Resident Evil 4-EVER
Resident Evil Code Veronica walkthrough& storyline


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Claire goes to find her brother, but gets  captured by umbrella. Later Chris comes to save her. Here's the walkthrough. I didn't write it, so don't hold me responsible.

Claire s Walkthrough: 8A: (Prison Facility) ============ After the stunning action packed intro go into your inventory and take out the lighter (cut scene) take the handgun bullets that is on the chair. And then the ink combat knife on the desk next to Rodrigo. And head out the double doors, take the ink ribbon next to the typewriter (I suggest you don t save yet since there is only one ink slot) take the handgun bullets on the floor next to small desk and walk down the hallway until you get to the stairs go up and round the corner. (cut scene) Now this is quite the feat and I m guessing by now your screaming at the whacked controls on your Dreamcast controller. Just keep moving away from the area you came up if you get bit a lot don t worry. Head through the door. (cut scene) ok so you got a handgun now there is no gettin past the doors that Steve went though so head through the small door in front of the wrecked jeep, keep going past the flame wreckage and than up to the stairs run all the way down to the end of the deck and grab the green herb. Now back track and head into the first door. There is about 4 zombies in here, take them out to the best of your ability if you move around you can take on zombie at a time with the combat knife. Now search the shelf on right-most wall for the handgun bullets. Walk up the small steps and take the green herb on the work bench. Now head down and enter through the singular door in this room. Read the diary on the bed and head down the little hallway, take the handgun bullets on the shelf next to the zombie pounding on the window. He ends up breaking though (no surprise) and the other zombies around attack. Try and end back to the door you came in and shoot at them or use the combat knife, now go over where the zombie who busted though the glass was and take the MP-100 s save these for now, still concentrate on using your handgun and combat knife. Go into the shower room which is right behind you, in the last shower stall take the handgun bullets. Now head out of this area and keep going down the path outside these rooms. Head into the door, there is some zombies here so take them out. Now head around the corner ignore the zombies in the gates and head through the door down the small alley way. Drop all your items in the security box and go through the halls to the other side. On the table take the BOW gas rounds, flame rounds and first aid spray on the tables. I suggest you stash them in the security box on this side of the room. Do not worry you will get them back later on. Now head into the door take the memo and round the corner to talk to Steve (cut scene) search the computer so the eagle medal comes out from the keyboard area. Take the ink ribbon next to the typewriter (Don t save just yet) Now turn around and hit the lock release where Steve was standing before. Ok now back to the security box throw all your stuff in it, including the ink ribbon and the eagle medal. Now go to the other side now and take your weapons and exit the door and hit the button next to the silver shudder, now a bunch of zombies will come rushing at ya. Run over to door to the security area and take them out, you can hit the explosive canister to make short work of these guys but be careful it does not hit you. Now take the extinguisher in the shudder room and go over to the guillotine where the zombie was pounding on the gate and take the padlock key. Now you have to go all the way back to the beginning where all the zombies came up from the ground, but on the way that little gate door next to the deck can be unlocked with the padlock key for easy back and fourth access. Once back to where the zombies came out of the ground there is that large fire from the helicopter. Put the fire out with your extinguisher and take the case, now that you have the TG-01 you can take the eagle medal out with you from the security office. So head all the way back to the security office where you picked up the f.aid spray and the grenade rounds, take the eagle medal out of the box and put it in the 3D duplicator machine next to the table, and then put the TG-01 on the other side and then get your alloy eagle medal, you can take that through without the shudders closing now, once again do not worry about the items in the security box you can get them later. But...that sound is zombies breaking through the glass waiting for you flesh ya gotta dodge them the best ya can that is all you can do now on the other side grab all your weapons and head back to where Steve exited. Put the eagle medal in the door and enter through. On the bridge go down the little steps and across to the other side back track and grab the handgun ammo in the jeep and then move forward take the 2 green herbs in the corner and move the huge box type thing over the fire and then climb up and take the stairs up. 8B (Palace) ======= Dodge the zombies or take them out head straight on up the stairs. Take out the dogs move into the courtyard and take the navy proof, walk up the main stairs and grab the green herb, enter the palace. Move over to the door on left of Claire shoot the bats, take the handgun ammo that is wedged in between the cabinets and the wall. Grab the first aid spray on sink and next to that the brief case in the corner. Now head out and up the stairs and up the small set on the right and through the door. Save Room ----------------- Take the handgun ammo on shelf and the ink ribbon next to the typewriter, before you save round the corner move the small cabinet and take the card key. Now save if you wish and go back down into the lobby. In the lobby use the key card on the computer. The password is NTC0-394 that unlocks the ground door north of you, go on through. Take the handgun ammo dispose of the zombies and take the red herb next to the