrella compounds. With the "V-Jolt" Report you will
find UMB No. 2 on the shelf to the north, and UMB No. 4 on the shelf to
the west. There are FOUR EMPTY BOTTLES scattered around the room that
you can pick up and use to mix the compounds. At this point you should
have an open enough inventory that you can pick up at least 3 of them,
and that's really all you need. If not, go all the way back to the
Guardpost near the entrance and drop some items in the Item Box.
*PUZZLE??? - Mixing the V-Jolt is not easy. The chemicals are assigned *
*numeric values on the wall, and used in the chemical equation on the *
*other wall. The combining process must occur following the exact order*
*of the numbers in the equation or there's a chance you could produce a*
*lethal gas. *
*Here is the list of variables for the chemical equation from the wall:*
* "Water = 1, Red = 2, Purple = 3, Red = 4" *
*And from the end of the V-Jolt Report: *
* "UMB No.2 Red NP-003 Purple *
* UMB No.4 Green Yellow-6 Yellow *
* UMB No.7 White *
* UMB No.13 Blue (stimulating smell) *
* V-JOLT (UMB No.16) Brown" *
*And here is the equation: *
* "1+2=3, 3+4=7, 2+4=6, 6+7=13, 13+3=16" *
*So you should proceed as follows:(easy way with 3 beakers) *
*1. Put some water from the tap into one beaker *
*2. Go to the shelf and collect some UMB No. 2 in another beaker *
*3. Combine the water and the UMB No.2 to make NP-003 *
*4. Go to the shelf and collect UMB No.4 *
*5. Combine UMB No.4 and NP-003 to make UMB No.7 *
*6. Go to the shelf and collect UMB No.2 *
*7. Go to the shelf and collect UMB No.4 *
*8. Combine UMB No.2 and UMB No.4 to make Yellow-6 *
*9. Combine Yellow-6 and UMB No.7 to make UMB No.13 *
*10. Repeat steps 1-3 *
*11. Combine UMB No.13 with UMB No.3 to make the V-JOLT *
*Voila! Good job, Chef!!! *
*TRAP!!! - Mix the chemicals in any order except the one listed above, *
*and there's good chance you could produce a poisonous gas that could *
*inflict poison status on your character. *
Now take the V-JOLT to the basement and go to the Soldier's Mess. Use
the V-Jolt on the root and it will wither up. Now you are ready to face
Plant 42.

BALLROOM - Plant 42 makes its 50's sci-fi movie sounds and waves large
blume-tipped vines around the room. If the vines get hold of you, you're
gonna be hurtin'!
*PLANT 42 *
*SPECIAL ATTACKS: Blood suck, dashes you on floor, poison acid drip *
*SHOTS REQUIRED: 8-15 Shotgun Shells, 30-60 Hangun Bullets *
*TACTICS: If you are good at running and shooting, Plant 42 really *
*can't do much damage to you. Run around the perimeter of the room, *
*then stop, aim up at the bulb in the center of the ceiling, fire, and *
*run again. You can also blow a few of its vines off by aiming regular.*
*Carefully monitor the acid drops falling from the ceiling. Plant 42 *
*can sense where you are and will drop huge smoking blobs of acid onto *
*you. You can be inflicted with poison status this way. If you get *
*grabbed by one of the vines, it will hoist you in the air and suck *
*your blood, draining your health immediately into the red. So you *
*should use 1st aid immediately if this happens. Bazooka rockets have a*
*strong chance of not going high enough to hit the bulb, so you have to*
*run in close to have a better chance at hitting the target center. *
*Using the Bazooka is quicker, but alot harder. The ranges of shots *
*required vary so greatly because if you did not use the V-Jolt, Plant *
*42 will be too hard for you to beat on your own and a special FMV will*
*kick in. Refer to Section 6.1, "Frequently Asked Questions" for more *
*info on what happens. *
*When it's dead, the central bulb will drop from the ceiling and *
*dissolve into a gelatenous mess on the floor. *
When Plant 42 is done for, search the fireplace on the North wall for
the HELMUT KEY, the final Mansion Key. You can use the double doors to

On your way back out, you'll hear gunfire in the Guardhouse Corridor.
Jill will run around the corner and encounter Lt. Wesker, who's killing
some wasps that followed him out in the hall. Wesker has also encoun-
tered all the horrors of this place, and is ready to get his team out of
here. He orders Jill back to the Mansion to investigate all the rooms
that require the Helmut Key, to see if there's any indication of how to
get out of here. Stop by the Guardpost, collect the Bazooka and Acid
Rounds and leave the Guardhouse. On the way to the Mansion, Jill will
receive another message from Brad.

2.4 Mission 3: Mansion II
A WORD OF ADVICE: When you return to the Mansion, you'll find it to be
infested with a new and incredibly deadly new enemy. Only go into the
rooms listed in this walkthrough. Deviate from the path outlined herein,
and it's your own funeral!!!

Magnum Rounds
Doom Book I
Eagle Medal
1st Aid Spray
Shotgun Shells
Explosive Rounds
Green Herb
2nd Floor Map

THE HUNTER - As you reenter the Mansion, a cutscene will show a POV shot
of some kind of quick and powerful enemy (who can leap tall walls in a
single bound) following you. It can open doors, and swiftly the new
monster is creeping down the back hall toward you, it's eyes and claws
glittering. The hunter has an incredible slashing range, and if it leaps
at you when your health is low it will decapitate you. It takes 2-3
shotgun blasts to do one in, and by that time you could be mincemeat.
You need more powerful weapons fast! If you're in trouble, duck into the
first door to the right, which requires the Helmut Key.

STUDY - It's dark in here! Even though you may be able to see the shape
of items in here, you can't pick them up until you find the light
switch. Go up to the left side of the desk and keep searching around
until you feel a switch on the desk lamp. This will turn on the light.
On the desk are MAGNUM ROUNDS. This must mean there's a magnum coming
soon. Now we're talkin! On the shelf of the hutch is the DOOM BOOK I.
Go into your inventory screen and examine this item. If you turn the
book so that you're looking at the book as if you were going to open it
with two thumbs, (not looking at the front cover, but the side) then hit
the X button, you'll open the book and discover the EAGLE MEDAL in a
pocket cut out of the pages.

EAST STAIRWELL - Watch out returning to this area, there's a hunter that
will pop out from around that first corner! Against the wall by the
Mansion Storeroom door, Barry has pinned a note for you.

MANSION STOREROOM - In here you'll find a bunch of items that Wesker has
left on the floor: a 1ST AID SPRAY, SHELLS, and ACID ROUNDS. Dump
everything but the Helmut Key, the Lighter, the bazooka and ammo. Then
head upstairs.

UPPER BACK CORRIDOR - Two hunters have situated themselves up here, but
you've caught them by surprize. At the top of the stairs you'll see a
hunter down the hall with it's back to you. Run down there just far
enough to get it in range of the bazooka, and then fry it. Acid Rounds
work the best, of course. Run all the way down to the end of the hall
(where I told you not to go before). Don't worry, nothing will jump out
at you. Go all the way down to the end of the hall, to the area you
haven't been to before.

ANTECHAMBER - Use the Lighter on the fireplace, and the paper hanging
over the mantel will reveal the 2ND FLOOR MAP. Now you can see that
there's a whole area that wasn't accessible before. Don't forget the
GREEN HERB to the left of the fireplace. You might need it, I'm warning
you. Go through red door to the east with the Helmut Key.

MUSIC HALL - Man, whoever built the Mansion has expensive tastes! Wonder
what kind of parties Umbrella threw in here? Well those days are over.
Run to the north wall of the room and examine the piano. Guess who's
*SHOTS REQUIRED: 5-6 Acid Rounds, 6-7 Explosive Rounds or Shotgun *
* Shells *
*TACTICS: Yawn will slither out of the fireplace behind you, blocking *
*your exit to the door (you can't exit till Yawn is defeated anyhow). *
*Those big purple blotches are scars from your previous battle. Yawn *
*attacks quicker and more visciously than before, but now that you've *
*had the Serum, she can't poison you. She will still try to encircle *
*you so you can't run away from it. Monitor your health as before, or *
*it will try to swallow you. The best strategy is to run all the way to*
*the opposite side of the room, weaving right and left as much as *
*possible. If Yawn makes a dive for you while you're running and *
*misses, it will fall far enough behind that you can turn and pump at *
*least one rocket into it. Then take off for the other side of the *
*room, doing the same maneuver. This battle may take you a bit longer *
*than the first, so stay on your toes. Yawn will slither along the *
*ground ALOT, which makes it hard to aim. The best opportunity is when *
*she raises up to bite you. You may find yourself trading hits just to *
*defeat it. Just remember to check your health each time you get bit. *
When you have defeated Yawn (once and for all) she will scream and then
dissolve on the floor. Go the hole it smashed in the floor by the piano
and search. Barry will enter the room. He walks past all the mess, and
seems oblivious to the fact that a giant snake is melting in the middle
of the room (god he's thick!!!). He offers to lower Jill down on a rope.
Take him up on the offer. When Jill is at the bottom, the rope will
fall. Barry runs off to get another(????). Go to the tombstone on the
other side of this small space. If you examine behind the tombstone, you
will find marks that indicate the tombstone has been moved. At the front
of the tombstone, search and you will find a switch. Open it, but DO NOT
GO DOWN THE LADDER YET. You will miss something very important. Go back
to where the rope fell and press X several times. Barry will reappear up
above with another rope. When Jill climbs back up, he will apologize and
give her the PASS NUMBER, which will open the door at the north end of
the 2ND FLOOR LANDING back in the west wing. When Barry leaves, go back
to the Storeroom on the 1st Level and trade the shotgun and shells for
that empty bazooka. Come back to the Music Hall, go down the rope and
descend the ladder under the tombstone to the Basement.

Shotgun Shells(1)
Green Herbs(2)

BASEMENT CORRIDOR 1 - Run all the way forward (toward the camera) past
the left turn with your weapon ready, get close the zombie who walks
into view, and blow him in half. Go into the area to the left and wait
for the 2nd zombie to step into view. Ruin his day, then take his box of

BASEMENT CORRIDOR 2 - Ignore the 2 zombies munching on the poor guy on
the floor. The only thing they block you from is 2 GREEN HERBS. But if
you're hurtin', one Shotgun blast will do both zombies while they're
still on the ground. Sprint to the east end of the hall and unlock the
door to the Kitchen.

KITCHEN - Don't waste time searching around in here, there's nothing but
gross stuff. Go to the door in the little space in the northwest corner.
You'll see an FMV of a zombie charging down the stairs at you. This one
is easy with the shotgun. Go up the stairs.


ELEVATOR LANDING - The elevator cannot be summoned to this level, nor is
there any way to make it stop here when you are in the elevator later.
The only thing you can do is go out to the corridor that leads to the
Sitting Area.

SITTING AREA - Two hunters are out here waiting to deal with you. The
trick in this confined space is to be running forward when the screen
comes up. Veer to the right as you continue running forward and you
should slip right by the 1st hunter. Then run like crazy down the hall
and duck into the door to the right that leads to the Dining Hall,
before the second hunter leaps at you from the Sitting Area. Run through
the Dining Hall and Main Hall, heading upstairs to the Upper Dining

Shotgun Shells
Magnum Rounds(2)
Red Gem
Colt Python Magnum Revolver
Green Herbs(3)
Blue Herbs
Explosive Rounds(2)
Ink Ribbons
Handgun Clip
MO Disk

UPPER DINING HALL - There are two hunters up here. The first is to the
immediate left, so be ready to blast him as soon as you enter the room.
The other is at the far end, so stay where you are until he enters your
camera angle, and then you can easily avoid fighting him by running
around the other side of the rail.

2ND LEVEL LANDING - Have your trigger finger ready when you enter this
room because there's a real nasty-tempered hunter waiting for you
behind the door. The landing area is a little easier. There should
only be one hunter out here who'll walk slowly out of the corridor
leading to the Pass Number door. You can take care of him from your
side of the steps. Now go over to the door that requires the Helmut
Key. Discard the key before entering.

TROPHY ROOM - The taxidermy may look life-like but it's harmless. SHELLS
and MAGNUM ROUNDS await you on the counter, and the ORDERS on the table
reveal alot about the reason the S.T.A.R.S. team in particular has been
brought into this nightmare. Shove the steps under the animal's head
over the fireplace, then go back to the switch by the door and turn out
the lights. Go back to the fireplace in the dark. See the sparkly? Get
on the ladder and carve the RED JEWEL out of the animal's eyesocket.

Now go back out to the Landing, go downstairs and duck into the
Medical Room. Trade the Shotgun for the Bazooka and some Acid Rounds.
Hunters have taken residence in the Lower Back Corridor and in the West
Green Corridor. Careful when you get near the Tiger Statue Room, there's
a hunter who will leap out of this little nook and slash you up good. At
the Tiger Statue, trade the Red Gem for the COLT PYTHON MAGNUM. Finally
you can kill those green bastards with one shot!

Fight your way back up to the door that requires the Pass Number on the
2nd Floor Landing. Stop into the Medical Room yet again for the Shotgun
and Shells, dumping all else. When you try to open the door, the Pass
Number will be entered automatically.

MARBLE CORRIDOR - Immediately in front of you is one zombie munching on
another. The first will get up to greet you right away and is easy
enough to kill. But watch out for the one on the floor cause there's
still life in the old boy yet. Down the hall and around the corner, be
careful not to run into the 3rd zombie guarding 2 GREEN HERBS and 1 BLUE

ALABASTER CORRIDOR - Proceed slowly through this narrow hallway. One
zombie will be right in front of you, and when you pass the Hall Closet
another will whip around and start toward you. There is yet a 3rd undead
bastard by the Main Library doors. In the little space off to the right

HALL CLOSET - Take up the 2 EXPLOSIVE ROUNDS and the BATTERY. This item
is for the lift out in the Courtyard that doesn't work.

MAIN LIBRARY - Guess what? More zombies! Seems as if the first one's
been expecting you, but he's pretty easy to kill. The one that could
prove to be a real trick is around the corner by the Scrapbook, so watch
your switching camera angles. Locked in the desk are MAGNUM ROUNDS, and
the SCRAPBOOK on the footstool will provide you with some local history
on the events that unfolded here. The T-Virus has been spreading since
May, two months ago!!! The bookcase against the north wall can be shoved
westward to reveal a secret door.

SECRET STUDY - On the table right in front of Jill are INK RIBBONS, and
on the shelves to the right is a CLIP. You should be way past using the
handgun anymore, so you may need to save inventory space by not taking
either of these items. If you go to the large window and search, you'll
see a helicopter landing pad all lit up like a shining beacon of hope.

PRIVATE LIBRARY - The door in the western wall of the Main Library leads
to this smaller book room. If you go straight ahead you'll run into a
statue sitting in the middle of the floor. Go ahead and push it back so
you can get by, but only a shove or two. Go over to the red switch on
the wall and press it. A spotlight will illuminate a square-shaped spot
on the floor in the northwestern corner. Go back to the statue, get
behind it and push it over into this spot. A section of the bookcase
will slide back, revealing a secret desk. On the desk is an MO DISK, an
important item for much much later in the game.

You have now completely searched the Mansion and gotten every item. Now
you just have to get Jill out of here alive!!! Take the elevator back
down to the basement. Watch out for the zombie on the floor in front of
you when you get out, you need to blast him to get around him. Then run
all the way back to the ladder in Basement Corridor 1, climb up the rope
and go down to the Mansion Storeroom. Equip yourself with the Battery,
Square Crank, Magnum, and ammo. When you are cutting through the Outer
Corridor, a hunter will try to surprize you. Blast him out of the air
with the magnum when he leaps at you.


LOWER COURTYARD - Place the battery in the socket for it, and ride the
lift back to the Upper Courtyard. Run out to the Pool and use the Square
Crank to seal off the dam. Then go back and ride down to the Lower
Courtyard again. You can now get to the entrance to the underground.

2.5 Mission 4: Underground
Handgun Clip
Hex Crank
1st Aid Spray(2)
Explosive Rounds
Magnum Rounds
Combat Knife
Blue Herb
Ink Ribbons
MO Disk
Map of the Underground
Doom Book II
Wolf Medal

ENTRANCE CHAMBER - Go up and around the corner if you want to save at
the TYPEWRITER. But since I didn't tell you to bring Ribbons with you,
you probably won't be able to. If you just saved in the Storeroom back
in the Mansion you'll be fine. This part of the adventure is so fast you
won't have any real problems. You MUST leave those inventory slots open,
that is the priority down here. Take the door to the immediate left of
the ladder for an encounter with Barry.

EAST CHAMBER - Barry is waiting for Jill right behind this door. Even
though she seems scared, make Jill go with Barry and make her take the
lead. It's time to find some courage!

DARK PASSAGE - As you and Barry proceed down this passage, a hunter will
drop from the ceiling behind you. Barry puts it down with ease. Take the
door to the right.

ENRICO - At the end of several turns, Jill and Barry discover Enrico
Marini, the leader of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team, lying in a pool of his
own blood. The dying man reveals treachery within the team, but an
offscreen assassin silences him and escapes in the following confusion.
Enrico has a CLIP if you search him. Just step to the side of Enrico
since Barry is in the way. Heading back out, you'll see that the
assassin dropped the HEX CRANK on the ground.

PIT CHAMBER - Anyone who can tell me what the story behind this room is,
e-mail me!!! There's a large pit in the center of the room, with safety
ropes all around. My theory is that this is some kind of vent for the
underground lab. All the noise is obviously emanating from the bottom of
the pit, since the generator in the alcove is broken. This is a
dangerous area. As soon as you leave the Enrico encounter area, a hunter
will be all over you. Ready your magnum during the scene change, then
this toad will be no problem. The second hunter will only come after you
if you go into the next room where the pit is. It's really not worth it
at this point, but if you're feeling lucky you'll be rewarded with a 1ST

Head back out the way you've come to the Entrance Chamber, go past the
TYPEWRITER and you'll find another pit. This really isn't a puzzle. The
hole in the wall to the left requires the Hex Crank. Using the crank
will turn the pit upside down, allowing you to cross to the door.