bench. Go into the room all the way down the hall. Pick up some more handgun ammo on the table and move forward and press a switch under a encased ant model (cut scene). This moves the giant tank thing so you can move into the secret room, take the steering wheel but do not touch the gold lugers that are on display. Now head back to the lobby and exit the mansion, but not before a cut scene occurs. Rescue Steve: Go all the way back to where you just were and examine the computer panel. This puzzle is not too tough the basic idea is what 2 things are related. The handguns, so hit C for the handgun and then E for the magnum. (cut scene) Now go back to where you first came into this area by the stairs and take the small singular door. Run pass the dogs and through the double doors 8C: (Military Training Facility) =================== Go up the stairs on your right and down the hall to last door. Inside take the bow gun on the desk now head back down stairs (another cut scene) Now move into the first door you encounter on the right. Take out the zombies and pick up the green herb in the corner, on computer panel hit the button to print out the map. On the side of the panel take the quiver of arrows and then head out , now go into the door on the north and through the door, take out the zombies in the locker room search the lockers for a quiver of arrows. Keep moving on take the arrows from the zombie corpse near the door, go through the door and head down the steps and into the water and pull the valve, now go over to the fountain and press pick up the storage key. Take the storage key and go back to the room where you printed out the map and move into the side room in that room and use the storage key on the cabinet and take the poison arrows. Now exit the facility and go over by the palace and past it down the steps, round the corner under the steps and get the map and the handgun bullets. Now use the steering wheel on the little pad near the water. Enter down into the submarine. Grab the side pack in the submarine and press the lever,and then go up the ladder. (8D.) (Underwater Base) =============== Move down the steps and down the next flight. Round the corner and through door. Dispose of the zombies or do some quick dodge action, take the handgun bullets on the couch and enter through the shutter on the right side of the room. Go down the bridge to the other side and through the door. There is a lift up in the left hand corner, take it up. Go over to the crane panel and push it up as far as it goes and the push it to the left as far as it goes. The game will take over. There is a bunch of zombies down there better take a handgun or bow gun to them so you can get on that pad and pick up the items. Once on the pad take the quiver of arrows and the Biohazard card. Ok your done here..for now. Head all the way back to the training facility. Back to Military Training facility: Use the Biohazard care on the shudder near the door north of you when you enter. Head through the hallway and through the door. (cut scene) Don t worry about Alfred just run up the steps and you will scare him away. Head into the door on the right. Down the hall (cut scene) take the two boxes of handgun ammo on top of the card board boxes, now head into the silver door on the right. Save Room ----------------- Grab the green herb tucked next to the table and the hemostat on the couch(put that in the item box) now anything ya want stash into the item box. As well take red herb. Head out Now go into the other door and take the uzi s that are lay in the corner. Head down the steps (cut scene) ahh a new enemy, these guys are pretty tough. Might I suggest using the mp-100 s on them. After that the door on the lower floor unlocks, go down the steps and through the door (cut scene...and a sweet one at that) Store the gold lugers. Steve Burnside +++++++++++++ Your now controlling Mr. Burnside, unfortunately his walkthrough is quite short, but oh well. Take him forward and wait to get two zombies in good range and take them out with the double uzi s. Do not overdue it with the shooting, his mission may be short but there is still limited ammo. No need to head into the door on the left wall cause Steve cannot pick up any ammo or items, so head through the door on the right. Go down the steps and take out the zombies in this room. On the other side of the room is another set of stairs and a platform and through the door (cut scene) Back With Claire: Take Claire into the elevator on to the bottom floor. (cut scene) Leave Steve be and take the elevator. B1F: Now that you have regained control of Claire take the handgun ammo in the lion statue mouth. Now go to that door where I said ya did not need to go w/ Steve. Take the handgun ammo on the shelf now remember this area cause you will need to come back. 1F: On the first floor take out the zombies and go down the hall into the door. Pick up the ink ribbon and grab the crest on the wall near the painting. 2F: Nothing is here right now except a shutter that requires a blue indigo card. Make sure you memorize this area. Now head to where Alfred shot at you from the ledge. And put the crest into the center of headstone between each door. Take the blue indigo card (Emblem card) now go back to the place where you first start to take control of Steve on B1F. In there use the emblem card on the gate and take the grenade launcher. Now go to 2F and use the card on the shutter. Do not worry about the zombies on the floor right now head up the small steps investigate the white screen and read the stuff on the Albino creature. Now head down and move over to the control panel as well picking up the green herbs. Use the camera to zoom in on the skeleton puzzle the number read 1126 now go back to the military training facility main lobby. Use the emblem card on the closed shutter and take the stairs up and down the short hall into the door. Use the 1126 access code on the electronically locked door and move in. Grab the skeleton puzzle, leave (cut scene) those little albinos will sting you but do not worry just keep running out the door and back down into the main lobby before the times expires. 