1ST BOULDER DASH - Go up the slope to the left and you will see a huge
boulder poised at the top.
*TRAP!!! - Hope you've been working on those running skills. At first *
*there seems to be no way out of this room. The real trick here is that*
*you have to walk all the way up to the boulder and back to get it to *
*roll down the hill and smash the false wall at the bottom. The danger *
*lies in the chance that you might not get out of it's way in time! *
*Walk up to the boulder, turn around and start back. The boulder will *
*dislodge and roll after you. You need to dash down the slope and duck *
*into the doorway to the right. *
If you were quick enough, the boulder will roar past and knock out a
false wall at the bottom. However there are some worthwhile FLAME ROUNDS
up at the top of the slope that you can get to now that the boulder is
gone. BE WARNED!!!! A hunter will enter the room when you go to collect
the Rounds. To get the advantage, run back down the slope just to where
the camera angle widens out, then you can see that sucker coming a mile
away. If you try to go first to the new exit at the bottom of the slope,
the hunter will be down in this tiny space and you're guaranteed a few

SPIDER'S LAIR - The threatening music warns you of the danger, so press
R1+X as you enter this scene. A giant Black Tiger spider is the boss of
this level, and it's creep-out time.
*SPECIAL ATTACKS: poison acid spit, *
*SHOTS REQUIRED: 3-4 Magnum Rounds *
*TACTICS: This boss is so easy it's pathetic. Don't try anything but *
*the magnum, your speed with this weapon is your advantage. Shoot once *
*from the doorway and then run to the right. The spider will spit acid *
*where you were. It then turns its bloated carcass to face your new *
*position and after a slight delay, spits acid again. You should have *
*plenty of time to shoot, run to the side of it, shoot again, and *
*repeat this circling attack until the Spider ruptures and all the *
*little baby spiders cover the room. Run out the door you came in, and *
*when you return, all the little spiders and all the mess will have *
*vanished. This boss is just more creepy than difficult. *
When the spider is dead, go to the exit door. It is covered with thick
webbing. You have to burn or slice the webs off. You can waste 3-4 Flame
Rounds this way if you want the special effects, or just go get the
glittering object in the corner, which is a COMBAT KNIFE just like the
one you started all this with. Burn or hack away the webs, then proceed.

SNAKE CORRIDOR - The first time you run through this room, you may not
encounter any snakes. Run to the door to the right, which is the Office.
When you come back out of there, the snakes will be coming out of the
walls and dropping from the ceiling. Just make it a point not to stay
here too long!!!

OFFICE - There's a TYPEWRITER on the table, an ITEM BOX nearby, a BLUE
HERB next to that, and a 1ST AID SPRAY and INK RIBBONS on the other side
of the table. Load up, unload in the box, and get ready by equipping
Jill with the Eagle Medal, the Hex Crank, and whatever weapons make you
feel safe. In the Snake Corridor outside, run past the slithering horror
to the door at the opposite end.

EXIT CORRIDOR - Don't get all excited to be leaving just yet. Even
though you've found a lift to the surface, you'll get nowhere if you
don't go to the left and face a familiar trap.

2ND BOULDER DASH - Again!?!?! Before you taunt the rock out of its place
this time, go to the crank hole on the wall and use the Hex Crank 3X so
that the opening ends up to the left. Then go up and make the boulder
roll and duck into the opening (much easier this time). In this little
space, you'll notice a secret door behind you. First, go up to where the
boulder was and in the cavity you'll find another MO DISK. Don't worry
about it now, these are very important. The MAP OF THE UNDERGROUND hangs
on the wall, which is just peachy since you're about to leave! Now go
into the secret room.

PRESSURE TRAP ROOM - I call it this because if you go stand on the off-
color square to the right, a small trap door will shoot open, revealing
the DOOM BOOK II. However, when you go to get it and step off the
square, the door claps shut. You have to move the statue in the back of
the room onto the plate, but the statue is against the wall and you
can't get on the left side of it to push it over to the plate.
*PUZZLE??? - Push the statue up to the crank hole in the wall, and then*
*push it about two more steps up. Now go back to the crank hole and use*
*the Hex Crank to roll out a stone slab. If you positioned the statue *
*right, the slab will push it toward the center of the room. Now just *
*use the Hex Crank at the mechanism again, and the slab will roll back.*
*This opens a space behind the statue. Now just push it straight toward*
*the pressure plate in the floor. The statue will hold the trap door *
*open while you collect the DOOM BOOK II. *
Just like you did with the Doom Book I, examine this second book in the
same fashion to find the WOLF MEDAL. Go back to the lift in the Exit
Corridor and ride on up.

Green Herbs(2)
Blue Herbs(2)

FOUNTAIN PATIO - Wait to stock up on the BLUE and GREEN HERBS until
you've opened the secret entrance to the lab. Go over to the fountain
and search the tombstone-like parts of the circular fountain. You will
find a circular indentation. Use the Wolf Medal on the West Side and
Eagle Medal on the East Side. A quick cutscene reveals the secret
entrance to the lab. Wasn't that clever? Now you can go back and grab
as many Herbs as you can fit into your inventory. Remember to combine
these in order to carry more. For information on how to combine herbs,
read the FAQ in Section 6.1. Take the stairs, board the elevator, and
descend into Hell.

2.6 Mission 5: Umbrella Lab

ELEVATOR LANDING - Go to the left and read the Warning sign beside the
Emergency Exit door. This door will not open unless the base is in an
Emergency situation. So go create one! Take the ladder down.

Green Herbs(2)
MO Disk

STORAGE HALLWAY - Free up inventory space now by dumping everything in
the ITEM BOX except the shotgun and ammo, and take one of the MO Disks
with you.

LAB ENTRANCE - Three zombies have been waiting for some fresh meat, and
you're it. Stop if you can for the 2 GREEN HERBS. Be careful of the last
zombie, who is situated around that last corner where you can't see him.
To lure him out of there, go to the top of the stairs and he'll come
out. In the hall from where he came, there is a door to the left that
is electronically locked. Beside the door is a plate that reads
'Visual Media Room'. Beyond is a desk where you will find the last
MO DISK. Take the stairs down.

Researcher's Letter
Handgun Clip
Green Herb
Pass Code No.1

RESEARCH CENTRAL - Flip the lightswitch to the left immediately. This
area is crawling with naked zombies. That's cause the morgue sits in the
center of the room, and the T-Virus victims just won't stay put. Don't
bother going around shooting all of them, only kill them if they're in
the way. When the scene changes and you stand at the bottom of the
steps, turn and run through the door to the immediate left.

LOCKED CORRIDOR - There are three doors at different points in this
corridor. Right now, the only one you can open is to the right as you
enter this hallway. The second door halfway down the north wall is
electronically locked, and the door at the end will not open without 3
PASS CODES. Go in that first door.

JOHN'S ROOM - Two characters are introduced here that also show up in
RESIDENT EVIL 2, Ada Wong and her boyfriend John. Read the very touching
RESEARCHER'S LETTER. Make a note of the id(john) and the password (ada)
at the end of the Letter. There is a special password that you must
decode. The painting of Adam & Eve on the opposite wall has several
words in the letters that are the same that are used in the password.
*PUZZLE??? - Once you've seen the Letter and the painting, go to the *
*bookcase and push it to the right. There is a switch behind the *
*bookcase which will turn on a blue light. Now go back and look at the *
*painting. The encrypted words have been decoded. What you'll need to *
*do is take a sheet of paper and write down all the letters and their *
*corresponding symbol. Then look at the Letter again and you should be *
*able to decipher it. Still can't figure it out? Too lazy? Read the *
*answer in Section 6.1, Frequently Asked Questions. *
A CLIP is in the crate by the recently used sink, and that GREEN HERB is
looking kind of lonely in the corner, so take it with you.

Go back out to Research Central. Run straight ahead into the passage to
the left of the stairs. Watch your switching camera angles, there could
be a zombie standing here. The next door you come to is your next

EXPERIMENT ROOM - My theory on this room is that this is where the
T-Virus was developed and tested on... things. In the corner opposite
the door is the computer you need to operate in order to open the
electronic locks on several of the doors in the lab. Go up to it and
press X. Then log on with the id (john) and password (ada). Choose the
top option (B2), and the computer will ask you for the special password
you decoded in John's Room. If you couldn't figure it out, the answer is
in Section 6.1, Frequently Asked Questions. Inputting this password will
unlock the Visual Media Room upstairs. When finished you will see the
first screen again, so choose the second option (B3) and it will unlock
the door in the north wall of the Locked Corridor. When you're back at
the first screen, choose "Cancel" and when it asks you if you want to
"Quit?", select "Yes". There is a carosel of projection SLIDES in the
middle of the floor behind you. Exit and go back to the door you just
unlocked in the Locked Corridor.

LAB STOREROOM - 4 or 5 zombies are in here, so maximize your ammo usage
with the one hit shotgun kill described in Section 1.4 above. To the
right of the door in a little indentation is the FAX. Umbrella knows
you're onto them!! Hurry over to the passcode output machine on the desk
in the far corner and use an MO Disk. You'll receive PASS CODE NO.1. On
your way out of this room, go to the Pass Code input machine by the door
at the end of the hall. Examine the machine and you'll automatically use
the Pass Code. Just two more to go! Take a look in those boxes on the
floor if you want some INK RIBBONS.

Security Manual
P.Room Key

VISUAL MEDIA ROOM - Come back up here, and upon entering this room go to
the bookstand on the right and take the SECURITY MANUAL and read it to
figure out how to get out of here. Wesker is an Umbrella employee?!?!?!
Go to the slide projector at the bottom of the table and use the Slides.
All your favorite enemies are named in this slide. There is one slide
that gives you your first look at the ultimate boss of the game,
codenamed Tyrant. The last slide shows that Wesker was on the T-Virus
development team!!! Go to the panel in the corner to the left of the
slide projector. The panel can be moved, exposing a button that will
cause the column on the opposite side of the room to slide open. Go over
there and take the P.ROOM KEY.

Red Herb
Shotgun Shells
Magnum Rounds
Pass Code No.2

Head back down to Research Central. Run to the left again, but be warned
that the zombie that was standing here before may be back even if you
killed it. Run past the Genetic Experiment Room, turn and go down to the
next corner, where you will find a locked door with a red light
overhead. There is another door and two zombies behind you, but you need
not concern yourself with them for the moment. Use the P.Room Key on
the corner door, and the door will unlock with a loud ka-clank! Discard
the P.Room Key.

POWER ROOM CORRIDOR - There are three zombies in this corridor, one at
each end. Be careful by the elevator, there's one hiding around that
corner. Don't bother shooting them yet, instead slip into the door to
the right.

AUTOPSY ROOM - Luckily, all the cadavers got up and crawled out of this
room through the open airshaft high up on the wall. Unfortunately, you
must do the same! Take the RED HERB in the sink and the SHELLS on the
operating table, and then get ready to deal with the crates and ladder.
*PUZZLE??? - To get up to the airshaft, you must position a crate over *
*each grate, and leave enough room in between to push the ladder up to *
*the wall below the shaft. There is a TRAP!!! right beneath the shaft, *
*so be careful to do exactly as it says here. *
*You should start with two crates pushed up against the operating table*
*and a ladder to the side. Push the ladder all the way to the bottom of*
*the screen. Then go to the crate at the top and push it up some, then *
*postition Jill to the right of it and push it toward the top grate. *
*You may need to get above the crate and push it down and then give it *
*one last slide toward the wall. Your best bet is to cover the grate *
*with just enough of the crate so that it doesn't show, in other words *
*make sure the box is not too low that it blocks the ladder later. *
*(finish this section after a test)*
*TRAP!!! - See that small button on the floor? If you step on it, *
*poison gas will fill the room, which could inflict you with poison *
*status or kill you. If the room fills with gas, run out the door. The *
*room will be completely reset when you reenter, and you'll have to *
*start over. *

MORGUE - When the T-Virus first broke out, the staff dumped the bodies
in here for examination. Aren't you worried one of these dead guys will
pop up to greet you? Take the MAGNUM ROUNDS of the shelf to the left,
and run to the back of the room. There's another passcode device, so
trade the second MO Disk for PASS CODE NO.2. You can then unlock and go
out the door. Remember that there are still zombies right outside the
door, so be quick or be dead. Head back into the Upper Lab Corridor and
blast your way to the Lab Guardpost which is the door opposite the
passage you came in (the closest door after the Autopsy Room door).
Before you go in though, it's best to kill all three zombies, which
means going to the one at the top of the screen. Back here you will find
an elevator that has no power.

LAB GUARDPOST - Relax and catch your breath. Dump everything in the ITEM
BOX and take the Magnum and ammo, plus the last MO Disk. There's also a
INK RIBBONS too. When you leave here, head to the door to the south.

POWER ROOM I - Under the roar of the machinery, you should hear the
scampering of several creatures on the roof. The chimeras are fast and
formidable creations of the lab, but one Magnum shot will take them
down. It's just a matter of aiming, cause these things are super fast.
The best tactic is to stand in place and wait for the first to come at
you from the left. As it gets close, hit R1+Up. Watch it's shadow on the
floor. When it pauses above you, hit X and that should do it. The
chimeras will hang like monkeys from the ceiling and slash at you with
their claw. When your health is low, they will jump on your back and
slit your throat. Pretty nasty. There are 3 total in here, but you might
only have to face two. After the first one comes at you and you kill it,
run to the passage to the west. When the camera angle changes, you'll
see a second one running right at you, so blow it away. Step over it's
smoking carcass and go to the control panel at the back. Don't worry
about the maggots that blew out of the chimeras, they can't hurt you. If
the third chimera was going to come after you, he would have followed
you back here and cornered you. The control panel back here will
activate power to the blacked out areas of the lab. This will let you
enable the elevator back in the Upper Lab Corridor.

POWER ROOM II - 2 chimeras will come right at you so run straight ahead
to the left of the desk at the back and hit R1. If they're running after
you, they'll be lined up for easy kills. On the desk is the last output
machine. Stick that last MO Disk in it for the PASS CODE NO.3. Then go
back toward the entrance and veer to the left. Run all the way down here
and around the corner, but watch out for a chimera in a very
inconvenient corner by the Turbine Room door.

POWER ROOM III- This room contains the huge turbine that powers the
entire facility,and the roar is almost deafening. If you go around to
the right, there is a large triggering device set up here. Someone's
going to destroy the lab, probably Wesker. On the opposite side of the
room is a computer access panel. If you have activated the power to the
blacked out areas previously, then you can connect the circuit breaker

Now run all the way back out to the elevator at the top of the Upper Lab
Corridor. Press the switch and this time the elevator is ready to go.
Barry enters the room behind you. He'll accompany you as you descend to
the Lab's lowest level.


LOWER LAB CORRIDOR - Wesker steps out of the shadows at last, and it
seems that Barry is helping him. Wesker will talk at length, and then
send Barry away. But if you covered Barry back in the Underground like I
told you, then he will return and knock Wesker out. He then takes you in
to show you what was really going on in this Lab.

TYRANT LAB - At last, the ultimate bioweapon! Barry frees Tyrant (in
order to kill it, I suppose? God Barry is stupid!) and surprise
surprise, the underdeveloped monstrosity is capable of attack. Barry is
knocked out by Tyrant's attack. As soon as you can, turn away and run.
*SHOTS REQUIRED: 3-4 Acid Rounds or Magnum rounds *
*TACTICS: The ultimate bioweapon is the ulimate failure. This boss is *
*so easy it's not even fair. Just keep running, get some distance from *
*it, then turn and shoot. Be careful of its long swiping range. Stop in*
*the center of each camera angle area, hit R1+X as the slow-moving *
*Tyrant pursues you. 3-4 Magnum rounds will bring this monster down, *
*also 3-4 Acid Rounds. *
When it dies, go and check on Barry. Poor guy's getting too old for
this! As you head back up, you'll find that Wesker has disappeared, and
then the self-destruct sequence begins. It's time to haul ass out of
here! Run hard through the Research Central area, because now it's full
of chimeras.

Chris Redfield

PRISON - Go to the pass code machine at the end of the Locked Corridor
and unlock the door finally with the last two passcodes. Run around the
two corners and go into the cell. Wesker jailed Chris in here. He will
follow you out, then run off on his own. Some gratitude, leaving you
behind!!! Now run up the stairs.


The Lab Entrance is reinfested with 3 zombies. Yes, you will have to
blast all of them, but don't use up your Magnum ammo just yet. In the
Storage Hallway, Chris is waiting for you. But don't let him rush you,
go to the Item Box first. Dump everything but the Magnum and ammo, and
take plenty of herbs or 1st aid sprays. Be sure to leave yourself at
least one free inventory space.


EMERGENCY EXIT CORRIDOR - Barry will be waiting for the two of you in
front of the emergency exit door. Since the alarms are going off, you
can now go in here. Run all the way to the end of the corridor. There
will be a radio transmission from Brad, and then you will come across a
BATTERY on the floor. It's pretty obvious that you'll need to pick it
up. Run to the end of the corridor and place the Battery back in it's
socket. The triggering device announces that there are only 3 minutes
left, and the monsters are hot on your trail. The two guys will stay and
hold them off, so go signal for the helicopter.

Rocket Launcher

Take one of the FLARES sitting on the ground to the right, go out to the
H-painted landing spot, and use it. The flare will shoot into the sky.
After a loooooonng moment, Brad flies overhead in the helicopter.

>From behind you comes a sudden explosion. Huge chunks of macadam fly in
all directions as the Tyrant bursts through the ground and comes after
*SPECIAL ATTACKS: charging swipe, knocks you across the area *
*SHOTS REQUIRED: 4-5 Acid Rounds or Magnum Rounds PLUS one Rocket *
* Launcher shot *
*TACTICS: This is alot more of a fight. You have to run from the *
*Tyrant, but if you get too far away, it will do a charging claw swipe *
*at you, which can kill you in one shot since it knocks you all the way*
*across the Landing Pad, smashing you into a wall for extra damage. Be *
*sure to check your health after each time it hits you, and don't take *
*any chances. The best strategy is run in a circle around the Tyrant, *
*and when you get far enough to one side turn and shoot once. Repeat *
*until one of two things happens; either the timer will run down to *
*thirty seconds or you will manage to hit it enough times. Either way, *
*Brad will drop you the ROCKET LAUNCHER. Hope you're close to the H *
*painted on the ground, cause that's where Brad will drop it regardless*
*of where you are. Race to the Rocket Launcher and press X. The Tyrant *
*will charge at you, but pressing X takes you to the Inventory Screen, *
*where you are asked if you want to take the Rocket Launcher. Of *
*course, you do! Unfortunately, the game goes back to the battle. Hit *
*your Start button fast, equip the Rocket Launcher, and when you're *
*going back to the battle, be pressing R1+X. You just might fire that *
*shot before it knocks you across the Landing Pad again. *
If you fail to defeat Tyrant before the timer runs out, you are killed
in a huge explosion. If you get off that lucky shot with the Launcher,
the Tyrant is blown into a million squirming bits.