1F: Place the skeleton painting on the wall across from the other painting and the wall lifts up. Investigate the display and take the gold key. If your curious about the green herb and shotgun shells do not worry about them they are for Chris later on. Now it is time to head back to the palace. Back to the Palace: Use the gold key on the double doors next to the door you rescued Steve from. This room is dedicated to one large crucial puzzle. In the main painting up the steps of Alfred there is a file take it if you wish. The simple solution to this puzzle is: Press the switches under the painting in the correct order (sounds familiar to that of the painting puzzle in RE1 doesn t) The order of the paintings to be pressed: -Lady Veronica -Man with 2 babies -Man with cup of tea -Man with red hair who is just sitting -Old man -Man next to lady Veronica painting -Alfred Ashford Take the earth ware vase and check it and take the red ant jewel. Now take the gold lugers Steve gave you and head to the save room in the palace. Place the gold lugers on the door and enter. Oh it seems there is a bit of a thunderstorm going on, take the handgun bullets on the table. Go over to the computer and start it up. Read the clue to puzzle on the desk. Now go over to the clock type thing and input these in the following order. -each set of digits gives you a number which will be used for the computer password. First Digit: Left, Right CODE: 1 Second Digit: Left CODE: 9 Third Digit: Right CODE: 7 Fourth Digit: Right (x3) CODE: 1 -As you can see the code is 1971. Now punch that password in on the comp a bandersnatch breaks through the glass take him out and (coincidentally the storm stops :p the secret door opens. Head through take the green herb on the floor in the corner and take the path down the bridge Head up the eerie steps, and follow that freakish laugh. Some bandersnatchs are gonna show up you can either take them out risking health and wasting ammo or you can just dodge them. Head up the stairs and through the double doors, take out the bats and go up the stairs and move around the winding ledge and up the stairs grab the handgun ammo and the first aid spray. Move into the door at the end (cut scene) move over the right and around the corner and into the door. Place the red jewel on the music box top and take the music plate, and grab the silver key that is on the bed. Now head back to the palace. Back to the palace....again: On the second floor the room on the opposite side of the save room is where you can use the silver key. Inside the gambling room pick up the handgun ammo on the podium and the explosive darts on the roulette table. Over by the bar there is two green herbs as well. Remember that little piano that is also in this room. Now there is one more room to investigate go down into the palace lobby and head into door on upper left hand corner. Now go through the double doors, there are two bandersnatches here and they are a pain to maneuver around take them out and grab the eagle plate in the middle of the room and the Hunk report at the other end of the room. Hunk?...hmm I hope you remember that name. Now it is time to go back to the prison facility. (remember to bring the hemostat) Back to Prison Facility: Now before you go to where you need to go head all the way back to the prison cell in the beginning of the game it may seem far but it ain't. A cutscene occurs right when you enter. As a rewards your given a lock pick. Now head back to the guillotine, place the eagle plate into the door next to the guillotine take out the zombies and go through the door. There are zombies here so take them out and pick up the green herb by the oil drums, do not go into the wooden door yet. Instead head down into the metal gate. Hop onto the box and push it out of your way stash what you want in the item box (Remember to open the brief case to get the explosive darts keep them in there, do not use them) and head through the door. TA DA! remember this area, run around the corner through the door and collect your stuff from the security box and put it in your item box. Now go back to that wooden door. Grab the first aid spray in the cabinet, and then head through the door on the other side...yes that body bag moved :p Ok now things are getting disturbing, there is a whole slew of zombies here take em out. On the table is a brief case and handgun bullets take those. Unlock the brief case to get the handgun parts, combine them to make the modified handgun. Now go back into the previous room and investigate that horrific sound, yep the cat..uh hmm zombie is outta the bag now. Take out this extra hard zombie and pick up the glass eye. Now go into the side room and place the eye into the human body display. Opens a secret door head down the stairs. Head through the pathway taking out the bats, take the green herb at the bend. Now go up through the door.Take the rusted sword and use it on the contrapment in the middle of the room on the north wall. It opens and a zombie attacks kill or dodge and pick up the roll of piano notes. You should remember where those go, so now head back to the palace. Back to the palace..uh..and again: Use the piano roll on the piano and plays the little Ashford theme song, the slot machine bottom opens and presents a blue jewel ant. Take it and head back to the Ashford residence up on the hill. But before..Places to use that lock pick of yours: -In the drawer in the office in the military training facility (handgun bullets) -Cabinet in B!F room (acid rounds) -Bottom cabinet door on podium in the room w/ the 2 paintings and the military facility model (first aid spray) 8E (Ashford private Residence): ======================= All the bats have been replaced with zombies, dodge them or kill them and head upstairs into the Ashford rooms. In Alfred s room put the blue jewel ant on the music box and put the gold music plate down. The bed reveals a secret ladder. Climb up, scout around the room for a green herb and a dragon fly model, check it and remove the