If you followed this walkthrough closely, then you will see what is
called Jill's "Good" ending. The other endings are all described in
Section 6.1, "Frequently Asked Questions". I won't spoil it for you!!!


3.1 T O U G H G U Y : C H R I S' W A L K T H R O U G H

Since the whole game has been so thoroughly explained in Jill's Walk-
through, Chris' Walkthrough will be much simpler. I will list the areas
in the order you need to go to them, since Chris' adventure is different
than Jill's. The reason there's a difference is because Chris does not
have the same skills that Jill does. He cannot pick locks, has no know-
ledge of mixing chemicals, and he doesn't play the piano. Plus the fact
that Chris can only carry six items at any time makes his game more of
a challenge in many ways. It is recommended that you finish the game
with Jill first.

If you are in a tough area and want to know if I've got any survival
tactics for you, refer to the same area in Jill's Walkthrough for a
better description.

3.2 Mission 1: Mansion I
Ink Ribbons(1)
Handgun Clips(2)
Jill's Handgun
Wooden Emblem

MAIN HALL - The opening cinema takes Chris to the Dining Hall, looking
for clues on the orders of the S.T.A.R.S.' commander, Albert Wesker.
Come back to this room later for the INK RIBBONS beside the TYPEWRITER.

DINING HALL - At the other end of the hall over the fireplace is the
WOODEN EMBLEM. You can take the EMBLEM now if you wish, but it may be
wiser to save your inventory slots since this item won't be neccessary
until much, much later.

SITTING AREA (1ST ZOMBIE) - A zombie is feasting on a former S.T.A.R.S.
member, Kenneth. You are only have a knife, which is pathetic and will
most likely get you killed. Run away!

Run back out to the Main Hall. Jill and Wesker are missing. JILL's
HANDGUN sits in the middle of the floor. I suggest you take it and go
back and kick that zombie's butt. After you shoot it dead, examine
Kenneth 3 times for 2 HANDGUN CLIPS. Now run back up to the main hall
and go upstairs.

Desk Key
Handgun Clip(1)
Blue Jewel

UPPER MAIN HALL - Go to the door in the southeast corner.

BALCONY PASSAGE - Immediately to the left of Chris is a DESK KEY. You'll
find several of these throughout Chris' mission. These are for opening
desk drawers since he can't use a lockpick.

BALCONY - S.T.A.R.S. Bravo team member Forrest Speyer is dead in the
corner. Pick up the CLIP on the floor, turn and run back out of here
before 4 crows fly in and peck you.

Go back across the Upper Main Hall to the Upper Dining Hall.

UPPER DINING HALL - There are 2 zombies hanging out up here. Kill them
both, then go push the statue holding the BLUE JEWEL to the center of
the space in the rail. Then position yourself behind it and push it
over. You'll hear it crash and break below. Don't worry about going
down to get it now, you'll have plenty of time later.

2ND FLOOR LANDING - There are three zombies up here. The two doors down
the hall are locked and require keys you don't have yet. Go down the stairs.

Handgun Clips(5)
Sword Key
1st Level Map
Ink Ribbons(1)
Green Herbs(5)
Desk Key
Armor Key
Red Herbs(2)
Broken Shotgun
Shotgun Shells(2)
Keeper's Diary
Wind Crest
Music Notes
Gold Emblem
Shield Key
Star Crest

LOWER BACK CORRIDOR - 3 more terribly fun zombies await you. You can
duck them by weaving your way into the Medical Room.

MEDICAL ROOM - Rebecca Chambers attacks you as soon as you enter. There
follows a brief conversation, and then you can explore the room. There's
an ITEM BOX and a TYPEWRITER. Remember that the Item Box has 2 CLIPS
waiting for you. Here's something different, on the bed is the SWORD
KEY. Take note of the serums sitting on the shelf in here, they may come
in handy later...

When you are finished go back to the door, and Rebecca will ask if she
can go with you. If you tell Rebecca to remain here, you can return here
as many times as you like during Mission 1 and she will heal you
completely every time. If you take her with you, Rebecca will show up at
times throughout the game when you need her to do stuff you can't. The
bad thing about telling her to stay here is that you have to come back
here and rescue her later, when the enemies in the Mansion are much
tougher. The bad thing about taking her with you is that the game takes
a while longer since Rebecca must complete the tasks Jill would normally
do for herself in her game. This walkthrough is written as if you told
her to come with you.

After you decide what you want her to do, you must once again avoid the
bad guys in the hall outside and run back upstairs. Descend the stairs
in the Upper Main Hall to the 1st floor and go through the double blue
doors to the east.

BLUE ROOM - Push the ladder up to the back of the central statue, and
then stand behind it and press X to ascend for the 1ST LEVEL MAP. Push
the display case aside and head into the red-wallpapered area. Shoot the
zombie on the floor before proceeding, don't take any chances. There's
INK RIBBONS on the shelf.

L-SHAPED CORRIDOR - Chris needs the Sword Key to access this corridor.
As he runs through each section, 2 cereberus will crash through the
windows. Behind the second empty display case is a CLIP.

EAST GREEN CORRIDOR - There's a GREEN HERB on the floor to the right of
Chris. The door to the left needs a key you don't have yet.

BATHROOM - One bathroom for the entire mansion? Hmph! Empty the bathtub
for a DESK KEY. Skip the connecting chamber and the Family Room for now.
Chris cannot take the Shotgun without the Broken Shotgun, no one will
come and save him.

ZOMBIE CORRIDOR - There's 2 uglies in here, one in the 2nd camera angle
that you can't see yet. Proceed cautiously! Unlock the door immediately
to the right upon entering.

EAST STAIRWELL - There's one zombie hanging around the bottom of the
stairs, and behind him there's a GREEN HERB. The little door goes to...

MANSION STOREROOM - There's a TYPEWRITER immediately to the left, and on
the floor to the right of the ITEM BOX is the CHEMICAL. Get into the
Item Box and take with you the Beretta, Clips, Sword Key, Small Key, and
the Chemical. Go back out and return to the west side of the Mansion.

WEST GREEN CORRIDOR - 2 zombies greet you upon entering, and another is
hiding by the Tiger Room. At the end of the east-running passage is the

TERRARIUM - Go to the back of the room where the water pump is and use
the Chemical you found earlier. When the vines are dead, you can run
behind the plant and get the ARMOR KEY off the blue shield. Next to the
shield are 2 RED & 3 GREEN HERBS. Leave and go back to that door you
couldn't open before in the Lower Back Corridor.

ARTILLERY - On the shelves to the left are a CLIP and the BROKEN
SHOTGUN. Use the Desk Key on the desk drawer to get some shotgun
SHELLS. Then head back to the West Green Corridor and this time, go

KEEPER'S ROOM - There's a CLIP on the bed, and the KEEPER'S DIARY on
the desk.
*TRAP!!! - As soon as you touch the diary, a zombie will burst out *
*of the closet behind you. Blow its face off. *
Check inside the closet for some SHELLS.

Head through the door to the south out to the Dining Hall. Collect the
BLUE JEWEL from the debris of the statue and the WOODEN EMBLEM (if you
haven't already). Head back up the West Green Corridor to the small room
with the tiger statue.

TIGER STATUE ROOM - Use the Blue Gem on the tiger, and it will swivel to
the right, giving you the WIND CREST.

PIANO BAR - Use the Sword Key to enter this room, and discard the Key if
given the option. Go around the grand piano to the northeastern portion
of the room. There's one bookcase right in front of another. Push the
front bookcase aside, and on the shelf you'll find the MUSIC NOTES.
*PUZZLE??? - Take the Music Notes back to the grand piano and use *
*them. Chris doesn't know crap about playing the piano. Luckily for *
*him Rebecca comes in and gets to work on the Moonlight Sonata. But *
*she's terrible! Always give her the opportunity to practice. You *
*have to have a few encounters between now and the time she'll be *
*ready. You can check to see if she's ready without coming in here, *
*when you enter the Sitting Room area and turn your TV way up. If it*
*sounds like she's playing good, go back in there. If she's not *
*ready yet, she will ignore you. What dedication! When Rebecca can *
*finally play the song right, the secret panel opens leading to the *
*little area you saw behind the Terrarium with the Beethoven statue.*
*Under the statue is a GOLD EMBLEM exactly like the Wooden Emblem. *
*Take the Gold Emblem and the secret panel will slide shut, sealing *
*you in. The only way you can get the Gold Emblem out of here is to *
*place the Wood Emblem in the niche. Then the door will open back up*
*and you can leave with the Gold Emblem. *
*Then take the Gold Emblem back out to the Dining Hall. Place it in *
*the niche over the fireplace and the clock will chime several times*
*and slide to the side, revealing the SHIELD KEY. *
While Rebecca's rehearsing, go to the other side of the house and do
the next couple of encounters.


FAMILY ROOM - Take the SHOTGUN on the wall, then put the Broken Shotgun
in its place. When you go back to the Connecting Chamber the ceiling
won't crush you.
* TRAP!!! - If you take the Shotgun off the wall and return to the *
*Connecting Chamber, you're a dead man. If you replace the Shotgun *
*with the Broken Shotgun, you'll avoid this trap. *
Head through the Zombie Corridor to the Painting Gallery.

PAINTING GALLERY - Since you used the BROKEN SHOTGUN in the Family Room,
you can charge straight in here with a fully loaded shotgun and do the
little tactical tricks outlined in Jill's Walkthrough for this area to
kill the crows.
*PUZZLE??? - Go to any portrait and press X to examine it. There are *
*switches beneath each portrait to push except for the first portrait*
*in the room. This giant landscape has a message indicating that you *
*proceed from youngest to oldest. This puzzle is easy enough! So push*
*the switches under the portraits in this order: *
* Newborn Baby *
* Infant *
* Lively Boy *
* Young Man *
* Tired Middle-Aged Man *
* Bold Old Man *
*Then go to the portrait on the western wall and press the switch. *
*The frame will drop to the floor, revealing another CREST!!! *
Take the STAR CREST and return to the Zombie Hall.

OUTER CORRIDOR - Slip down the small dark passage across from the
Painting Gallery to the riveted metal door. Between you and the Garden
Shed is a cereberus. Go to the plate with several indentations that
match the shape of the Crests.
*PUZZLE??? - The door will not open unless you have all four crests *
*in the door or a gameshark code. If you examine the plate, you will *
*read a short poem about the Wind, the Moon, the Sun, and the Stars. *
*These are the names of the 4 Crests needed to leave the Mansion. *
Now go back inside, return to the East Stairwell and tackle that 2nd
floor, tough guy!

Researcher's Diary
Shotgun Shells(2)
Ink Ribbons(1)
Red Herb
Botany Book
Sun Crest

UPPER BACK CORRIDOR - 3 zombies are spread out up here. 2 will need your
attention and the 3rd will stay down at the end, where you don't need to
go. Don't waste ammo on it unless you feel aggressive today. The first
door to the right of the stairs is locked from this side so go up to the
south door.

STAG ROOM - Go to the room halfway down the Upper Back Corridor. Inside,
a zombie is standing right in front of you under the stuffed Stag's
head, requiring a shotgun blast. The east door leads to the
Researcher's Room, and the west leads to the Twin Bedroom.

RESEARCHER'S ROOM - The RESEARCHER'S DIARY is on the desk, describing
an accident in a hidden laboratory somewhere on the premises. Something
called the T-Virus is spreading everywhere, turning people into zombies.
*PUZZLE??? - Search the broken shellfish display case and you will *
*hit a switch that empties the water out of the aquarium across the *
*room. Go to the left of the aquarium, squeezing between it and the *
*cabinet, and push the aquarium to the right. Now go to the north *
*side of the cabinet and push it into the spot where the aquarium *
*was. There is a set of little doors behind the cabinet. Search here*
*and you'll find SHELLS. *
In the lab coat on the wall are INK RIBBONS.

TWIN BEDROOM - On the bookshelf is the LIGHTER, and a RED HERB in the
southeast corner. If you go to the southwest corner and search, you'll
find a hidden box of SHELLS.

Now it's time for the final stage of the first mission in the Mansion,
and the first boss fight is coming up soon. Head back to the one door in
the Red Corridor that you haven't been in yet, the door in the south

RED CORRIDOR - 2 zombies are spread out along this hall too, so don't
get sandwiched. Head first to the door to the west.

2ND FLOOR STUDY - The BOTANY BOOK is on the table, and this will give
you plenty of useful info on how to combine and use the Herbs. Make
sure you unlock the other door out of this room (to the Upper Back
Corridor). Then go back down the Red Corridor and out to the Upper Main

KNIGHT'S HALL - The Knight's Hall lies in the Red Corridor, behind the
bluish double doors.
*PUZZLE??? - There are two statues and two grates in this room, and *
*then in the center is a large red button. Push the two statues over*
*the two grates. Then push the red button in the center of the room *
*and the display case at the far end will slide open revealing the *
*TRAP!!! - If you push the red button before sliding the statues *
*over the grates, or if you fail to cover them just right, the room *
*with fill with poison gas. Run out before you attain a poison *
*status or die! Then you can go back in, and the puzzle will be *
*reset. *

Now would be an excellent opportunity to go and check on Rebecca's
progress with the Moonlight Sonata in the Piano Bar. After you've got
the Shield Key, you can easily pick up the extra items in the Optional
Areas if you've got the inventory space. Remember that when you play as
Chris, you need to make little trips to drop off stuff in the Item Boxes
more frequently!!!

Shotgun Shells(1)
Ink Ribbons(1)
Green Herbs(7)

This is an area you may want to save for future games when you have the
appropriate keys. But for the purpose of walking you through the game,
this is the best time to tackle this area.

WAITING ROOM - There's SHELLS in the desk drawer just around the corner,
but be careful going around that corner since there's a zombie between
you and the desk. Use a Desk Key to unlock the drawer.

PLAYROOM - A zombie crawls toward you. There's INK RIBBONS on the little
stage, and 2 GREEN HERBS in front of the mirror. The Closet door is
locked and can't be opened by any of the keys you'll find in your first
game (frustrating, I know). Refer to Section 6.1, "Secrets", to learn
more about this area.

PATIO - Return to the door in the east wall of the East Green Corridor.
There are 2 cereberuses out here guarding 5 GREEN HERBS found over by
the old stove. For tactical info about these dogs, refer to the descrip-
tion of this area in Jill's Walkthrough.

Green Herbs(2)
Handgun Clips(2)
Shotgun Shells(2)
Moon Crest

RICHARD ENCOUNTER - In the little alcove before you get to the dead guy
there's 2 GREEN HERBS. Around the corner you'll find Richard Aiken from
the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team. He's dead. Search him twice for a CLIP.

ATTIC CORRIDOR - Take one step forward after entering, and a zombie will
come out from hiding around the corner. Up the steps is the Attic, but
you can go to the left for some ammo.

PRIVATE DINING ROOM - Use the lighter on the candleabra at the far end
of the table. Search the hutch to the left for a CLIP, and if you push
the cabinet aside, another hutch in the nook holds SHELLS. You won't be
able to collect these unless you light the candles first.

ATTIC - When you walk in have your bazooka loaded with acid rounds and
ready. A gigantic snake will attack.
*SHOTS REQUIRED: 4-5 Explosive Rounds or Shotgun Shells *
*TACTICS: Yawn will slither out of her hole once you have walked to the*
*halfway point of the room. Yawn moves quickly, so don't let it *
*encircle you and cut you off. It will definitely snap at you several *
*times before you get 4-5 Shotgun Shells in it, so you can count on *
*being poisoned. If it lowers your health meter enough it will swallow *
*you whole. The best strategy is to heal up often with herbs or 1st aid*
*to prevent being swallowed. Run around the wooden post in the center *
*of the room with Yawn right behind you. This way you can't get *
*trapped. When you get a little too far ahead of it or if it swivels *
*and goes around the other side of the post to attack you from the *
*front, shoot it and then run around the post again. Repeat until Yawn *
*gives up and slithers away. *
In case you run out of shotgun ammo during the boss fight, there's a box
of SHELLS on some barrels against the west wall. Follow Yawn to its
hidey hole, and inside you will see the glittering final MOON CREST.

When Chris leaves the room, a cutscene will interrupt. The poison from
the giant snake renders him unconscious. But as the lights dim, Rebecca
enters. Chris tells her he's dying of poison and needs her to get the
serum. Rebecca will turn and leave the room and now you control her.
Go back out of the room into the Red Corridor, and a map will come up
showing you the location of the Medical Room in the West wing of the
1st floor. You cannot progress any further until you retrieve the serum
and bring it back. Try to remember the location of any enemies you left
active. When you get to the Medical Room, go over to the shelf and press
X and you'll receive the SERUM. Now return to Chris.

After a brief moment, Chris returns to normal health and thanks Rebecca.
You'll also find yourself fully healed. On top of that, Rebecca has
found Richard's RADIO and gives it to you. Run out the back to the
Mansion Storeroom on the first floor and save your game at the
Typewriter. Dig around in the Item Chest and rearrange your inventory.
You'll want to take your handgun, some clips, and all the Crests that
you haven't used on the Garden Shed door.

3.3 Mission 2: Guardhouse
Square Crank
Desk Key
Red Herbs(2)
Green Herbs(5)
Blue Herbs(4)
Garden Map

GARDEN SHED - Once you have fit all the Crests in the door, you will
hear it unlock. There is a step ladder to the right. Push it forward
some so that you can get behind it, then push it across the room to the
high shelf. Up here you'll find the SQUARE CRANK. Before you leave,
examine the barrels on the left side of the exit door. You'll find an
extra DESK KEY which be useful in the Guardhouse.

UPPER COURTYARD - 3 Cereberus will attack you when you go around the
corner. Collect the 2 RED & 3 GREEN HERBS to the left first and you can
keep your health up through this dangerous area. When they're dead,
you'll get a brief transmission from Brad somewhere overhead in the
chopper. Around the corner from the entrance are 2 BLUE HERBS, and at
the far end of the passage to the west lies the GARDEN MAP.