wings. Go over to the ant mural on the wall and put the dragon piece in. The carousel shifts then go up the ladder. File the newspaper clippings. Move the box over climb up and take the final proof (air force proof) grab the ink ribbon and head back down into the Ashford room. (cut scene) Now it s time to head back to the underwater base. Back to the Underwater Base: The alarm is set by Alfred meaning you got to get the heck outta there, so now go all the way back to the main lobby in the underwater base and head through the singular door, head up and access the panel so the pad comes closer, now on the panel that is on the little pad place all three proofs on it (cut scene) You need to raise the bridge, so pick up the ink ribbon near the typewriter (do not save just yet) and grab the level on the floor. Now go out to the lobby and head through the shutter on the other side of the lobby. Go down the bridge and into the door, take the small elevator lift up and round the corner and through the door, use the level on the panel, now dart across the bridge into the door. There is a oil pressure system (do not need to solve) and some zombies in the corner(whom wont attack) pick up the airport key among the pile of zombies and head out and back down the elevator lift. Use the key on the gate by the door w/ the red light shed upon it and enter through there. There is a problem with the boxes under the shutter, but before you do anything, pick up the handgun bullets, the herbs and the box of grenade rounds. Now take and drop what you need in the item box, get the the grenade launcher w/ regular rounds or custom handgun. And save game. Now the box that is blocking the shutter, move it under so it fits through. Then get on the other side of the other box push it to the end and then shove it under like the other one. Now enter the elevator.(cut scene) Hmm look where we end up, round the corner through the door. And back to the underwater base(cut scene) Semi Boss: (Tyrant) Uh oh notta o good, all you have to do is back up and fire rounds at him. Use either the handgun which fires fast or the regular rounds in the grenade launcher, he will drop to one knee, but that is not it. Keep firing when he gets up and he will end up dropping, now get outta therE! Back to airplane: Once back to the airplane you will have a talk with Steve (cut scene) but wait was that Tyrant fight it?....of course not. I suggest you save your game and arm yourself with the best weapon. Take the bow gun with explosive darts, or grenade launcher with acid rounds. Now go through back door in the plane. 8F: (Boss: Tyrant round 2) ================== There is a panel right next to you when you enter, do not worry about that now, so move over and pull out you bow gun, poison arrows work best on him so pull it out and fire like 20 30 shots in a row. This tyrant has a few crazy moves, his over head slash will literally bring you close to danger so keep spray and herbs on hand. He also has a combo with his slashing make sure you fire a few shots and retreat if you use anything else. Never let him get you close to the butt of the jet or he will launch you out. Once he has taken hell from your trigger finger hurry back and slam on the button on the panel and whoops there goes a crate point blank in his chest and out the back door. (End disc cut scene) When it says put disc 2 in: Open lid and place disc 2 in, save during disc transfer Disc 2: ====== 8G. (Antarctic Base:) ============= After the cut scene move along the terrace pass the double doors and into the singular door next to the stairs, all those zombies lying around can not be a good thing, go over to the desk and take the handgun bullets and the first aid spray in the locker and take the explosive arrows on the desk. *the first zombie that falls, on the bunk bed is some handgun bullets* (cut scene) well it was bound to happen that the zombies would attack. Take them out and go on the other side of the shelves there is some hidden handgun bullets. Now bout the middle point of the room and swerve right in the corner (you can not see it) there is an ink ribbon. Now head out and go down the stairs and run forward to the first door. Save Room ----------------- Al right before you get all situated, tend to that annoying rattling sound. Move forward and push that book case and then down the hall and let the rat go and grab the file. Do not worry about the button right now, there is no power so you ain't gonna move that wall. Now go back into the main save room pick up the green herb and the arrows on the desk. There is also an ink ribbon on the table (save if you wish now) Exiting the save room take a right (cut scene) get ready to be annoyed beyond belief. These new enemies will cause you nothing but grief *there is a case of blue herbs you can use it as much as ya want when your poisoned* head through the double doors. In this area head over to the double doors labeled Weapon dodge the zombies and take the Mining room key on the conveyer belt , move around the corner and the investigate the green cabinets near the missile carrying case get the Ak-47, save it for Chris. Now move on and around the corner pick up the detonator and use it on the cabinet right in front of you. *You need a lighter for this however, but do not worry Chris will take care of that later* Now head out this room and on to the other pair of double doors labeled BOW. There are spiders in here, so be careful and take them out or dodge them on the far wall is a green herb and a blue herb, also there is handgun bullets on the crate. On the other side of the room on another crate is a Bar code sticker, take it and head back out. Near the small stair case is a power panel and a lever next to a conveyer belt and as well a box. Slap the bar code sticker on the box and head up the small staircase to use that mining room key. Head all the way down and into the door. Move down and grab the 2 boxes of handgun bullets and kill the zombie dog. Wrap around the corner and into the enclosed gate area and hit the button, now go back out taking out the 2 dogs if you