POOL - Run to the far right side of the screen and use the Square Crank
on the post. The dam will raise and empty the pool. Run back to the
ladder and cross the pool bottom. When you climb up the other side, run
like hell through the falling poisonous snakes. Take the lift down.

LOWER COURTYARD - 3 cereberuses will charge at you, usually in a line.
Pick them off one bullet at a time,then head out the gate on the far

COURTYARD CORRIDOR - There's beautiful BLUE & GREEN HERBS(2 of each)
above and below you. But around the corner are yet 3 more cereberuses.
If you can make it past these three, none of them will be here when you
return from the Guardhouse.

Blue Herbs(2)
1st Aid Spray
Handgun Clip(3)
Ink Ribbons(1)
Shotgun Shells(2)
Red (Blank) Book
Desk Key
C. Room Key
Green Herbs(3)
Dormitory 003 Key
Plant 42 Report
Guardhouse Map

ENTRANCE - 2 BLUE HERBS sit in the alcove across from the gargoyle
*TRAP!!! - If you walk down the hall past the two doors, then turn *
*right before the double red doors and head down the next hall, a vine *
*will shoot up from a hole in the floorboards and strangle you. If your*
*health is low, it can sometimes kill you. To avoid this, go back to *
*the entry door to the Guardhouse. Get behind the gargoyle statue and *
*push it out to the center of the entrance area, then push it down the *
*center of the next hall, between the two opposite doors to the center *
*of the next hall that heads right. Then push it down this hall until *
*you have covered the hole in the floor. Don't worry, the vine won't *
*shoot out at you if you are safely behind the statue. You can now get *
*to the door to the next corridor. *
Go back to where there are two doors on opposite sides of the hall and
go into the door on the right of the screen.

GUARDPOST - In this little bunkroom you'll find an ITEM BOX, TYPEWRITER,
a 1ST AID SPRAY and a CLIP on the top and bottom of the bookcase. Save
and dump items in the Item Box. Take with you only the Handgun and

GAMEROOM - 2 webspinners will drop on you. If you use the shotgun on
them, they'll explode and dozens of tiny spiders will spread out and
bite you. Chris can expertly use the handgun to kill these things with-
out unleashing the unborn in their womb. If you're unlucky and somehow
the little suckers are all over the place and nipping at your heels,
you'll have to leave the room and re-enter in order to make them go
away. Search the north end of the pool table and Chris will read a
number, "1,2,4,5..." It is the code for the Chemistry Lab. Remember
Chris's code for future games and this room becomes utterly avoidable.
On your way out, don't forget the INK RIBBONS on the table or the CLIP
on the barrel by the door.

DORMITORY 001 - Directly across from the Guardpost door, go into the
room with a plate marked 001 over it. Two zombies are near the night-
stand. Kill them and use the Desk Key to unlock the SHELLS in the
drawer. Take the RED BOOK on the bed. In the corner by the wardrobe is a
cup sitting on a small table. Inside is a DESK KEY.

001 BATHROOM - Go to the door to the right of the entrance to 001.
Examine the tub full of water inside and drain it. When it's empty
you'll find the C. ROOM KEY.

GUARDHOUSE CORRIDOR - Go north past two doors. The second door is marked
by the clearly legible number 002. In the alcove above this door is
another stone gargoyle statue. Push it back into the alcove to get the
3 GREEN HERBS back there. Then go back to the first door you passed.

GREENHOUSE - Snatch the DORMITORY 002 KEY out from under the wasp nest.
*TRAP!!! - The DORMITORY OO2 KEY is sitting under a gigantic wasp nest.*
*In order to get the key and get out, you're just going to have to be *
*quick. The recommendable method is to run straight for the key upon *
*entering the room, hit X as soon as you get to the little table the *
*key is sitting on, about face and high-tail it back to the door you *
*came in. When you reenter the room, the wasps who got angry and chased*
*you out will be back in their nest. It is recommended that you ALWAYS *
*RUN when you are crossing this room for any reason. You cannot kill *
*all the wasps, as they continually emanate from the nest in an *
*infinite quantity. *

DORMITORY 002 - Bring the 002 key back here. Use a Desk Key on the desk
for some more SHELLS, and skim through the PLANT 42 REPORT on the bed.
The GUARDHOUSE MAP is the white document on the wall. Go to the book-
cases. Rearrange the two bookcases to reveal the secret ladder behind
them and climb down.

NOTE ABOUT 002 BATHROOM - Avoid this room. There is nothing in here but
a zombie and a CLIP in the sink.

Green Herbs(2)
Desk Key
Hangun Clips(2)
Shotgun Shells(2)
Dormitory 003 Key

BASEMENT CORRIDOR - Run down the corridor to the area where there is no
way to cross the water.
*PUZZLE??? - Get behind the first crate (the one closest to the gap)and*
*push it in. Then get behind the second crate and push it in too. Then *
*go back to the beginning of the corridor and push the last crate west,*
*so that it is in the space in front of the ladder. Then go to the *
*north side of the crate (so that your back is to the ladder) and push *
*it down against the south wall. But make sure you leave some room to *
*the right of it so that you can position yourself on the west side of *
*the crate and push it east. Push it all the way down the corridor *
*until it is flat against the eastern wall. Then you should have a *
*space to the north of the crate so that you can get behind it and push*
*it in the gap just like the other two. *
Once you're across, there are 2 GREEN HERBS next to a downward slope
that is covered in water.

AQUARIUM - Make your way through the flooded area to the northwest side
of the chamber and use the C.Room Key to get away from the 3 sharks.

SOLDIER'S MESS - If for some reason you have to duck in here at some in
to avoid the Neptunes, you will find a DESK KEY on the small crate in
the water by the giant root. But here's the thing: there's only one desk
left to open in the Guardhouse and it only has Ink Ribbons, which Chris
really doesn't have room in his inventory for at this point. So try to
avoid this room.

C.ROOM - Go to the levers on the wall to the right of the door, and
lower the water level. After the water is sucked out of the area, stop
by the red light at waste level by the door. Press the button to unlock
the room to the north.

MUNITIONS CLOSET - Two CLIPS are on the shelf immediately to the left,
and two boxes of SHELLS are at the back of the room. In between to the
right is the DORMITORY 003 KEY. Head back upstairs.

Ink Ribbons(1)
"V-Jolt" Report
Glass Beakers(4)
UMB No. 2
UMB No. 4
Helmut Key

DORMITORY 003 - Forget going in the bathroom, there's a zombie who will
be hard to kill and there's only a CLIP to gain. In the the desk are
INK RIBBONS if you really need them, and on the bookshelf against the
north wall is the white "V-JOLT" REPORT amid a row of red books. Use the
Red Book from Dormitory 001 to replace the Report and the bookcase on
the east wall will slide to the side, revealing the door to the Plant 42

Equip yourself with the shotgun and walk through the door.

BALLROOM - Plant 42 makes its 50's sci-fi movie sounds and waves large
blume-tipped vines around the room. Immediately a cutscene will occur in
which Chris is caught by one of the vines and hoisted up in the air. He
struggles and screams. In walks Rebecca. Chris throws her his files and
tells her to go make the V-Jolt and use it on the root in the basement.
Now you are in control of Rebecca.

CHEMICAL LAB - Return to the Greenhouse area and go to the door in the
west wall with a security keypad beside it. Punch in the number Chris
read off the pooltable (1245), and the door will unlock. Inside are
shelves lined with chemical compounds. Someone has written an equation
on the one wall, and on the other is some kind of key to the equation.
You will find UMB No. 2 on the shelf to the north, and UMB No. 4 on the
shelf to the west. There are FOUR GLASS BEAKERS scattered around the
room that you can pick up and use to mix the compounds. You need to pick
up at least 3 of them, and that's really all you need. If not, go all
the way back to the Guardpost near the entrance and drop some items in
the Item Box.
*PUZZLE??? - Mixing the V-Jolt is not easy. The chemicals are assigned *
*numeric values on the wall, and used in the chemical equation on the *
*other wall. The combining process must occur following the exact order*
*of the numbers in the equation or there's a chance you could produce a*
*lethal gas. *
*Here is the list of variables for the chemical equation from the wall:*
* "Water = 1, Red = 2, Purple = 3, Red = 4" *
*And from the end of the V-Jolt Report: *
* "UMB No.2 Red NP-003 Purple *
* UMB No.4 Green Yellow-6 Yellow *
* UMB No.7 White *
* UMB No.13 Blue (stimulating smell) *
* V-JOLT (UMB No.16) Brown" *
*And here is the equation: *
* "1+2=3, 3+4=7, 2+4=6, 6+7=13, 13+3=16" *
*So you should proceed as follows:(easy way with 3 beakers) *
*1. Put some water from the tap into one beaker *
*2. Go to the shelf and collect some UMB No. 2 in another beaker *
*3. Combine the water and the UMB No.2 to make NP-003 *
*4. Go to the shelf and collect UMB No.4 *
*5. Combine UMB No.4 and NP-003 to make UMB No.7 *
*6. Go to the shelf and collect UMB No.2 *
*7. Go to the shelf and collect UMB No.4 *
*8. Combine UMB No.2 and UMB No.4 to make Yellow-6 *
*9. Combine Yellow-6 and UMB No.7 to make UMB No.13 *
*10. Repeat steps 1-3 *
*11. Combine UMB No.13 with UMB No.3 to make the V-JOLT *
*TRAP!!! - Mix the chemicals in any order except the one listed above, *
*and there's good chance you could produce a poisonous gas that could *
*inflict poison status on your character. *
Now take the V-Jolt to the basement and go to the Soldier's Mess. Use
the V-Jolt on the root and it will wither up. Chris is now ready to
face Plant 42.

Back up in the Ballroom, Plant 42 flings Chris to the floor. Don't worry
about powering up, if you check your inventory screen you'll see that
you didn't take any damage. But if the vines get hold of you after this,
you're gonna be hurtin'!
*PLANT 42 *
*SPECIAL ATTACKS: Blood suck, dashes you on floor, poison acid drip *
*SHOTS REQUIRED: 12-15 Shotgun Shells, 30 Hangun Bullets *
*TACTICS: If you are good at running and shooting, Plant 42 really *
*can't do much damage to you. Run around the perimeter of the room, *
*then stop, aim up at the bulb in the center of the ceiling, and fire. *
*You can also blow a few of its vines off by aiming regular. Carefully *
*monitor the acid drops falling from the ceiling. Plant 42 can sense *
*where you are and will drop huge smoking blobs of acid onto Chris. You*
*can be inflicted with poison status this way. If you get grabbed by *
*one of the vines, it will hoist you in the air and suck your blood, *
*draining your health immediately into the red. So you should use 1st *
*aid immediately if this happens. When it's dead, the central bulb will*
*drop from the ceiling and dissolve into a genetic mess on the floor. *
When Plant 42 is done for, search the fireplace on the North wall for
the HELMUT KEY, the final Mansion Key. You can use the double doors to

On your way back out, you'll hear gunfire in the Guardhouse Corridor.
Chris will run around the corner and encounter Lt. Wesker, who's killing
some wasps that followed him out in the hall. Wesker orders Chris back
to the Mansion to investigate all the rooms that require the Helmut Key.

3.4 Mission 3: Mansion II
A WORD OF ADVICE: When you return to the Mansion, you'll find it to be
infested with a new and incredibly deadly new enemy. Only go into the
rooms listed in this walkthrough. Deviate from the path outlined herein,
and it's your own funeral!!!

Magnum Rounds
Doom Book I
Eagle Medal
1st Aid Spray
Shotgun Shells
Handgun Clip

THE HUNTER - As you reenter the Mansion, a cutscene will show a POV shot
of a hunter following you back to the mansion. It takes 2-3 shotgun
blasts to do one in, and by that time you could be mincemeat. For one
thing, this particular hunter is really easy to run from right now. Just
run and duck into the study. But remember that it's here by the back
wall any time you enter this corridor from here on. If you're gonna
survive, you need more powerful weapons fast!

STUDY - Go up to the left side of the desk and keep searching until you
feel a switch on the desk lamp. This will turn on the light. On the desk
are MAGNUM ROUNDS, and on the credenza is the DOOM BOOK I. Go into your
inventory screen and examine this item. If you turn the book so that
you're looking at the book as if you were going to open it with two
thumbs, (not looking at the front cover, but the side) then hit the X
button, you'll open the book and discover the EAGLE MEDAL in a pocket
cut out of the pages.

EAST STAIRWELL - Watch out returning to this area, there's a hunter that
will pop out from around that first corner! Against the wall by the
Mansion Storeroom door, Wesker has pinned a note for you.

MANSION STOREROOM - In here you'll find a bunch of items that Wesker has
left on the floor: a 1ST AID SPRAY, SHELLS, and a CLIP. Dump everything
but the Helmut Key, the Lighter, the Shotgun and ammo. Then head upstairs.

Green Herb
2nd Floor Map

UPPER BACK CORRIDOR - Two hunters have situated themselves up here, but
you've caught them by surprise. At the top of the stairs you'll see a
hunter down the hall with it's back to you. Run down there just far
enough to get it in range of the Shotgun and then blast it three times
as it tries to turn. Run all the way down to the end of the hall.

ANTECHAMBER - Use the Lighter on the fireplace, and the paper hanging
over the mantel will reveal the 2ND FLOOR MAP. Now you can see that
there's a whole area that wasn't accessible before. Don't forget the
GREEN HERB to the left of the fireplace. You might need it, I'm warning
you. Go over to the red door and use the Helmut Key.

MUSIC HALL - Run to the north wall of the room and examine the piano.
Guess who's back...
*SHOTS REQUIRED: 6-7 Shotgun Shells *
*TACTICS: Yawn will slither out of the fireplace behind you, blocking *
*your exit to the door (you can't exit till Yawn is defeated anyhow). *
*Those big purple blotches are scars from your previous battle. Yawn *
*attacks quicker and more visciously than before, but now that you've *
*had the Serum, she can't poison you. She will still try to encircle *
*you so you can't run away from it. Monitor your health as before, or *
*it will try to swallow you. The best strategy is to run all the way to*
*the opposite side of the room, weaving right and left as much as *
*possible. If Yawn makes a dive for you while you're running and *
*misses, it will fall far enough behind that you can turn and pump at *
*least one rocket into it. Then take off for the other side of the *
*room, doing the same maneuver. This battle may take you a bit longer *
*than the first, so stay on your toes. Yawn will slither along the *
*ground ALOT, which makes it hard to aim. The best opportunity is when *
*she raises up to bite you. You may find yourself trading hits just to *
*defeat it. Just remember to check your health each time you get bit. *
When you have defeated Yawn (once and for all) she will scream and then
dissolve on the floor. At this point, you may want to switch out the
Shotgun for the handgun and clips if you are totally out of shells.
Otherwise go the hole Yawn smashed in the floor by the piano and jump
down. Go to the tombstone on the other side of this small space. At the
front of the tombstone search and you will find a switch. Open it and
go down the ladder.

Shotgun Shells
Green Herbs(2)
Desk Key

BASEMENT CORRIDOR 1 - Run all the way forward (toward the camera) past
the left turn with your weapon ready, get close the zombie who walks
into view, and blow him in half. Then run back into passage to the left
behind you and get the other one. Go into the area the last zombie was
waiting for you in for SHELLS.

BASEMENT CORRIDOR 2 - Ignore the 2 zombies munching on the poor guy on
the floor. The only thing they block you from is 2 GREEN HERBS. Sprint
to the east end of the hall and unlock the door to the Kitchen.

KITCHEN - Glittering on the counter across from the door is a DESK KEY.
In the corner by the elevator there's a zombie who will grab your leg if
you get too close. You have to kill him with a shotgun round. Take the
elevator up to the second floor.

Green Herbs(3)
Shotgun Shells(2)
Blue Herb(1)
Magnum Rounds(1)
Ink Ribbons(1)
Handgun Clip
MO Disk

ALABASTER CORRIDOR - When you disembark the elevator on this floor, a
zombie will be right behind you. Run to the Hall Closet and stop in
front of its door. Another will slowly come at you from around the
corner. At the other end of this L-shaped hallway is yet a 3rd undead
bastard by the Main Library doors. In the small alcove between the
elevator and the Library is a GREEN HERB.

HALL CLOSET - Take up the 2 boxes of SHELLS and the BATTERY. This item
is for the lift out in the Courtyard that doesn't work.

MARBLE CORRIDOR - Immediately in front of you is one zombie guarding 2
GREEN HERBS and 1 BLUE HERB. Around the corner and all the way down the
hall are two more zombies, one munching on the other. You cannot get
through the door down here no matter what. Chris never receives the Pass
Number for this door in his game, so it is completely a waste to come
down here.

MAIN LIBRARY - A zombie's been expecting you, but he's pretty easy to
kill. Remember that other one in the tight space by the SCRAPBOOK, he
can be tricky for the inexperienced. Locked in the desk are MAGNUM
ROUNDS, use the Desk Key. The bookcase against the north wall can be
shoved westward to reveal a secret door.

SECRET STUDY - On the table right in front of Chris are INK RIBBONS, and
on the shelves to the right is a CLIP. You should be way past using the
handgun anymore, so you may need to save inventory space by not taking
either of these items. If you go to the large window and search, you'll
see a helicopter landing pad all lit up like a shining beacon of hope.

PRIVATE LIBRARY - The door in the western wall of the Main Library leads
to this smaller book room. If you go straight ahead you'll run into a
statue sitting in the middle of the floor. Go ahead and push it back so
you can get by, but only a shove or two. Go over to the red switch on
the wall and press it. A spotlight will illuminate a square-shaped spot
on the floor in the northwestern corner. Go back to the statue, get
behind it and push it over into this spot. A section of the bookcase
will slide back, revealing a secret desk. On the desk is an MO DISK, an
important item for much much later in the game.

Basically the only way out of here now is to take the elevator back down
to B1.


Back in the kitchen, go to the door in the little space in the northwest
corner. A zombie will charge down the stairs at you. This one is easy
with the Shotgun, but you still have enough room with the Handgun. Go
up the stairs.


ELEVATOR LANDING - The elevator cannot be summoned to this level, nor is
there any way to make it stop here when you are in the elevator later.
The only thing you can do is go out to the corridor that leads to the
Sitting Area.