must and head into the alcove to switch on the power. Now move out of this room. Once back in the main room with the control panel and the box w/ the bar code sticker. Press the switch on the panel to access power, and then pull the level the box goes moving into another room (Do not be concerned with where it goes) now that the power is restored head back to the save room. In the save room you hit the switch in the locker, it moves secret door revealed (cut scene) now go next to the moved door and take the plant pot. Check it and look on the bottom to reveal the machinery room key. Now head up stairs pass the moths and down into the double doors. Head to right side of the screen and down to the door where you use the machinery room key. (cut scene) Looks like Steve s horney tendencies are getting the best of him. Now go all the way back into the main room with the conveyer belt and go into room labeled BOW grab the gas mask now that the room is filled w/ poison. Ok now for some more backtrackage, head all the way to the 2nd floor and go into the room on the left. In the back room pace the valve onto the device, now head back down to the main area and up the small set of stars. Now veer off to Claire s right climb up the blocks and onto the small platform and use the valve. (cut scene) Now pick up the sniper rifle, and get ready for a short boss fight. Run back to the save room if you must get herbs and sprays. Now move on (cut scene) 8H. (Boss (Nosferatu) ============== Now your gonna need to use that sniper rifle ya got. Now you only have 7 shots make each one painful for this guy. Equip and use the other shoulder button to zoom in, you need to shoot that deformation on his chest point blank. Take it with precise. His basic attacks are tentacle whip, so keep your distance, he also has a poison gas release which can not be cured by blue herbs, but the fight is not long so do not worry just heal regularly. After a few shots Claire will finish him off (cut scene) -End Claire Walkthrough 8I. Chris Walkthrough: =============== Oh yeah! after that nice little introduction gamers can once again regain control of our fav. zombie slaying star..CHRIS REDFIELD move on and pick up the green herb and round the corner use the item box at will grab the ink ribbon. Make sure to take the Ak-47 in the item box you left when you were Claire. 8J. (Boss Fight: Worm) Remember that large worm thing that popped outta the ground before when you were Claire, well it is time to take him down...oh come on you knew it was bound to happen. The best way to beat this guy has gotta be the AK-47, it is most likely the most powerful weapon ya got in your inventory, and you need a fast paced weapon to take down this fast paced creature. Here is the best strategy; he has 2 basic moves one where he partially comes out of the ground and the other when he bursts up and stands straight in the air, that is when you want to hit him the other time just do your best to dodge that. Now when he stands erect unload on him with Ak-47 *Do not worry about wasting your whole 100% on the thing, surprisingly it takes a while to even get down to 80%* he will eventually go down (cut scene) Ok ya got the lighter, big deal right? well eh it is gonna get ya few goods here and there coming up. Go around the corner pick up the herbs, handgun ammo and bow gun arrows. Now back track to where you met up w/ Rodrigo where there is a statue, push the switch and it lowers the gate revealing sub machine guns, use the lighter and grab the SMG and head back to where you fought the worm and go through the elevator. 8K (Military Training Facility:) =================== The place is swarming w/ zombies (where they came from, who knows) go through the double doors, push the switch in back of the tank *where Alfred pushed it in the scene before the end of disc 1* now pick up the handgun ammo under the tank and take the lift down. Grab the herbs and the shotgun shells then head around the corner and into the door. Save Room ----------------- Ahh rest, take the herbs on the ground, as well as the shotgun shells, ink ribbon and handgun ammo on the desk. There is a puzzle in here involving drawers, they must be opened in a certain order to get a certain something. This certain something opens Steve in the battle game. If your going through the game for quick time don t take it. But if your just playing to play take it. Here is the solution RED GREEN BLUE BROWN. Now take the gold luger stash it in the box and save if you will. Now head out the door and head north to take the battery *cut scene* yeah spiders are no fun, this guy is easily bypassed, so run by him and take the lift. Once back up head back through the double doors and across the room to the yellow lift, place the battery in the lift and take it up. Get the file and the chem. storage key, take the elevator now and go to B1F, head down the now available stairs, take the shotgun on the wall and the handgun ammo, ink ribbon. Go through the door. Head through the lab and up the stairs, press the switch on the panel for the tank to lower revealing a 50% clip for the Ak-47. Now head through the double metallic doors, head into the singular door and pass the electronic door lifters into the lab. Use the chem. storage key on the small container and set the temp. to 128 and then pick up the clement E now head out and pick up the doorknob on the elevator panel. (cut scene) yep hunters, use the Ak-47 and them and head out of here and go to floor 2F and use enter the brown door and weave in and out of the spotter (camera) and around the corner into the door next to that small table w/ the notepad. Al right your on the 2nd floor of the military training facility use doorknob on the door and enter in. On the ledge there is some handgun bullets in the far corner and on a stand is the tank object. Now remember that diagram of the military training facility on floor 1F while taking the elevator, round the corner beware there are spotters everywhere now. Enter the door and your back in the painting room. Use the tank object on the diagram and the frame