SITTING AREA - Two hunters are out here waiting to deal with you. The
trick in this confined space is to be running forward when the screen
comes up. When the camera angle changes veer to the right and run right
around that badboy. Keeping running like crazy down the hall and duck
into the door to the right that leads to the Dining Hall before
the second hunter leaps at you from the Sitting Area.

Run through the Dining Hall, go upstairs in the Main Hall and go into
the Upper Dining Hall.

Shotgun Shells(1)
Magnum Rounds(1)
Red Jewel

UPPER DINING HALL - There are two hunters up here. The first is to the
immediate left, so be ready to blast him as soon as you enter the room.
The other is at the far end, so stay where you are until he enters your
camera angle, and then you can easily avoid fighting him by running
around the other side of the rail.

2ND LEVEL LANDING - As soon as you get through the door press R1 and
fire or the hunter behind the door will carve you up. There is one
more, but he will come walking slowly around the bannister toward you.
You can kill him from the other side of the rail. Go to the Trophy Room
and discard the Helmut Key before entering.

TROPHY ROOM - The taxidermy may look life-like but it's harmless. SHELLS
and MAGNUM ROUNDS await you on the counter, and the ORDERS are on the
table. Shove the steps under the animal's head over the fireplace, then
go back to the switch by the door and turn out the lights. Go back to
the fireplace in the dark. See the sparkly? Get on the ladder and carve
the RED JEWEL out of the animal's eyesocket.

Colt Python Magnum

LOWER BACK CORRIDOR - Guess what, there's more hunters. I certainly hope
you're getting good with that magnum. Luckily you have the advantage
here. You can duck into the Medical Room if you need to get or store
some items. One hunter will stand in the corner under the stairs, and
if you're quick it won't even move. Otherwise run from the bottom of
the steps down the hall until the camera angle changes, and blast the
hunter in the back. Up around the corner is another hunter with its
back to you. What I would really advise for this room (since you're
probably totally out of ammo by now)is that you just run past all the
hunters and hit the door to the West Green Corridor.

WEST GREEN CORRIDOR - There are two hunters standing across from the
door you enter, so be running to the left toward the Tiger Statue Room
as fast as possible. Careful when you get near there, there's a hunter
who will leap out of this little nook and slash you up good. It is
possible to run around him and get into the Tiger Statue Room with just
one hit from the hunter. When you come back out, be ready to blow him

TIGER STATUE ROOM - At the Tiger Statue, trade the Red Jewel for the
COLT PYTHON MAGNUM. Finally you can kill those green bastards with one

You have now completely searched the Mansion and gotten every item. Now
you just have to get Chris out of here alive!!! Without being able to
backtrack through the basement, this next part is hard! Run back out
through the Dining Hall to the Upper Main Hall and then down the Red

RED CORRIDOR - There are three hunters in this hall, so things can get
crazy for a few minutes. Your big advantage is that from this side, they
are always a few feet away from you, so you have so room to nail them
with the Magnum.

UPPER BACK CORRIDOR - Remember I told you that there's a hunter here,
but luckily his back is to you so you can put him down with no problem.

Now run back down to the Mansion Storeroom. Equip yourself with the
Battery, Square Crank, Magnum, and ammo. When you are cutting through
the Outer Corridor, a hunter will try to surprise you. Blast him out of
the air with the magnum when he leaps at you.


LOWER COURTYARD - Place the battery in its socket, and ride the lift
back to the Upper Courtyard. Run out to the Pool and use the Square
Crank to seal off the dam. Then go back and ride down to the Lower
Courtyard again. You can now get to the entrance to the underground.

3.5 Mission 4: Underground
Handgun Clip
Hex Crank
1st Aid Spray(2)
Shotgun Shells(1)
Magnum Rounds(1)
Combat Knife
Blue Herb
Ink Ribbons(1)
MO Disk
Map of the Underground
Doom Book II
Wolf Medal

ENTRANCE CHAMBER - There's a TYPEWRITER up around the corner, but this
part of the adventure is so fast you won't have any real problems. Take
the door to the immediate left of the ladder.

EAST CHAMBER - On the wall to the left of Chris is a FLAMETHROWER. This
weapon is pretty handy for helping Chris save ammo. When using it on a
hunter, just hold the X button down and burn away until the crispy
critter hits the floor. Voila! Frog legs a la flambeau! Watch out for
them to be trying to run around the flames to the side of you. Just
press left or right as you're burning to keep the flames toasty. This
thing doesn't have much fuel though, and there's no refill without a
Gameshark code. The unfortunate thing is that this chamber just locked
itself automatically when you took the flamethrower, and you have to put
it back in order to leave this area on your way back out. Head to the
left and go through the closer door into the hallway that leads directly
to Enrico.

DARK PASSAGE - There's another hunter facing the wrong way, so
surprise him with your Magnum. Run down to the other end of the corridor
and quickly go through the door on the right, or another hunter will nip
at your heels.

ENRICO - At the end of several turns, Chris will discover Enrico Marini,
the leader of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team, lying in a pool of his own
blood. The dying man reveals treachery within the team, but some person
offscreen silences him and escapes. Enrico has a CLIP if you search him.
Heading back out, you'll find that the assassin has dropped the HEX
CRANK on the ground.

When you go back into the dark passage, all your hunter buddies are
back, even if you killed them before!

PIT CHAMBER - This is a dangerous area to mess with. As soon as you
leave the Enrico encounter area, a hunter will be all over you. Ready
your magnum during the scene change, then this toad will be no problem.
The second hunter will only come after you if you go into the next room
where the pit is. In the back by the broken old generator are a 1ST AID
SPRAY and a box of SHELLS.

Head back out the way you've come to the Entrance Chamber. Run toward
the place where you got the Flamethrower, but when the camera angle
changes, stop. A hunter will come out of the entrance nook, and you
should be at the perfect distance to ace him. There are no hunters in
the Entrance Chamber, so go past the TYPEWRITER and you'll find another
pit. This really isn't a puzzle. The hole in the wall to the left
requires the Hex Crank. Using the crank will turn the pit upside down,
allowing you to cross to the door.

1ST BOULDER DASH - Yet again to your right is a FLAMETHROWER. Even if
you don't have as much fun with this thing as I do, you have to pick it
up so you can use it later. Go up the slope to the left and you will see
a huge boulder poised at the top.
*TRAP!!! - Hope you've been working on those running skills. There *
*seems at first to be no way out of this room. The real trick here is *
*that you have to walk all the way up to the boulder and back to get it*
*to roll down the hill and smash the false wall at the bottom. The *
*danger lies in the chance that you might not get out of it's way in *
*time! Walk up to the boulder, turn around and start back. The boulder *
*will dislodge and roll after you. Be pressing Up and Square before you*
*have control, and you will gain an edge. You need to dash down the *
*slope and duck into the doorway to the right. *
If you were quick enough, the boulder will roar past and knock out a
false wall at the bottom. However there are some worthwhile MAGNUM
ROUNDS up at the top of the slope that you can get to now that the
boulder is gone. BE WARNED!!!! A hunter will enter the room when you go
to collect the bullets. Run down to the space that's been opened at the

SPIDER'S LAIR - Press R1+X as you enter this scene. A giant Black Tiger
Spider is the boss of this level, and she's the easiest one yet.
*SPECIAL ATTACKS: poison acid spit, *
*SHOTS REQUIRED: 3-4 Magnum Rounds *
*TACTICS: This boss is so easy it's pathetic. Don't try anything but *
*the magnum, your speed with this weapon is your advantage. Shoot once *
*from the doorway and then run to the right. The Spider will spit acid *
*where you were. It then turns it's bloated carcass to face your new *
*position, then there's a slight delay before it spits acid again. You *
*should have plenty of time to shoot, run to the side of it, shoot *
*again, and repeat this circling attack until the Spider ruptures and *
*all the little baby spiders cover the room. Run out the door you came *
*in, and when you return, all the little spiders and all the mess will *
*have vanished. This boss is just more creepy than difficult. *
When the spider is dead, go to the exit door. It is covered with thick
webbing. You have to burn or slice the webs off. You can waste the
entire Flamethrower this way if you want the special effects, or go get
the glittering object in the corner, which is a COMBAT KNIFE that you
can use to slash away the webbing. To get your money's worth, use the
Flamethrower. You're only going to have it for two more minutes anyway.

SNAKE CORRIDOR - The first time you run through this room, you may not
encounter any snakes. Run to the door to the right, which is the Office.
When you come back out of there, there will definitely be snakes coming
out of the walls and dropping from the ceiling.

OFFICE - There's a TYPEWRITER on the table, an ITEM BOX nearby, a BLUE
HERB next to that, and a 1ST AID SPRAY and INK RIBBONS on the other
side of the table. Load up, unload in the box, and get ready by equip-
ping Chris with the Eagle Medal, the Hex Crank, the Flamethrower and
whatever weapon makes you feel safe. In the Snake Corridor outside, run
past the slithering horror to the door at the opposite end. There is a
rack to set the Flamethrower on, and when you do so it will unlock the

EXIT CORRIDOR - Go to the left and face a familiar trap.

2ND BOULDER DASH - Go to the crank hole on the wall and use the Hex
Crank 3X so that the opening ends up to the left. Then go up and make
the boulder roll and duck into the opening. In this little space,
you'll notice a secret door behind you. First, go up to where the
boulder was and in the cavity you'll find another MO DISK and the MAP OF
THE UNDERGROUND hangs on the wall. Now go into the secret room.

PRESSURE TRAP ROOM - Go stand on the out-of-color square to the right
and a small trap door will shoot open, revealing the DOOM BOOK II. Use
the statue at the back of the room to keep that door open.
*PUZZLE??? - Push the statue up to the crank hole in the wall, and then*
*push it about two more steps up. Now go back to the crank hole and use*
*the Hex Crank to roll out a stone slab. If you positioned the statue *
*right, the slab will push it toward the center of the room. Now just *
*use the Hex Crank at the mechanism again, and the slab will roll back.*
*This opens a space behind the statue. Now just push it straight toward*
*the pressure plate in the floor. The statue will hold the trap door *
*open while you collect the DOOM BOOK II. *
Just like you did with the Doom Book I, examine this second book in the
same fashion to find the WOLF MEDAL. Go back to the lift in the Exit
Corridor and ride on up.

Green Herbs(2)
Blue Herbs(2)

FOUNTAIN PATIO - Take as many BLUE and GREEN HERBS as you can fit into
your inventory. Go over to the fountain and search the tombstone-like
parts. You will find a circular indentation. Use the Wolf and Eagle
Medals on these to reveal the secret entrance to the lab. Descend the
stairs and board the elevator.

3.6 Mission 5: Umbrella Lab

ELEVATOR LANDING - Take the ladder down.

Green Herbs(2)
MO Disk

STORAGE HALLWAY - Free up inventory space now by dumping everything in
the ITEM BOX except the shotgun and ammo, and take one of the MO Disks
with you.

LAB ENTRANCE - Three zombies have been waiting for some fresh meat, and
you're it. Stop if you can for the 2 GREEN HERBS. Be careful of the last
zombie, who's situated behind that last corner where you can't see him.
Beyond the door to the "Visual Media Room" is a desk where you will find
the last MO DISK. Take the stairs down.

Researcher's Letter
Handgun Clip
Green Herb
Pass Code No.1

RESEARCH CENTRAL - This area is crawling with naked zombies. When you
stand at the bottom of the steps, turn and run through the door to the
immediate left.

LOCKED CORRIDOR - There are three doors at different points in this
corridor. Right now, the only one you can open is to the right as you
enter this hallway. The second door halfway down the north wall is
electronically locked, and the door at the end will not open without
3 PASS CODES. Go in the first door to the right.

JOHN'S ROOM - Read the very touching RESEARCHER'S LETTER. Make a note of
the ID(john) and the password (ada). Decode the special password at the
end of the Letter.
*PUZZLE??? - Once you've seen the Letter and the painting, go to the *
*bookcase and push it to the right. There is a switch behind the book- *
*case which will turn on a blue light. Now go back and look at the *
*painting. The encrypted words have been decoded. What you'll need to *
*do is take a sheet of paper and write down all the letters and their *
*corresponding symbol. Then look at the Letter again and you should be *
*able to decipher it. Still can't figure it out? Too lazy? Read the *
*answer in Section 6.1, "Frequently Asked Questions". *
A CLIP is in the crate by the recently used sink, and that GREEN HERB is
in the corner.

Go back out to Research Central. Run straight ahead into the passage to
the left of the stairs. Watch your switching camera angles, there could
be a zombie standing here. The next door you come to is your next desti-

EXPERIMENT ROOM - In the corner opposite the door is the computer you
need to operate in order to open the electronic locks on several of the
doors in the lab. Go up to it and press X. Then log on with the id
(john) and password (ada). Choose the top option (B2), and the computer
will ask you for the special password you decoded in John's Room. If you
couldn't figure it out, the answer is in Section 6.1, "Frequently Asked
Questions". Inputting this password will unlock the Visual Media Room
upstairs. When finished you will see the first screen again, so choose
the second option (B3) and it will unlock the door in the north wall of
the Locked Corridor. When you're back at the first screen, choose
"Cancel" and when it asks you if you want to "Quit?", select "Yes".
There is a carosel of projection SLIDES in the middle of the floor
behind you. Exit and go back to the door you just unlocked in the Locked

LAB STOREROOM - 4 or 5 zombies are in here, so maximize your ammo usage
with the one hit shotgun kills as described in Section 1.4 above. To the
right of the door in a little indentation is the FAX. Umbrella knows
you're onto them!! Hurry over to the passcode output machine on the desk
in the far corner and use an MO Disk. You'll receive PASS CODE NO.1. On
your way out of this room, go to the Pass Code input machine by the door
at the end of the hall. Examine the machine and you'll automatically use
the Pass Code. Just two more to go!

Security Manual
P.Room Key

VISUAL MEDIA ROOM - Come back up here, and upon entering this room go to
the bookstand on the right and take the SECURITY MANUAL and read it to
figure out how to get out of here. Go to the slide projector at the
bottom of the table and use the Slides to see some interesting stuff. Go
to the panel in the corner to the left of the slide projector. The panel
can be moved, exposing a button that will cause the column on the
opposite side of the room to slide open. Go over there and take the

Red Herb
Shotgun Shells(1)
Magnum Rounds(2)
Pass Code No.2
Blue Herb
Green Herb
Ink Ribbons(2)
Pass Code No.3

Head back down to Research Central. Run past the Genetic Experiment
Room, turn and go down to the next corner, where you will find a locked
door with a red light overhead. There is another door and two zombies
behind you, but you need not concern yourself with them for the moment.
Use the P.Room Key on the corner door, and the door will unlock with a
loud ka-clank! Discard the P.Room Key.

POWER ROOM CORRIDOR - There are three zombies in this corridor, one
close to each door. Don't bother shooting them yet, instead slip into
the door to the right.

AUTOPSY ROOM - Take the RED HERB in the sink and the SHELLS on the
operating table, and then get ready to deal with the crates and ladder.
*PUZZLE??? - To get up to the airshaft, you must position a crate over *
*each grate, and leave enough room in between to push the ladder up to *
*the wall below the shaft. There is a TRAP!!! right beneath the shaft, *
*so be careful to do exactly as it says here. *
* *
*You should start with two crates pushed up against the operating table*
*and a ladder to the side. Push the ladder all the way to the bottom of*
*the screen. Then go to the crate at the top and push it up some, then *
*postition Jill to the right of it and push it toward the top grate. *
*You may need to get above the crate and push it down and then give it *
*one last slide toward the wall. Your best bet is to cover the grate *
*with just enough of the crate so that it doesn't show, in other words *
*make sure the box is not too low that it blocks the ladder later. *
*(finish this section after a test)*
*TRAP!!! - See that small button on the floor? If you step on it, *
*poison gas will fill the room, which could inflict you with poison *
*status or kill you. If the room fills with gas, run out the door. The *
*room will be completely reset when you reenter, and you'll have to *
*start over. *

MORGUE - Take the MAGNUM ROUNDS of the shelf to the left, and run to the
back of the room. There's another passcode device, so trade the second
MO Disk for PASS CODE NO.2. You can then unlock and go out the door.
Head back into the Upper Lab Corridor and blast your way to the Lab
Guardpost which is the door opposite the passage you came in (the
closest door after the Autopsy Room door). Before you go in though,
it's best to kill all three zombies, which means going to the one at
the top of the screen too. Back here you will find an elevator that has
no power.

LAB GUARDPOST - Relax and catch your breath. Dump everything in the ITEM
BOX and take the Magnum and ammo, plus the last MO Disk. There's also a
INK RIBBONS too. When you leave here, head to the door to the south.

POWER ROOM I - 3 chimeras are in here, but one Magnum shot will take
them down. After the first one comes at you and you kill it, run to the
passage to the west. When the camera angle changes, the second one is
running right at you, so blow it away. Go to the control panel at the
back. If the third chimera was going to come after you, he would have
followed you back here and cornered you. The control panel back here
will activate power to the blacked out areas of the lab. This will let
you enable the elevator in the Power Room Corridor.

POWER ROOM II - 2 chimeras will come right at you so run straight ahead
to the left of the desk at the back and hit R1. If they're running after
you, they'll be lined up for easy kills. On the desk is the last
passcode output machine. Stick that last MO Disk in it for the PASS CODE
NO.3. Then go back toward the entrance and veer to the left. Run all the
way down here and around the corner, but watch out for a chimera in a
very inconvenient corner by the turbine room door.

POWER ROOM III - This room contains the huge turbine that powers the
entire facility, and the roar is almost deafening. On the left side of
the room is a computer access panel. If you have activated the power to
the blacked out areas previously, then you can connect the circuit
breaker here.

Now run all the way back out to the elevator at the top of the Power
Room Corridor. Press the switch and this time the elevator is ready to
go. Rebecca enters the room behind you. She'll accompany you as you
descend to the Lab's lowest level.


LOWER LAB CORRIDOR - Wesker steps out of the shadows at last. He will
talk at length, and then shoots Rebecca! Wesker then takes you in to
introduce you to the last boss.