on the wall moves revealing a place for 3 medals and also giving you the turn table key and a file. Now run back to where the first hunters appeared, and as well where you picked up the doorknob. And use the turn table key on it pad. But.....not before an incredible cut scene which involves an old friend. After taking the turn table up into the main area of the military training facility, head through the door ahead of you and dispose of the several zombies lurking around, pick up the shotgun shells on the floor and then head into the side room and through the busted wall and then to that door in the hallway. Your in the courtyard area, I hope ya brought along the emblem card, if not might wanna head back. Once that is done go past the gate and down the ladder hit the lever on the panel and then move down to where the bars are. Now use the emblem card to raise the bars. Hop down weave in and out of the zombies or take them down, now head up the small steps north east of you and through the door, blast the hunter and move into the door opposite of the room, on the work bench upgrade your glock 17 and get the 2nd clement on the shelf. Now head to the main lobby of training facility and go out the double doors. Be careful there are 2 sweepers here and it s hard to dodge em. There is some shells personally I wouldn t bother with them. Now head into the larger elevator door and take the elevator down. Remember this room?..head over to the item box throwing anything in there and what not, also notice the typewriter next to you. Now head through the shutter. The zombies in this room are really easy to dodge, head into the singular door and kill the hunter. Grab all the proofs from where you put them in as Claire, know head out and go on the other side of the room and head through the shutter, go down the stretch into the shutter on the other side. Take out the hunter and take the lift up. Round the corner and into the singular door room. When this room, there is a small gas puzzle ya gotta solve, here is the simple soultion Gas Puzzle: -Hit 3 gauge twice -Hit 5 once -Empty the 10 (hit the 10 switch) -Hit 3 gauge twice -Hit the 5 Once that happens of course the zombies get restless from your success so now ya gotta take them out *you don t have to kill them, but if you take them out w/ the handgun there are some shells waiting over by them for ya* now head back out the door Back in the painting room place all the proofs on the small panel, the diagram moves, you can now get a green herb and 2 boxes of shells. Head down the ladder. There are spiders down here dodge them and if ya can pick up the ammo and the herbs sitting on floor, keep moving and head down another ladder. Go down the hallway and get the 2 green herbs and the blue herb and round the corner. This is a semi boss fight you can fire away at this guy, but I wouldn t so here is what ya do grab the handgun ammo in the far corner. Now run around faking the albino out and then hop into the water now grab that eagle plate in the middle of the pool it is expected that you will get shocked a few times, now when ya got it run back to the rim and hop back up. ALL SET! =) now head back to the save room in the bottom floor in the military training faclilty. Now mix the clements together and mix that with the eagle plate to get the halebro. This little item if you remember is what Alfred used to open the double doors to his jet. Head out of the save room go north to the double metal doors and use the halebro. (cut scene) 8L. (Antarctic part I:) ============= Al right Chris has made it this far, it s time to finish this and retrieve Claire, head down the terrace and into the 2nd double door. The worm from the before cut scene evidently in his free time enjoys busting through walls and resting his sluggish form on cold metal (sounds fun :p) Al right your not getting past him easily, shoot him with the handgun or shotgun for fast results move on, now take out the other piece of him and then once again move on. Head down the ladder and into the double doors. One the terrace from Chris view head right into the singular door. Now a little mess has gone down, take out the zombies and grab the briefcase in the now busted open gate, now get outta here and back to where you went down the ladder. And into singular door next to the stairs there is a case of grenade rounds on the bed on the left wall. Now exit Now go down the stairs and head straight into the save room. Save Room ----------------- There is a few extra things to do here, on the wall there is a little halebro symbol use it and a drawer opens revealing a diary, and ink ribbon and a paper weight. You can toss the paper weight in the item box Now back up the stairs and head back to those double doors head to the left in Chris view. In here go across the ice and grab the valve. A whole bunch of zombies bust up from the ice, dodge around them (waste of ammo if ya stay) Back out, head to the other side, hop down onto the ice and then move up the terrace on the other side. And into the door. 8M. (Antarctic Lab:) ============ (cut scene) right after the cut scene you will get caught by a camera (most likely) kill the hunter and keep going around the corner and through the door. After that elevator ride, don t mind that sound of a sweeper and just go directly into the door in front of you. Now when through there will be another door right next you enter in. Save Room ----------------- There are 2 boxes of handgun ammo, shells in to far corner. And 2 green herbs and a blue one. As well as an ink ribbon on the desk. Collect all and use the valve on machine on the far north/right now go to the other side and flip the lever up to turn on the power. Once this is done, if you have the extinguisher in the box grab it, if ya don t skip forward. Using the extinguisher: Remember where the camera first made its appearance here, head back up and through the double doors next to it. Press the button on the panel, the extinguishment comes up refill your extinguisher and head down the lift. Now attend the fire and use the extinguisher, now collect the magnum on top of the box. Go onto the other side of the room where there is a metal cabinet. If you placed the detonator on this, use the lighter to get 3 boxes of handgun ammo. Now go back by the save room Now the power is restored head through the winding path taking out all the zombies, pick up 3 green herbs, and 2 blue herbs and then head through the electronic doors. oooooh Look familiar (for all those who have played the first Resident Evil, this will be easily recognized) pick up the handgun ammo on the table as well as the shells. Move the statue to wall near where ya got the ammo and push it over the crack in the floor to get the puzzle. Go through the red area and wrap around to once again another nostalgic RE piece. Pick the gems one at a time out from the tiger for a socket piece and some magnum ammo. Go back and stash those in the item box. Now head back near the statue and go through the silver and brown door.(w/ your paperweight) Don t worry about those little bugs on the ground, they are harmless, they will bite at you but it does next to no damage, pick up the dragonfly wing object, now there is 1 green herb on each side of the room, head to the door on Chris left first into those double doors there will be some zombies to dispose of, around 6 or 7. Take them out and grab the scattered green and blue herbs. Now go into that other little room take the box of handgun ammo on the desk, and on the other side of the chair if you investigate there is another hidden box of handgun ammo. Now head out of here and go into the door on the opposite side of the room. In this room access the panel next to the tank. It asks you to punch in some symbols. Here are the symbols needed to be pressed -AA -King s crown -Heart -Black Spade Now place the paper weight into the open drawer the tank comes up, and ooh look who it is. Grab Alfred s ring. Investigate the ring to take off the piece to get just a blue jewel. Now back near the save room, and enter the door next to it and head to the open area, where you hear that suspicious noise. Ready your shotgun and take out the sweeper, pick up the green herb. Wrap around to the other side, pick up the dragonfly wing object 2, and then hop into the water and pick up the 3rd dragonfly wing object. No go through the double doors. Ooooh once again a familiar item for all who played RE1, even though the layout is a tad different. Head up the stairs and place the blue jewel in painting, and as well grab the glittering combat knife on the ledge, or ya can just go back to your item box if your outta room. Now take the knife go down the stairs and go behind the base of the stairs. LOOK who IT IS! use the combat knife (cut scene) *NOTE: You will regain control of Claire shortly, make sure you leave the bow gun in the box if ya have it on ya. And keep the magnum and the shotgun in Chris inventory screen before delivering the serum to Claire* Now ya need to go get the serum. Go all the way back to the area where you picked up the magnum, down the lift next to the extinguishment. There are some zombies here now, take em out and then grab the serum on the shelf and return it back to Claire all the way back in the mansion (cut scene) 8N: (Claire Brief Walkthrough:) ===================== Back with Claire, and she s pretty hurtin, take the herbs near the door and the handgun ammon on table. As well take the shotgun shells on the table. Store those in the item box. *NOTE: You don t do a lot with Claire, so take only the bow gun and the handgun with her, and stash any other weapons in the box for Chris. All of the weapons you take with Claire you will never get back in the game. So have her take the weakest weapons* If you do have the shotgun you can place it on the brackets behind the book case to get some grenade ammo. Situate yourself with the item box and then move through the door. That worm type thingy will bust through the wall fire rounds at him and move on through the next door. There is a zombie in the cell, don t bother now keep moving and go up the small set of stairs, investigate the cannon to get the security card inside a crystal. *There is some bow gun ammo in the cell next to you, if your really hurtin for ammo* Now this is a tricky maneuver. Take the crystal ball and move to the middle of the large cement block that drops down and quickly place the crystal ball there. Claire will move back and the block will crush the crystal, so now you can go forward and grab the security card. Now quick turn and run out of the blockers way or your done. Ok know go to the silver door next to the entrance you came though here from, and enter the silver door. In this room you can use the security card on the panel to gain access through the bars. Move down through the area At the end a cut scene takes place. Steve chase: Al right this is a tough little situation ya gotta quick turn right when this chase begins and run like mad, try to swerve around dodging the axe blows, but it s tough. If you take even 2 blows your done 1 hit: Caution/sometimes severe caution 2nd hit: Danger 3rd hit: The death of you =) Now once ya get back to the bars a cut scene takes over. After that very sad scene we switch over to a cut scene w/ Chris. This is a little unfair of Capcom, springing all these fights on ya. But eh 8O. (Boss: Alexia Type 1:) Either having the magnum on hand is good or the shotgun. This battle is a little tough if your not equipped well. Run around cause she plants rows of fire everywhere, and if you get near her it s instant death a grab and you go bursting in flames. So keep away. She takes about 6 magnum rounds to kill with. Run around and fire the typical strategy. Good luck Once the fight is over pick up the pink Alexia jewel that she drops by the staircase and place it in painting atop the stairs. Now one more jewel and your all set. So we got brother, sister and oops seem to be missing the father jewel. But where is father Asford? That socket ya got in box grab that and combine it w/ your vavle and head back to where ya got the refil on the extinguisher and take the ladder up. Use the new