TYRANT LAB - At last, the ultimate bioweapon! Wesker frees Tyrant and
surprise surprise, the underdeveloped monstrosity turns on Wesker and
guts him. As soon as you can, turn away and run.
*SHOTS REQUIRED: 3-4 Acid Rounds or Magnum rounds *
*TACTICS: The ultimate bioweapon is the ulimate failure. This boss is *
*so easy it's not even fair. Just keep running, get some distance from *
*it, then turn and shoot. Be careful of its long swiping range. Stop in*
*the center of each camera angle area, hit R1+X as the slow-moving *
*Tyrant pursues you. 3-4 Magnum rounds will bring this monster down, *
*also 3-4 Acid Rounds. *
When it dies, get the heck out of here. Outside Rebecca will rejoin you.
She was wearing a bullet-proof vest. The two of you head back up to the
Research Central area, which is now full of chimeras.

Jill Valentine

PRISON - Go to the pass code machine at the end of the Locked Corridor
and unlock the door with the last two passcodes. Run around the two
corners and go into the cell. Wesker jailed Jill in here. She will
follow you out, then run off on her own. Now run upstairs.


The Lab Entrance is reinfested with 3 zombies. Yes, you will have to
blast all of them, but don't use up your Magnum ammo just yet. In the
Storage Hallway, Jill is waiting for you. But don't let her rush you, go
to the Item Box first. Dump everything but the Magnum and ammo, and take
plenty of herbs or 1st aid sprays. Be sure to leave yourself at least
one free inventory space.


EMERGENCY EXIT CORRIDOR - Jill will be waiting for the you in front of
the emergency exit door. Since the alarms are going off, you can now go
in here. Run all the way to the end of the corridor. There will be a
radio transmission from Brad, and then you will come across a BATTERY on
the floor. It's pretty obvious that you'll need to pick it up. Run to
the end of the corridor and place the Battery back in it's socket.
Rebecca announces over the intercom that there are only 3 minutes left.
Then she shows up. Man, she is quick!!! A barage of monsters are hot on
your trail. The two girls will stay and hold them off, so go signal for
the helicopter.

Rocket Launcher

Take one of the FLARES sitting on the ground to the right, go out to the
H-painted landing spot, and use it. The flare will shoot into the sky.
After a loooooonng moment, Brad flies overhead in the helicopter.

>From behind you comes a sudden explosion. Huge chunks of macadam fly
everywhere as the Tyrant bursts through the ground and comes after you.
*SPECIAL ATTACKS: charging swipe, knocks you across the area *
*SHOTS REQUIRED: 4-5 Acid Rounds or Magnum Rounds PLUS one Rocket *
* Launcher shot *
*TACTICS: This is alot more of a fight. You have to run from the *
*Tyrant, but if you get too far away, it will do a charging claw swipe *
*at you, which can kill you in one shot since it knocks you all the way*
*across the Landing Pad, smashing you into a wall for extra damage. Be *
*sure to check your health after each time it hits you, and don't take *
*any chances. The best strategy is run in a circle around the Tyrant, *
*and when you get far enough to one side turn and shoot once. Repeat *
*until one of two things happens; either the timer will run down to *
*thirty seconds or you will manage to hit it enough times. Either way, *
*Brad will drop you the ROCKET LAUNCHER. Hope you're close to the H *
*painted on the ground, cause that's where Brad will drop it regardless*
*of where you are. Race to the Rocket Launcher and press X. The Tyrant *
*will charge at you, but pressing X takes you to the Inventory Screen, *
*where you are asked if you want to take the Rocket Launcher. Of course*
*you do! Unfortunately, the game goes back to the battle. Hit your *
*Start button fast, equip the Rocket Launcher, and when you're going *
*back to the battle, be pressing R1+X. You just might fire that shot *
*before the Tyrant knocks you across the Landing Pad again. *
If you fail to defeat Tyrant before the timer runs out, you are killed
in a huge explosion. If you get off that lucky shot with the Launcher,
the Tyrant is blown into a million squirming bits.

If you followed this walkthrough closely, then you will see what is
called Chris' "Good" ending. The other endings are all described in
Section 6.1, "Frequently Asked Questions". I won't spoil it for you!!!


4.1 A D V A N C E D G A M E : J I L L

This wakthrough is designed to take you quickly through the Advanced
Game which is unique to the DIRECTOR'S CUT edition of RESIDENT EVIL. It
concentrates on the differences in occurences and item placement versus
the Standard Game. It is written assuming that you have played the
Standard version of RESIDENT EVIL already. If you're having problems,
try the training version of the Advanced Game. Details are in Section
7.1, "Secrets".

In the Advanced Game all the monsters are harder to kill, and you can
count on there being at least one more monster in each area than
described in the Standard Game walkthroughs.

1ST ZOMBIE ENCOUNTER - Kill the zombie, search Kenneth for 2 CLIPS.

BALCONY - Take the BAZOOKA, but when you pick up the ARMOR KEY, Forest
will surprise attack you.

UPPER MAIN HALL - You should encounter Barry, who will give you ACID

PATIO - Fight off 3 cereberuses, take the CHEMICAL.


FAMILY ROOM - Use Broken Shotgun to replace SHOTGUN.

PAINTING GALLERY - Complete portrait switch puzzle to take STAR CREST.


RESEARCHER'S ROOM - Push aside aquarium and then scoot hutch and search
small cabinet for 1/2 of the MOON CREST.

KNIGHT'S HALL - Push statues over floor grates and press switch for

UPPER DINING HALL - Push statue over ledge. Collect WIND CREST later.


PIANO BAR - Take MUSIC NOTES over to piano, play song. Secret door
opens, trade Wooden Emblem for GOLD EMBLEM.

DINING HALL - Place Gold Emblem in niche over fireplace, go to the clock
and take the BLUE JEWEL. Don't forget that Crest over by the broken

TIGER STATUE ROOM - Place Blue Gem in eye for SHIELD KEY.

TERRARIUM - Use Chemical on killer vine to get to the SUN CREST.

ATTIC - Fight Yawn boss. Take other half of MOON CREST.

OUTER CORRIDOR - Place 4 Crests in copper plate beside door to unlock.

GARDEN SHED - Take the SQUARE CRANK on the top shelf to the left.

GUARDHOUSE ENTRANCE - Push statue over the hole in front of the Gameroom.

GAMEROOM - Read code for Chemical Lab on pooltable, take RED BOOK.
Outside, push the statue over the 2nd killer vine whole by the door to
the Guardhouse Corridor.

GREENHOUSE - Snatch DORMITORY 002 KEY from under wasp' nest.

002 BATHROOM - Take OO3 KEY in sink.

DORMITORY 003 - replace "V-JOLT" REPORT with Red Book.

BALLROOM - Fight Plant 42 boss, take C.ROOM KEY. Return to Dormitory
002, shove bookcases aside and descend.

C. ROOM - Lower water level. From the room next door take the ammo and
the HELMUT KEY. Return to the Mansion.

STUDY - Turn on desklamp, take MAGNUM ROUNDS and MO DISK.

MUSIC HALL - Fight Yawn boss again, jump down hole but DO NOT GO DOWN
INTO THE BASEMENT. Climb back up rope for Barry cinema, take the PASS
NUMBER. Go through Mansion instead of B1 level, there's too many hunters
down there.

TROPHY ROOM - Push steps under moosehead for RED JEWEL.

TIGER STATUE ROOM - Trade Red Jewel for 3 MAGNUM ROUNDS. Go back
upstairs to the door requiring the Pass Number.

MAIN LIBRARY - Take MAGNUM ROUNDS in desk, push bookcase on the north
wall aside.

SECRET STUDY - Pick up BATTERY on floor by the window. DO NOT GO TO THE
WINDOW, a crow will crash through and attack.

PRIVATE LIBRARY - push statue to discolored spot on floor which opens
the secret desk, take the DOOM BOOK I. Check the Doom Book I for the
EAGLE MEDAL. Move on now to the Underground.

ENRICO ENCOUNTER - Search Enrico for the HEX CRANK.

1ST BOULDER DASH - Bait and evade boulder, then go to the alcove behind
where it was for MAGNUM ROUNDS.

2ND BOULDER DASH - Bait and evade boulder, then go to the alcove behind
where it was for the DOOM BOOK II. Search the Doom Book II for the WOLF

PRESSURE TRAP ROOM - Push the gargoyle statue forward of the crank hole,
crank twice, push statue over to pressure pad, then take the P.ROOM KEY.
Time to go to the Lab.

EXPERIMENT ROOM - Use passwords on computer to unlock lab doors. The 2nd
MO DISK is in the corner of the room among the lab equipment.

VISUAL DATA ROOM - Drop panel, press switch, go to the sliding column
on the other side of the room for the 3rd MO DISK.

ESCAPE CORRIDOR - After you have gotten the 3 PASS CODES, faced Wesker
and the Tyrant, freed Chris from the Prison area, meet Barry on B1 and
run down this corridor. Take the BATTERY on the floor near the end and
stick it in the power socket. 3 minute countdown begins.

HELICOPTER PORT - Take FLARE to the left, set it off at H and fight
final Tyrant boss fight. After shooting it enough or when the clock gets
down to 30 seconds, Brad will drop the ROCKET LAUNCHER. Take it, aim,
and destroy the Tyrant. Ending sequence. Credits roll.


5.1 A D V A N C E D G A M E : C H R I S

This wakthrough is designed to take you quickly through the Advanced
Game which is unique to the DIRECTOR'S CUT edition of RESIDENT EVIL. It
concentrates on the differences in occurences and item placement versus
the Standard Game. It is written assuming that you have played the
Standard version of RESIDENT EVIL already. If you're having problems,
try the training version of the Advanced Game. Details are in Section
7.1, "Secrets".

In the Advanced Game all the monsters are harder to kill, and you can
count on there being at least one more monster in each area than
described in the Standard Game walkthroughs.

1ST ZOMBIE ENCOUNTER - Exit immediately to Main Hall, pick up Jill's
BERETTA, return, kill the zombie and search Kenneth for 2 CLIPS.

BALCONY CORRIDOR - Take the SMALL KEY on the shelf.

BALCONY - Pick up the ARMOR KEY, Forest will surprise attack you.

UPPER DINING HALL - Push statue off the ledge. Collect the WIND CREST
downstairs later.


ARTILLERY - Take CLIP, use Small Key to get SHELLS, take the COLT PYTHON.

PIANO BAR - Take the MUSIC NOTES to the piano, have Rebecca rehearse the

PATIO - Fight off 3 cereberuses, take the CHEMICAL.


FAMILY ROOM - Replace SHOTGUN on wall with Broken Shotgun.

PAINTING GALLERY - Push portrait switches in order to get the STAR

RESEARCHER'S ROOM - Push aside fish tank, scoot over the hutch and
search behind it for half of the MOON CREST.


KNIGHT'S ROOM - Push statues over grates in floor to get the WOODEN

TERRARIUM - Use Chemical on killer vine to get the SUN CREST.

PIANO BAR(return) - Rebecca plays song, revealing GOLD EMBLEM. Replace
with Wooden Emblem.

DINING HALL - Place Gold Emblem in niche over fireplace to get the
BLUE GEM. Get that Crest if you haven't already.

ATTIC - Fight Yawn boss. Take other half of the MOON CREST.

OUTER CORRIDOR - Place 4 Crests in copper plate to unlock door.

GARDEN SHED - Take the SQUARE CRANK on the top shelf and the SMALL KEY
on the barrels to the left of the exit.

GUARDHOUSE ENTRANCE - Push statue over hole in front of Gameroom.

GAMEROOM - Read the code for the Chemistry Lab on the pooltable, take

GREENHOUSE - Snatch DORMITORY 002 KEY from under wasp' nest.

002 BATHROOM - Take DORMITORY 003 KEY out of sink.

DORMITORY 003 - Replace "V-JOLT" REPORT with Red Book.

GUARDHOUSE BALLROOM - Fight Plant 42 boss. Take C.ROOM KEY from
fireplace and return to Dormitory 002. Shove bookcases aside and

C. ROOM - Lower water level. From the room next door take the ammo and
the HELMUT KEY. Return to the Mansion.

STUDY - Turn on desklamp, take MAGNUM ROUNDS and MO DISK.

MUSIC HALL - Fight Yawn boss again, jump down hole and go down into
Basement. Fight all the hunters down there.

KITCHEN - SMALL KEY on kitchen counter. Take elevator up to 2nd floor.

MAIN LIBRARY - Take MAGNUM ROUNDS in desk, push bookcase on the north
wall aside.

SECRET STUDY - Pick up BATTERY on floor by the window. DO NOT GO TO THE
WINDOW, a crow will crash through and attack.

PRIVATE LIBRARY - push statue to discolored spot on floor which opens
the secret desk, take the DOOM BOOK I. Check the Doom Book I for the

TROPHY ROOM - Push steps under moosehead for RED JEWEL.

TIGER STATUE ROOM - Trade Red Jewel for 3 MAGNUM ROUNDS. Go back
upstairs to the door requiring the Pass Number. Move on now to the

ENRICO ENCOUNTER - Search Enrico for the HEX CRANK.

1ST BOULDER DASH - Take FLAMETHROWER off wall by entrance. Bait and
evade boulder, then go to the alcove behind where it was for MAGNUM

SNAKE CORRIDOR - Use Flamethrower to unlock door to Exit Tunnel.

2ND BOULDER DASH - Bait and evade boulder, then go to the alcove behind
where it was for the DOOM BOOK II. Search the Doom Book II for the WOLF

PRESSURE TRAP ROOM - Push the gargoyle statue forward of the crank
hole, crank twice, push statue over to pressure pad, then take the
P.ROOM KEY. Time to go to the Lab.

EXPERIMENT ROOM - Use passwords on computer to unlock lab doors. The 2nd
MO DISK is in the corner of the room among the lab equipment.

VISUAL DATA ROOM - Drop panel, press switch, go to the sliding column on
the other side of the room for the 3rd MO DISK.

ESCAPE CORRIDOR - After you have gotten the 3 PASS CODES, faced Wesker
and the Tyrant, freed Jill from the Prison area, run down this corridor.
Take the BATTERY on the floor near the end and stick it in the power
socket. Rebecca joins you. 3 minute countdown begins.

HELICOPTER PORT - Take FLARE to the left, set it off at H and fight
final Tyrant boss fight. After shooting it enough or when the clock gets
down to 30 seconds, Brad will drop the ROCKET LAUNCHER. Take it and
destroy the Tyrant. Ending sequence. Credits roll.


6.1 F R E Q U E N T L Y A S K E D Q U E S T I O N S

These are organized based on which character's walkthrough they refer to
and how they occur in the game.

You can do that if you wish. Take the Wooden Emblem from the Dining Hall
to the Piano Bar, play the Moonlight Sonata on the piano, switch out the
Wooden Emblem for the Gold Emblem, then go out to the Dining Hall and
use the Gold Emblem to get the Shield Key. But you won't be able to use
the Shield Key until you've got the Armor Key from the Terrarium. Now do
you see how nicely my walkthrough is organized? O_o

Instead of going in the order of Jill's walkthrough, as soon as you get
the Armor Key go to the Richard Encounter. Run to the Infirmary and get
the Serum. Go to the Item Box and stow the Serum safely away. Then go do
almost everthing else. If you go back to the Richard Encounter and he's
still kicking, you'll have to screw around and waste some more time.
When you go in there and he's finally dead, search him twice for the
Radio. Then run to the nearest Item Box (in the Mansion Storeroom under
the back stairs) and get the Serum. Have Jill use it, and then go fight
Yawn. Now the giant snake will not poison Jill if he hits her.

Don't make the V-Jolt. Go into the Plant 42 encounter. After you've hit
it with 8 Shotgun blasts or 30 Beretta bullets, Plant 42 will shrivel up
into the ceiling. Then an FMV starts where Jill goes to see if the plant
is dead. It shoots back down out of the ceiling and grabs her. Barry
comes in, cussing and swearing, and saves Jill. For an additional not-
often-seen graphic, go to the double doors without picking up the Helmut
Key from the fireplace. When you hit X, there will be a new camera angle
showing the key twinkling in the fireplace.

There are several ways. Basically it depends on what choices you make
when you encounter Barry in the Underground. Here is a table to illu-
strate the effects of your various choices:

Don't go with Barry. Don't go with Barry. Go with Barry.
Don't agree to "stay here". Agree to "stay here". Have him take the
He leaves. Barry leaves. lead. He leaves.
He leaves. When Jill confronts Shots are fired.
Shots are fired. Wesker, Barry won't Don't follow him.
Don't follow him, go to return. Go to the Enrico
the Enrico encounter. encounter.
When you return to the When leaving the Lab When leaving the
Entrance Chamber, Barry for the Heliport, Lab for the
will be dying. Barry will be found Heliport, Barry
(he can be saved if you dying beside the Item will be found dying
follow him and join him Box on B2. beside the Item Box
at the Pit Chamber) on B2.
See Ending #1 below. See Ending #2 below. See Ending#2 below.

Barry's death makes the end of the game quite different. Follow below.

ENDING #1 - When Jill restores power to the elevator down to B4, Barry
will not join her. Jill will encounter Wesker on her own, and he will
force Jill into the Tyrant Lab, where he frees the monster and commands
it to kill Jill. The Tyrant turns on Wesker and disembowels him. Notice
that a Key drops out of Wesker's pocket when the Tyrant tosses him
aside. Then the Tyrant goes after Jill. When you've subdued the
creature, go back to Wesker's body and get the MASTER KEY. Now you can
open the Prison Cell where Chris is and the Emergency Exit Corridor.
But the Mansion will not detonate, and the Tyrant will live to haunt

ENDING #2 - In the Lower Lab Corridor on B4, when Wesker orders Barry
back up to the ground, he does not return to knock out Wesker. Instead,
Wesker will force Jill into the Tyrant Lab, where he frees the monster
and commands it to kill Jill. The Tyrant turns on Wesker and disem-
bowels him. Notice that a Key drops out of Wesker's pocket when the
Tyrant tosses him aside. Then the Tyrant goes after Jill. When you've
subdued the creature, go back to Wesker's body and get the MASTER KEY.
Now you can open the Prison Cell where Chris is and the Emergency Exit
Corridor. But the Mansion will not detonate, and the Tyrant will live to
haunt you.


When Barry and Jill come out of the Tyrant Lab, Wesker is gone. Then the
auto-destruct sequence begins. Wesker set it off. So to find him, go to
the triggering device in Power Room III. On the floor in front of the
device is Wesker's headless body. Be careful, because the chimera that
got him is standing just off screen. So any way you end the game, Wesker

If I understood him correctly, it sounds like he says, "Here, Jill! Take
this Rocket Launcher and kill that monster! You can do it! You're an

Here are the ending's nicknames and how to get them all:

GOOD+ ENDING - Jill is sleeping on Chris' shoulder, while on the opposite
bench, Barry is reloading his gun. Must save Chris and Barry.

GOOD ENDING - Barry and Jill have a conversation on the helicopter.
Jill "knows" that Chris must be alive out there somewhere. Must save
Barry, but not Chris.

BAD+ ENDING - Jill and Chris are deeply sad that Barry has died. The
Tyrant rises from the ashes of the Mansion. Must save Chris, but not

BAD ENDING (aka "Sexy Jill Ending") - Jill takes off her hat and runs
her fingers through her hair. The Tyrant rises from the ashes of the
Mansion. Don't save Chris or Barry.

What a bunch of sadists!!! (j/k) There are two widely known ways to kill

1. When you meet Rebecca in the Infirmary and she asks to go with you,
tell her no.
2. When you come back to this area in Mission 3, you will find Rebecca
cornered under the staircase by the Medical Room by a hunter. Instead of
killing the hunter, run into the Medical Room. You'll hear Rebecca
scream from outside. Go back out and kill the hunter. Rebecca will be
headless in the corner, and Chris will beat his fists on the floorboards
in dismay.

OR, this way will also save the Serum for Chris:

1. Do not meet Rebecca in the Infirmary. Get the Armor Key first, then
meet her upstairs at the Richard encounter. She will beg Chris to go get
the Serum from the Infirmary, so run and get it. Then turn and put the
Serum in the Item box for safe keeping. Now go do a bunch of stuff. When
you try to use the Music Notes at the piano in the Piano Bar, Rebecca
will make an extra comment when she enters, something to the effect that
she has gotten over her mourning. At this point, whenever you return to
the Richard Encounter, Richard will be dead, and Chris can use the Serum
on himself and be protected from Yawn's poison.
2. In the Guardhouse, do not pick up the Plant 42 Report. Pick up the
"V-Jolt" Report, but do not read it all. Fight Plant 42 on your own.
When you return to the Mansion in Mission 3, Rebecca will scream after
your first hunter encounter. Go up the back stairs to the room where you
got the Botany Book. You'll have to enter from the east door in the Red
Corridor. In here, Rebecca will be cornered by a hunter (as appears in
the credits). Instead of saving her, turn and walk right back out.
You'll hear Rebecca scream. Go back in and you'll find her decapitated
body. No big melodrama this time.(???) The hunter should be gone.

Here are the ending's nicknames and how to get them all:

GOOD+ ENDING - Jill is sleeping on Chris' shoulder, while on the oppo-
site bench, Rebecca is passed out. Must save Rebecca and Jill.

GOOD ENDING - Chris and Rebecca have a conversation on the helicopter.
Chris "knows" that Jill must be alive out there somewhere. Must save
Rebecca, but not Jill.

BAD+ ENDING - Jill and Chris are deeply sad that Rebecca has died. The
Tyrant rises from the ashes of the Mansion. Must save Jill, but not

BAD ENDING (aka "Sexy Chris Ending") - Chris looks absolutely pissed
off, flexing his muscles and jaw. The Tyrant rises from the ashes of
the Mansion. Don't save Rebecca or Jill.

It's called the LAB KEY when you first pick it up. This is a generic
term. If you go into your inventory screen and check the Lab Key, you
will find it says Key to the P. Room, and from there on it is identified
as the P.ROOM KEY. There are other items that do this. The RED BOOK when
examined will turn out to be a BLANK BOOK, and when you first pick up
any of the keys to the Mansion they are called MANSION KEYS, but will
take their real names after examination.

You'll get an extra FMV. Depending on which character you're playing,
Jill or Chris will be in the jail cell and will address you through the
small window. They'll tell you to watch out for Wesker, and plead with
you to get them out of there. The door will not be unlocked until after
the self-destruct sequence has been activated or you have the MASTER KEY.

Not without a Gameshark code.

The Botany Book found in the 2nd Floor Study gives as much information
as I have. But I have found that you can mix 2 or even 3 Green Herbs,
and two Red Herbs with one Green Herb. But if you try to mix the Mixed
Green Herbs (2 or more) with a Red Herb, you will be prevented. You can-
not surpass the strength required to completely revive your character in
one dosage (from zero level health). Also, you can combine Blue and
Green Herbs in a ratio of 1:2 in order to revive your character and
simultaneously cure poison status in one dosage. But you cannot combine
2 Blue Herbs to one Green Herb.

The hard way, believe me. One keystroke at a time.

All for love, baby.


7.1 S E C R E T S

EXTRA ENCOUNTERS JILL GAME - This will make Jill's game a little easier,
and reveals more about Barry's involvement with Wesker. At the start of
any game, Jill automatically goes into the Dining Hall with Barry. Turn
around and go right back out to the Main Hall. Wesker will send Jill
right back into the Dining Hall. Turn and try to go out again. Barry
rises from his investigation by the fireplace and says to Jill, "Lost
courage already? That's not like you Jill." As he goes back to examining
the blood by the fireplace, join him. When he tells Jill to go search
for clues, go and search the grandfather clock twice. A zombie will
emerge from the Sitting Area and head for Jill. Barry blows it's head
off. Then the two of you will go back out to the Main Hall to report to
Wesker. After Barry gives you the Lockpick, immediately go back to the
Sitting Area (1st Zombie Encounter). There will be no zombie, so search
Kenneth. He is missing both legs and has no Clips. The game follows as
normal, with the addition of the following encounters with Barry:
BALCONY: Barry will be here examining Forest's corpse. He'll
explain to Jill that he was attacked be Crows. In the Advanced
Scenario, Forest will not reanimate or attack.
RESEARCHER'S ROOM: Barry will be in here destroying evidence. He
will hand you the Researcher's Will, but only the first half of it.
DORMITORY 002: As you try to go in this door, you'll hear Barry
screaming at someone else within. He demands to know what will
become of the S.T.A.R.S. team and his family. When you enter the
room, he tries to blow the whole thing off and makes a rather
nervous joke, then leaves.

ADVANCED GAME TRAINING MODE - At the Start screen, move to highlight
ADVANCED and then press the right directional button for a few seconds.
The word ADVANCED will turn green, indicating the training mode. All
ammunition and Ink Ribbons will be double.

SPECIAL KEY - Finish the game with a Good+ Ending (save both supporting
characters, Barry and Chris or Rebecca and Jill), save and restart your
game. The Special Key will be in your inventory right from the start. Go
to the closet in the Playroom (See Optional Areas in either walkthrough)
and you can now unlock that door. Inside are two racks of clothes.
Search around and you will find your character's change of clothes.
Chris sports a slick jacket, while Jill goes casual in black jeans and
a low cut crop top. In the Advanced Game, this closet is unlocked and no
Special Key is required. The setup for the Playroom and the closet will
be different.

INFINITE ROCKET LAUNCHER - The most awesome weapon of the game will be
yours if you finish the game in under 3 hours, no matter who you save.
This weapon will kill anything, including the Tyrant, in one shot. It
will not affect Plant 42 however, since you cannot raise or lower your
aim of it. Also, against Cereberuses you would be better off using some-
thing else. If you have finished the game in 3 hours or less, let the
credits roll. At the end, you will see a rocket shoot across a blank
screen. Save and restart your game. You will have the infinite Rocket
Launcher in your inventory right from the start.

INFINITE MAGNUM (Director's Cut edition only) - Finish any Advanced game
saving both supporting characters (Barry and Chris or Rebecca and Jill),
save and restart. You will have the infinite magnum in your inventory
right from the start.

HIDDEN RANKING SCREENS - There are two "happier" ranking screens that
will come up for either character if you finish the Advanced game in
under one and a half hours. In order to accomplish this, you will most
likely need the infinite magnum or infinite rocket launcher. It is not
dependent on who you do or don't save. Jill's "happy" ranking screen
shows her shopping at a lakeside resort (Silent Hill???) and Chris'
shows him smiling and styling under the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City.


8.1 G A M E S H A R K C O D E S

Thanks to those who have used these codes and found that they all work
on a Gameshark, without exception. Don't email me with questions
about codes either, cause I don't know. I don't own a Gameshark, and
since I don't believe in cheat codes, I don't plan on getting one.

These codes are from the official Gameshark website, and should work

New Item, Chest & Delete Item codes by
60th-62nd & Delete Item codes by PseudoFod
1st & 2nd by CodeBoy at Interact!
Oil Item by
Joker & 68th-69th by Code Master

Codes Made & Tested on 2.4 Version Game Shark

1J Joker Command D00CF844 ????
1 Infinite Health 800C51AC 0060
800C867E 0060
Item Modifiers
2 Infinite Item in 1st Position 800C8784 ????
3 Infinite Item in 2nd Position 800C8786 ????
4 Infinite Item in 3rd Position 800C8788 ????
5 Infinite Item in 4th Position 800C878A ????
6 Infinite Item in 5th Position 800C878C ????
7 Infinite Item in 6th Position 800C878E ????
8 Infinite Item in 1st Chest Position 800C8724 ????
9 Infinite Item in 2nd Chest Position 800C8726 ????
10 Infinite Item in 3rd Chest Position 800C8728 ????
11 Infinite Item in 4th Chest Position 800C872A ????
12 Infinite Item in 5th Chest Position 800C872C ????
13 Infinite Item in 6th Chest Position 800C872E ????
14 Infinite Item in 7th Chest Position 800C8730 ????
15 Infinite Item in 8th Chest Position 800C8732 ????
16 Infinite Item in 9th Chest Position 800C8734 ????
17 Infinite Item in 10th Chest Position 800C8736 ????
18 Infinite Item in 11th Chest Position 800C8738 ????
19 Infinite Item in 12th Chest Position 800C873A ????
20 Infinite Item in 13th Chest Position 800C873C ????
21 Infinite Item in 14th Chest Position 800C873E ????
22 Infinite Item in 15th Chest Position 800C8740 ????
23 Infinite Item in 16th Chest Position 800C8742 ????
24 Infinite Item in 17th Chest Position 800C8744 ????
25 Infinite Item in 18th Chest Position 800C8746 ????
26 Infinite Item in 19th Chest Position 800C8748 ????
27 Infinite Item in 20th Chest Position 800C874A ????
28 Infinite Item in 21st Chest Position 800C874C ????
29 Infinite Item in 22nd Chest Position 800C874E ????
30 Infinite Item in 23rd Chest Position 800C8750 ????
31 Infinite Item in 24th Chest Position 800C8752 ????
32 Infinite Item in 25th Chest Position 800C8754 ????
33 Infinite Item in 26th Chest Position 800C8756 ????
34 Infinite Item in 27th Chest Position 800C8758 ????
35 Infinite Item in 28th Chest Position 800C875A ????
36 Infinite Item in 29th Chest Position 800C875C ????
37 Infinite Item in 30th Chest Position 800C875E ????
38 Infinite Item in 31st Chest Position 800C8760 ????
39 Infinite Item in 32nd Chest Position 800C8762 ????
40 Infinite Item in 33rd Chest Position 800C8764 ????
41 Infinite Item in 34th Chest Position 800C8766 ????
42 Infinite Item in 35th Chest Position 800C8768 ????
43 Infinite Item in 36th Chest Position 800C876A ????
44 Infinite Item in 37th Chest Position 800C876C ????
45 Infinite Item in 38th Chest Position 800C876E ????
46 Infinite Item in 39th Chest Position 800C8770 ????
47 Infinite Item in 40th Chest Position 800C8772 ????
48 Infinite Item in 41st Chest Position 800C8774 ????
49 Infinite Item in 42nd Chest Position 800C8776 ????
50 Infinite Item in 43rd Chest Position 800C8778 ????
51 Infinite Item in 44th Chest Position 800C877A ????
52 Infinite Item in 45th Chest Position 800C877C ????
53 Infinite Item in 46th Chest Position 800C877E ????
54 Infinite Item in 47th Chest Position 800C8780 ????
55 Infinite Item in 48th Chest Position 800C8782 ????
56 Item Slot 7 (Jill Only) 800C8790 ????
57 Item Slot 8 (Jill Only) 800C8792 ????
58 Infinite Health (version 1) 300C51AC 008C
59 Infinite Health (version 3) 800B8BC6 0301
800B8BC8 FF00
800B8BCC 00FF
800C51AC 0060
60 Overall Game Playing Time At
End of Game is 00'00'00 800C867C 0000
61 Play as Chris With Jill's Voice and Storyline 800C8668 0000
62 Play as Jill With Chris's Voice and Storyline 800C8668 0001
63 Turn Knife Into Rocket Launcher D00C8784 0001
800C8784 FF0A
64 All Items In Chest - Set 1 800C8724 FF3D
800C8726 FF41
800C8728 FF06
800C872A FF07
800C872C FF08
800C872E FF09
800C8730 FF3E
800C8732 FF13
800C8734 FF14
800C8736 FF15
800C8738 FF16
800C873A FF17
800C873C FF18
800C873E FF19
800C8740 FF1A
65 All Items in Chest - Set 2 800C8742 FF1B
800C8744 FF1C
800C8746 FF1D
800C8748 FF1E
800C874A FF1F
800C874C FF20
800C874E FF21
800C8750 FF22
800C8752 FF23
800C8754 FF24
800C8756 FF25
800C8758 FF26
800C875A FF27
800C875C FF28
800C875E FF29
66 All Items in Chest - Set 3 800C8760 FF2A
800C8762 FF2B
800C8764 FF2C
800C8766 FF2D
800C8768 FF2E
800C876A FF2F
800C876C FF30
800C876E FF31
800C8770 FF33
800C8772 FF34
800C8774 FF35
800C8776 FF36
800C8778 FF37
800C877A FF38
800C877C FF39
67 All Items in Chest - Set 4 800C877E FF3A
800C8780 FF3B
800C8782 FF3C
68 Open Most Doors 800C86B4 BFDF
800C86B6 CF7E
69 L1 & X Button For Save Anywhere D00CF844 0044
800C8456 0002
800343F2 2400
8003446E 2400

Quantity Digits to Accompany Item & Chest Modifier Codes
0001 - Knife
6402 - Baretta 9mm
6403 - Shotgun
6404 - Colt Python (Dum Dum Rounds)
6405 - Colt Python (Magnum rounds)
6406 - Flamethrower
6407 - Bazooka (Explosive Rounds)
6408 - Bazooka (Acid Rounds)
6409 - Bazooka (Flame Rounds)
640A - Rocket Launcher
640B - Clip
640C - Shells
640D - Dum Dum Rounds
640E - Magnum Rounds
640F - Fuel
6410 - Explosive Rounds
6411 - Acid Rounds
6412 - Flame rounds
001B - V-Jolt
001C - Broken Shotgun
001D - Crank (Square)
0001E - Crank (Hex)
001F - Emblem
0020 - Gold Emblem
0021 - Blue Jewel
0022 - Red Jewel
0023 - Music Notes
0024 - Wolf Medal
0025 - Eagle Medal
0026 - Chemical
0027 - Battery
0028 - M.O. Disk
0029 - Wind Crest
002A - Flare
002B - Slides
002C - Moon Crest
002D - Star Crest
002E - Sun Crest
632F - Ink Ribbons
0030 - Lighter
0031 - Lock Pick
0032 - Oil
0033 - Sword Key
0034 - Armor Key
0035 - Shield Key
0036 - Helmet Key
0037 - P.Room Key
0038 - Special Key
0039 - Dormitory Key
003A - Dormitory Key
003B - C-Room Key
003C - Master Key
003D - Desk Key
003E - Blank Book ("Red")
003F - Doom Book 2
0040 - Doom Book 1
6441 - First Aid Spray
6442 - Serum
6443 - Red Herb
6444 - Green Herb
6445 - Blue Herb
6446 - Mixed Herbs - Blue & Red
6447 - Mixed Herbs - 2x Green
6448 - Mixed Herbs - Green & Blue
6449 - Mixed Herbs - Green, Red & Blue
644A - Mixed Herbs - 3x Green
644B - Mixed Herbs - 2x Green, 1x Red
004D - Comm Radio
004C - Pick Axe
004E - Bottle of Cool Water
004F - "Eagle of East Wolf of West" Book
0013 - Empty Bottle of Cool Water
0014 - Bottle of Cool Water
0015 - UMB No.2 (in cool water bottle)
0016 - UMB No.4 (in cool water bottle)
0017 - UMB No.7 (in cool water bottle)
0018 - UMB No.13 (in cool water bottle)
0019 - Yellow-6 (in cool water bottle)
001A - NP-003 (in cool water bottle)
0000 - Delete Item

(69 codes total)


9.1 M O N S T E R L I S T

This is a list of all the regular enemies encountered in the game. For
Boss descriptions refer to the encounter in the walkthroughs.

HG = Handgun
SH = Shotgun
BZ = Bazooka (Flame, Explosive, or Acid)
One shot from a Rocket Launcher or Magnum will kill every one of the
monsters, so these weapons are not listed.

Level: 1 Difficulty: Medium Shots To Kill: 3-5 HG, 1-2 SH, 1 BZ
Attacks: Leaps at you and bites
Descrip.: Undead dog. Created by researchers in the lab using the T-
Tactics: When it leaps at you, shoot it out of the air for more damage.
Wait until it rises and growls before shooting it again. With
the shotgun, wait until it leaps at you for a one-shot kill.

Level: 5 Difficulty: Hard Shots To Kill: 5-7 HG, 2-3 SH, 1-2 BZ
Attacks: slashes with claw (also from ceiling), jumps on character's
back and slits throat
Descrip.: Unclassified Umbrealla Corporation experimental B.O.W.
Equal parts primate, spider, and human
Tactics: To save your ass, you better be an expert with the Magnum.
These suckers are quick and lethal. If there's a low ceiling
above you they will hang down from above and slash at your
face, so keep moving as much as possible.

Level: 1 Difficulty: Easy Shots To Kill: 1 HG, 1 SH, 1 BZ
Attacks: Flies at head and pecks character until swatted away.
Description: Crows infected with the T-Virus, will attack any living
creature. Travel only in flocks.
Tactics: Use the Shotgun to kill more than one at a time. If they get
behind you, try to run forward. A group of them attacking at
once will peck your character to death quicker than you would
imagine. If they start to settle behind your head, run forward.
It's easiest to hit them when they are flying at you.