refined valve near the water tank. The water drains out then climb down the ladder and pick up the crane key. Uh OH! a sweeper better waste him w/ a few well placed shells. Take the crane key all the way back to square shaped room w/ the ice floor and the terrace that wraps around the room. Opposite the side of the double doors is a small hut, run into there and use the crane key. Oh look who it is, looks like Mr. Ashford went for a little dip and he posesses the 3rd gem. However.... there is a catch that black widow spider is ready to take you out. You don t have to kill the spider so run around him as much as possible and grab that jewel that lies on the ice. Once obtained head all the way back to the mansion and use the third jewel on the painting and enter the door. There is quite a lot of zombies lingering around here, don t take them out yet, go into the double doors on Chris right, take the 2 green herbs next to the stairs. Take the lift down and press the blue button on the panel to remove the cover and take the dragon wing object. Also pick up the handgun bullets in between the 2 clear tanks. Take the lift back up and go up the small set of stairs and you will unlock the door, head through. Keep heading straight and into the next door. (cut scene) Oh no end of the game action music. Need not to worry, your quest is not over yet. There is still some stuff ya need to do. So head out of here and back out the double doors where all the zombies are take them out and then move down the hallway to left of Chris and into the first door on the left. This is a save room w/ out the item box however. Next to the typerwriter take the ink ribbon and the box of shells in the chest next to the save desk. On the coat rack is a first aid spray. Next to the coat rack is another desk on the right drawer is the Biohazard key a.k.a Sterile Room key, take that and head out. Around the corner is 2 green herbs, once you get those head all the way back to the save room near the arctic labs. In here turn off the power and return to the tiger statue. *Make sure that the tiger statue isn t sided left or right but in the center so you can now take both the red and the blue jewel* Take those jewels and head all the way back to where to that hallway and go into the door next to those green herbs lying on the floor. This is a replica of Alfred s room, and beyond the stone relif is a replica of Alexia s room. Now head into Alexia s room, place the red jewel on the music box, it opens now take the music box plate. Now head into Alfred s room. Place the blue jewel on the music box and then place the music box plate in. It reveals a secret passage from the bed, head up. Go down the passage and into the room *F.Y.E this is the room the Asford bro and sis were in that FMV of them feeding the dragonfly to the ants* , pick up the handgun bullets on the table if ya need em. There is 2 green herbs near the north wall. In the lttle cylnder case is the middle dragon fly object. Pick it up and combine it w/ the wings to get the full piece. Now head down and all the way back to the save room. I suggest you take as many health items ya can get, however your best weapons too stocked w/ ammo. Now go back to where Claire was trapped and head down the jail hall and up the stairs. Use the dragonfly object on the panel to the far left and door opens head through. *Another note, head back before going through and add another health item to your iventory, save your game and scrap the ink ribbon so you have another slot open.* In this door there are 2 zombies, take them out and head out, head up the steps and to the panel on the far left. Next to the panel is a green herb, use the secruity card and type in the password. What is it? you ask. Ask yourself what game your playing Resident Evil: Code VERONICA! type in veronica, and the self destruct thing goes off, it s time to finsih this. Head out the door ya came in (cut scene) 8P. (Last Boss:) 1st FORM: This is not even really a form so to speak, all ya need is one quick shot to Alexia *use shotgun* -Now comes the hard part... This is it, for all the marbles. This has to be the hardest boss fight ever in a Resident Evil game, mainly because there is no place to run. Make sure you have at least 6 to 8 rounds in the magnum on hand and around 30 shotgun shells just to be safe bring along the sub-machine guns as well if ya got them loaded. If they are under 30 percent forget it and just go with the other artillery. Try to get some blue and green herbs, and some first aid sprays, how man you ask...well I would say at least 5 herbs and sprays just to be safe. Not to say you can not beat her with say 2, cause ya can. Now lets get to the fight.. 1st Form: She will attack with a few basic moves, she can not move really cause she is just a blob, however she has tentacles that will occasionally come out and whip ya sending you to the floor, her other move is where she sends tons of little parasite bugs on the ground to annoy you beyond belief it becomes so unbearable at times your gonna need to move from one side of the room to the other. Unload without stopping a whole 6 rounds in the magnum, once your out pull out the shotgun or sub-machine guns and fire rapidly at her. Keep moving from one to the other once again and keep firing until there is a cut scene. 2nd Form: This form is reasonably easy but if you die here your gonna need to start the fight over from scratch. It is a pain but just reuse your techniques. On this form she flies around in the air, pick up the Linear Launcher behind you. She will toss balls of flame to the ground which are really quite easy to avoid run around in a sorta half circle as the flames fall you from behind and you will not get hit. Once she finishes she will take a break and now is your time to shoot. Aim up and zoom like you would with the sniper rifle and fire, she will move out of your sites a lot so just move it from left to right. But do not waste time, she will start in with the fireballs again and then is when you need to take a break and retry. Keep an eye on the health and good luck.