Level: 3 Difficulty: Hard Shots To Kill: 5-7 HG, 3-4 SH, 1 BZ
Attacks: slashes with claws, leaps and slashes for possbile decapitation
Description: Umbrella's toad-man bioweapon, viscious and quick
Tactics: These things will run at you and then swipe. If they are a
great distance away, they will leap through the air and come
down with a slash at your neck. This could decapitate you, if
your health is low enough. A hunter will walk right through
Handgun fire, and a Shotgun blast will knock them down but they
bounce right back up. Chris has to be really good with that
Shotgun to live. The best hits to use are an Acid Round or a
Magnum Round. Either of these will kill the hunter in one shot.

Level: 2 Difficulty: Medium Shots To Kill: Nil
Attacks: grabs leg in jaw, will bite leg off.
Description: sharks that Umbrella experimented on, freed by accident
Tactics: While swimming in the water, the Neptunes are impossible to
kill. If one gets you, the others will swim in and wait until
you get free of the first, then they'll take their turns until
you die. So the best method of dealing with these is to run
like crazy. A shotgun blast will scare them all away, but does
no damage.

Level: 1 Difficulty: Easy Shots To Kill: 1 HG, 1 SH
Attacks: poisonous bite
Description: snakes that Umbrella experimented on, freed by accident
Tactics: they will drop from trees onto your character, so be sure to
keep running to avoid letting them surround you. Once one gets
you, if another is close by they will all start trading blows
until you can't move or defend yourself, and then you will die
of both damage and poison. If they fall on your character,
press X to throw them to the ground. You can shoot them, but
these things will just keep dropping from the trees infinitely.
Best defense is to run away.

Level: 1 Difficulty: Easy Shots To Kill: 1 HG, 1 SH
Attacks: poisonous sting
Description: wasps experimented on by Umbrella, oversized
Tactics: Run. If the swarm surrounds you, they will sting you until dead
and you won't be able to do much about it. Shotgun blasts will
kill more than one at a time, but the wasps will spawn from
their nest infinitely.

Level: 2 Difficulty: Medium Shots To Kill: 4 HG, 1 SH, 1 BZ
Attacks: poisonous acid spit and bite
Description: spiders developed by Umbrella, oversized and pregnant
Tactics: If you use the Handgun or Shotgun to kill these giant spiders,
they will burst and hundreds of their young will cover the
floor, biting you and making life extremely difficult. You can
run around and stomp on them all, or just leave the room they
are in and reenter to find them all gone. The best weapon to
use is an Acid Round. It will kill the Spinner instantly
without bursting it, so the young will all die in the womb with
their mother.

Level: 2 Difficulty: Easy Shots To Kill: 4-6 HG, 1-2 SH, 1 BZ
Attacks: Grabs and holds while biting
Description: Umbrella Guards and Researcher reanimated by the T-virus
Tactics: Keep some distance and pump handgun bullets into them as they
approach. Zombies will fall after 3-4 shots, but if a pool of
blood does not spread around them you have not killed them.
They will get back up after 30 seconds and come after you
again. The best method is to shoot them until they fall, and
then if you don't see that pool of blood, aim down and shoot
them again. That will either kill them or make them get back
up. When a zombie is falling or rising, the game will not let
you shoot them until they are fully up or fully down. When a
zombie has fallen to the floor, if you are to close they can
grab and munch on your leg. With the shotgun, just let them get
close and one blast will do it. You can aim upward with the
shotgun when they are close and you will blow their heads off
in a geyser of brain and skull fragments.


10.1 I T E M L I S T

Combat Knife Standard issue survival knife -
Beretta M92FS Automatic loaded with 9mm bullets 15 Bullets
Remington M870 A pump-action shotgun 7 Shotgun Shells
Bazooka Fires Explosive, Flame or Acid Rounds 6 Rounds
Flamethrower Spreads flames in wide pattern 245 Liters Fuel
Colt Python Magnum pistol 6 Magnum Rounds
Rocket Launcher Fires missiles 4 Rockets

Handgun Clips Reload for the Beretta 15 Bullets
Shells Reload for the Shotgun 7 Shells
Acid Rounds Powerful rounds for the Bazooka 6 Rounds
Flame Rounds Powerful rounds for the Bazooka 6 Rounds
Explosive Rounds Powerful rounds for the Bazooka 6 Rounds
Magnum Rounds Reload for the Colt Python 6 Bullets

1st Aid Spray Restores health to full
Green Herb Restores partial health
Red Herb Triples power of combined herb
Blue Herb Neutralizes natural toxins

LOCATION (by Difficulty Level)
Lockpick(Jill Only) Main Hall Main Hall
Sword Key(Chris Only) Medical Room Medical Room
Armor Key Terrarium Balcony
Shield Key Dining Hall Tiger Statue Room
Helmut Key Guardhouse Ballroom C. Room
Special Key See Sec. 7.1, "Secrets" -
Star Crest Painting Gallery Painting Gallery
Wind Crest Tiger Statue Room Upper Dining Hall
Sun Crest Knight's Hall Terrarium
Moon Crest Attic 1/2@ Researcher's Room,
1/2@ Attic
Gold Emblem Piano Bar Piano Bar
Blue Jewel Upper Dining Hall Dining Hall
Red Jewel Trophy Room Trophy Room
Dormitory 002 Key Greenhouse Greenhouse
Dormitory 003 Key C. Room Guardhouse Ballroom
Eagle Medal Study Private Library
Wolf Medal Pressure Trap Room 2nd Boulder Dash
P.Room Key Visual Media Room Pressure Trap Room
Master Key* Tyrant Lab Tyrant Lab

*Only needed if Barry or Rebecca die. Wesker will drop this when
the Tyrant kills him.

LOCATION (by Difficulty Level)
Wooden Emblem Dining Hall Knight's Hall
Chemical Mansion Storeroom Patio
Broken Shotgun Artillery Mansion Storeroom
Music Notes Piano Bar Piano Bar
Lighter Twin Bedroom Twin Bedroom
Serum Medical Room Medical Room
Square Crank Garden Shed Garden Shed
Blank Book Dormitory 001 Gameroom
UMB No. 2 Chemical Lab Chemical Lab
UMB No. 4 Chemical Lab Chemical Lab
Empty Glass Bottle Chemical Lab Chemical Lab
Water Chemical Lab Chemical Lab
Doom Book I Mansion Study Private Library
Battery Mansion Hall Closet Secret Study
Escape Corridor Escape Corridor
Hex Crank Enrico encounter(hlwy.) same (search Enrico)
MO Disk 2nd Boulder Dash Study
Private Library Lab Level B2
Lab Level B2 Experiment Room
Doom Book II Pressure Trap Room 2nd Boulder Dash
Slides Experiment Room Autopsy Room

MAP LOCATION (same in all games)
1st Level Map Blue Room
2nd Level Map Antechamber
Garden Map Upper Courtyard
Guardhouse Map Dormitory 002
Map of the Underground 2nd Boulder Dash


11.1 F I L E S O F R E S I D E N T E V I L

For all intentions and purposes, here are all the Files the player will
collect in the game, transcribed directly from the US version of
RESIDENT EVIL: DIRECTOR'S CUT, in the order they occur in Jill's

~About Medicinal Herbs~
As you may know, there are many plants that have medicinal effects.
Since ancient times, humans have been healing wounds and diseases using
various plants.

In this book, we're going to sample three herbs that grow around the
Raccoon Mountains and give their outlines as examples of those plants
with medicinal properties.

Each herb has different colors and different effects as medical plants:
the green one recovers physical strength, the blue one neutralizes
natural toxins, while the red herb does not have any affect by itself.
The red herb is only effective when it is mixed with other herbs.

For example, if you mix this herb with the herb that recovers physical
strength, the recovery effect will be tripled. By adjusting the amount
and experimenting with these three herbs, you can create various kinds
of medicines. But I'll leave the details in your hands, because that is
the best way to acquire true knowledge.

May 9, 1998
At night, we played Poker with Scott the guard, Alias and Steve the
Steve was really lucky, but I think he was cheating. What a scumbag.

May 10, 1998
Today, a high ranking researcher asked me to take care of a new monster.
It looks like a gorilla without any skin. They told me to feed them live
food. When I threw in a pig, they were playing with it... tearing off
the pig's legs and pulling out the guts before they actually ate it.

May 11, 1998
Around 5 o'clock this morning, Scott came in and woke me up suddenly. He
was wearing a protection suit that looks like a space suit. He told me
to put one on as well.
I heard there was an accident in the basement lab.
It's no wonder, those researchers never rest, even at night.

May 12, 1998
I've been wearing this annoying space suit since yesterday. My skin
grows musty and feels very itchy.
By way of revenge, I didn't feed those dogs today.
Now I feel better.

May 13, 1998
I went to the medical room because my back is all swollen and feels
itchy. They put a big bandage on my back and the doctor told me I did
not need to wear the space suit any more.
I guess I can sleep well tonight.

May 14, 1998
When I woke up this morning, I found another blister on my foot. It was
annoying and I ended up dragging my foot as I went to the dogs pen. They
have been quiet since morning, which is very unusual. I found that some
of them escaped.
I'll be in real trouble if some of the higher-ups find out.

May 15, 1998
Even though I didn't feel well, I decided to go see Nancy. It's my first
day off in a long time. But I was stopped by the guard on the way out.
They say the company has ordered that no one leave the grounds. I can't
even make a phone call. What kind of joke is this?!

May 16, 1998
I heard a researcher who tried to escape from this mansion was shot last
My entire body feels burning and itchy at night.
When I was scratching the swelling on my arm, a lump of rotten flesh
dropped off.
What the hell is happening to me?

May 19, 1998
Fever gone but itchy.
Hungry and eat doggy food.
Itchy itchy Scott came.
Ugly face so killed him.


My dear Alma,
The fact that you have received this letter is both a joy and a sadness
for me.
I could not even talk to you because of that guy in the sunglasses.
Alma, be calm and read this.
I think I've told you that I moved to a pharmaceutical company's lab.
They headhunted me.
Last month, there was an accident in the lab and the virus we were
studying escaped.
All my colleagues who were infected by the virus are dead. To be
accurate, they've become the living dead.
They still wander around. Some of them are knocking on my room door
desperately right now. But there's no sign of intelligence in their
That cursed virus takes away all humanity from the human brain. Love,
joy, sorrow, fear, humor... eternally.
And Alma, even the memories of the days I spent with you...
Yes, I'm infected.
I did everything I could, but I could only delay the progress by a
few days.
The most frightening thing is, that I forget more about you by the
day. So I chose a peaceful death, rather than become the living dead.
Within an hour, I will have entered my eternal sleep. I do hope you'll
understand my decision...
Goodbye and Forever Yours,
Martin Crackhorn

4 days have passed since the accident and the plant at point 42 is
growing amazingly fast.

It has been effected by the T-Virus differently than other plants have
been and shows unique shape in addition to its size. Looking at the way
it behaves, it is now difficult to determine what kind of plant it was

There are two ways in which Plant 42 gathers nutrition. The first is
through its root that reaches into the basement. Immediately after the
accident, a scientist went mad and broke the water tank in the basement.
Now the basement is filled with water. It is easily imaginable that some
chemical elements were blended in the water and promotes the incredibly
fast growth of Plant 42.

Another part of Plant 42 from the basement grows through the duct and
hangs down like so many bulbs from the ceiling of the first floor. Many
vines come out of those bulbs and they are the second resource for its

Once sensing movement, Plant 42 shoots its vines around the prey and
holds it. Then it starts sucking up blood, using the suckers located at
the back of its vine.

It also has some intelligence. It blocks the door by twining its vines
around it especially when it captures prey or is sleeping. Several staff
members have already fallen victim to this.

May 21, 1998
Henry Sarton

As I stated in the last report, there are some common features found in
the cells of the plant infected by the Tyrant virus. We also have found
another interesting fact through some experiments.
We found an element that destroys these plant cells rapidly in "UMB No.
16", one of the series of UMB chemicals that we used for that
experiment. We named this "UMB No. 16" as "V-JOLT".
In our calculation it will take less than 5 seconds to destroy Plant 42
if we put the "V-JOLT" directly on the root.
You need to mix some of the UMB series chemicals in a specific order to
create a "V-JOLT". But the UMB series chemicals may generate a poisonous
gas which is harmful to the human body. Extreme caution should be taken
when handling these chemicals.
Following are the types of UMB series chemicals and their brief
UMB No.2 Red NP-003 Purple
UMB No.4 Green Yellow-6 Yellow
UMB No.7 White
UMB No.13 Blue (stimulating smell)
V-JOLT (UMB No.16) Brown


TOP SECRET July 22, 1998 2:13
To the Head of the Security Department
"X-Day" is approaching. Complete the following orders within the week.
1. Lure members of S.T.A.R.S. into the lab and have them fight with the
B.O.W. in order to obtain data of actual battles.
2. Collect two embryos per B.O.W. type making sure to include all
species except for Tyrant.
3. Destroy the Arklay lab including all researchers and lab animals in a
manner which will seem accidental.
White Umbrella

May 20. At around 10pm a 20-year old young woman's body was found by a
passer-by on the left bank of Marble River in the Older District of
Raccoon City.
Raccoon police assume it to be a grizzly or other animal's doing because
there are teeth marks along her mutilated arms and left foot that show
considerable power. Since she was wearing a hiking boot on her remaining
foot, it has been determined that she was attacked in the Arklay
Mountains and fell into the river. They are hurrying to identify this

Some people claim they've seen monsters in the Arklay Mountains. The
monsters are supposedly about the same size as large dogs and usually
run in a pack as wolves do.
This may sound like a group of ordinary wild dogs, but these monsters
are surprisingly fierce and hard to hurt.
They say these dogs won't bother you unless you wake them, so you smart
readers should stay out of the Arklay Mountains for the time being.
But if you're looking for adventure, check it out! You wanna try?

Due to excessive disasters in the Arklay Mountains, the city authorities
have decided to block the road leading to the foothills.
At the same time, Raccoon police intend to begin the search for lost
people with the help of S.T.A.R.S. team members. They expect great
difficulty because of the vast size of the Arklay Mountains and the
primeval forest that covers most of the area. Also people are still
reporting sightings of grotesque monsters in the mountains.

June 8, 1998
Dear Ada,
Ada, by the time you read this, I'll be something... different. Today's
test turned out to be positive, just as I expected. I feel like going
crazy when I think about becoming one of them.
Ada, you're not infected and I hope you never will be. In case you're
the last one left, take the material in the Visual Data Room and go to
the Power Room to operate the Triggering System before you escape.
And make all this public through the media.
If everything is in order, all the locks can be opened by the security
system. You can access the system if you log in with my name from the
terminal in the small lab and enter the password. The password is your
name. To unlock the door at B2 where the Visual Data Room is located,
you'll need to access with our names first and then enter another
I've written the code below. I'm sure you'll understand it easily.
And this is my last hope - if you find me completely changed, please
kill me yourself.
|\/| /\ |\ |\/|
|/\| \/ | | |
| | /\ | | |

Yours, John

To: General Manager of Sanitation Division
From: Special Committee on Disasters Raccoon Special Research Dept.
This memorandum is strictly confidential and must be destroyed as soon
as it is understood.
Regarding the "T-Virus" outbreak which occurred recently, this Committee
conducted a field survey. According to the results, estimates on the
amount of damage caused by the accident are considerably greater than
reported earlier.
First, although it is very difficult to obtain accurate data in terms
of actual numbers, it is thought that more than half of the researchers
died after exposure to the "T-Virus". The body count will almost likely
increase since nearly all of the survivors show symptoms peculiar to
the "T-Virus". Second, our security system is still in operation.
However, our special security guard squad has been nearly destroyed.
Because of that, research information considered by our company to be
top secret has been made available to outsiders. Counter-measures
should be taken as soon as possible.
Finally, many of the "subjects" from the experiments have escaped and
are out of control. We believe that some of the researchers were killed
by these "subjects" and their bodies were mutilated.
By a curious coincidence, these events are proof of the success of our
research. However, there is also a very high risk that this news may be
leaked to the press if we don't act immediately.
The condition is very serious. Our operation to cover-up the situation
is difficult to attain, however we hope the problem will be solved
We are especially concerned that the State Police and S.T.A.R.S. are
intervening too quickly.
We need to act on this situation as well.

"I swear by myself", declares the Lord, "that because you have done
this and have not withheld your son, your only son,
(Genesis 22:16)

I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the
stars in the sky, and as the sand on the seashore.
Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies,
(Genesis 22:17)

and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed,
because you have obeyed me."
(Genesis 22:18)

Executives and Government Officials only on helicopter port.
This restriction may not apply in case of an accident.

No one is allowed to enter unless they are attended by a Research
Consultant or Security Director.
All others will be shot on sight.

The elevator stops during all emergencies.

Visual Data Room is within the control of Special Research Division.
Keith ArVing, the Room Manager, is designated to have jurisdiction
over room usage.

Sanitation Division controls the usage of the prison. Consultant
Researchers (E. Smith, S. Ross, A. Wesker) must be present if virus
is used.

No one is allowed to enter unless he presents all pass code documents.
Pass code documents must be created on the specialized output machine
by the Chief Researcher of each block.

Only Headquarters Supervisors may enter. This restriction may not apply
in the Consultant Researcher has received special instructions.

No one is allowed to use the pass code output machine but the Chief

Regarding the progress of "Tyrant" after the use of t-virus...
(Remaining document is unreadable)

1. "Umbrealla Bio-Organic Weapon Official Report"
2. "MA-39 Cereberus"
3. "Fi-3 Neptune"
4. "MA-121 Hunter"
5. "T-002 Tyrant"
6. (missing slide)
7. "Bio-Weapon Research Institute. R and D Staff"

Something is written on the back of the picture.
"My dearest Moira and Poly.
I hope you will grow up to be a strong and beautiful woman and help
to cheer up mother.
Your father will watching you all from heaven.

All files have been transcribed exactly as they appear in RESIDENT
EVIL: DIRECTOR'S CUT, including spelling and grammatical errors.


12.1 C R E D I T S

Special thanks to Evil, for sending me the information on the making
of the "V-Jolt", and pointing me in the direction of transcripts for
at least half the documents in the Documents section.

Also, special thanks to my wife for her patience with my hobbies.
She's been wonderful about allowing me to be me, and for that she's
the most beautiful woman in the world, I have no doubt.

Thank you to Capcom Entertainment for creating and continuing to
develop the RESIDENT EVIL series. May the next games be as great as
the previous.